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Which Call Against Seattle Was the Worst?  

142 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Call Against Seattle Was the Worst?

    • Rothlesberger TD when Ball was Down Before Goal Line
    • Push-Off By Ingram which Nullified Seattle TD
    • Holding Call Nullifying Seattle's 1st & Goal from the 2
    • Illegal Block on Hasselback

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in 30 years of watching NFL football, i can never ever remember a TD being called when the ball was downed where Rothlesberger put it.  Either that was no TD or the 100's of other times a player who downed a ball at that spot got robbed of a TD.


They only called it a tD because there wasn't conclusive evidence to overturn it, which to me was the right call to make according to the rules. I don't think he got in, or the ball crossed any part of the goalline, but they couldnt overturn it from the replay.

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Define "worst". 


The call on Rothlesburger's TD was the most damaging to Seattle...but the "blocking too low" on Hasselbeck's tackle was the most egregiously stupid, I think.




Exactly right.


This was a horrible officiating team. They definitely put their negative mark on the game.


The NFL should be ashamed of their performance.

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They only called it a tD because there wasn't conclusive evidence to overturn it, which to me was the right call to make according to the rules. I don't think he got in, or the ball crossed any part of the goalline, but they couldnt overturn it from the replay.


the worst part about that is that as the ref was running in, he was calling it down, then halfway toward the play he called it a td.

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They only called it a tD because there wasn't conclusive evidence to overturn it, which to me was the right call to make according to the rules. I don't think he got in, or the ball crossed any part of the goalline, but they couldnt overturn it from the replay.



I don't have a problem with them not overturning it, I have a problem with them calling it a TD on the field to begin with. If it was going to be called a TD the ref should have had his hands up immediately but the official only called it a TD after Ben was down and reached the ball out over the plane. It's the way it was called a TD that was fishy. Had the official thrown up his hands immediately I don't think anybody would be complaining.

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That's another one I was wondering about and agree with you. he clearly clicked the pylon with his second foot before going out of bounds. I thought that the Steelers screwed themselves when they called that time-out and it gave the guys in the booth extra time to look it over but they never did. And the announcers never mentioned it. Anyone know the real rule on that? I think that should have been a TD.



That was a TD...nobody on TV mentioned it, but I couldn't believe there wasn't a review. If Seattle was Buffalo...we'd be boarding the 12:10AM Greyhound to NYC in order to burn down the league offices.


I bet on Pitt so I will gladly take it, but this game was raw. The funniest thing was on Pittsburgh's last drive, Big Ben made the 1st down by about a yard and a half, only to see the ref spot it an inch or two past the marker.....as to cover his butt for the other 8 blatant misses.

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The worst call from an officiating standpoint was the illegal block on Hassleback. Of course, the most damaging was the push-off, but at least that one was a little closer to actually being a push off (though I would not have thrown a flag on that very slight push).

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in 30 years of watching NFL football, i can never ever remember a TD being called when the ball was downed where Rothlesberger put it.  Either that was no TD or the 100's of other times a player who downed a ball at that spot got robbed of a TD.



I saw Emmit Smith get a TD that way once.....

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The other play at the end of the 1st half -- Hasselback threw to DJack, who caught it going into the end zone.  They called him out....clearly lookd in to me!!  And no review!!  He got one foot down, then the other CLEARLY kicked over the pylon.  That is a TD....not even reviewed.



Under NFL rules, that is not a catch, and therfore not a TD. The rule about "the ball crossing the plane" *only* applies *after* establishing a catch. Darrell Jackson did not get two feet in bounds with the catch, therfore it was not a catch, and therfore not a TD.



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Could have been a good game except the officials truly ruined it.  I am no fan of either team so I have no particular axe to grind or bias. other than wanting to see a good Super Bowl.  But consistently and suspiciously throughout critical moments of the game the officials made calls that consistently went against the Seahawks.  Granted one of them was overturned (one of them was not), but the question remains why so many calls against Seattle?  In particular, which call do you think was the worst?



I actually feel very strongly that Roethlisberger scored. I think it is weird the way the call was made on the field, as the ref clearly changed his mind while running towards the spot (what, did he think that Roethlisberger would *not* reach the ball over the goal line after hitting the ground????) - but I think that the replay shows almost conclusively that the ball just ever-so-slightly, yet clearly, broke the plane of the goalline.


I also think that the offensive pass interference was the right call, if ticky tacky. The NFL actually needs more of that. (Although, wasn't it Darrell Jackson called for it?)


The worst call, however, was a non-call. On a huge 3rd Down run by Roethlisberger, a WR is holding his man in open space. Its a ticky-tack call, but no moreso than the offensive interference, and one that is called frequently. It should have been called.



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Define "worst". 


The call on Rothlesburger's TD was the most damaging to Seattle...but the "blocking too low" on Hasselbeck's tackle was the most egregiously stupid, I think.


Personally, I could see where Roethlisberger *might* have nicked the plane with the ball when he was first being hit. Wondered the same as many of you about the linesman running with one hand raised (as if to spot the ball short), then changing his mind once he saw BR on the ground in the endzone. Knew they weren't going to overturn it, though...

It was definitely closer to being a TD than the infamous "Vinny's helmet" score for the Jets a few years back, but I'll leave it at that.


But when the F%#! did it become a penalty to attempt to make a tackle? "Blocking below the waist"?!? WTF?!?!?!?


Watched the game with two good friends, both Steeler fans. They were happy with the outcome (of course), but agreed the officiating was questionable at best.

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That was my read, too. They probably made the right call based on the rules but i don't think he got in.


Did anyone else think that the Steelers were offsides on the phantom hold, too, that would have been first and goal on the one? The OLB definitely jumped the snap, it was just a matter of whether he crossed the LOS before the ball moved. I think he did. Actually, I think he did it two plays in a row.


Yeah, I noticed that too. I was surprised no penalty was called.

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I think the most damaging was the hold after Stevens' catch. That started the chain of events that drove the game out of hand.


They have 1st and goal from the 1 if that doesn't happen. They almost certainly get 7 out of it. But then two plays later, Hassel throws the pick. Then the ridiculous penalty on the return.


4 plays later it is 21-10.

No holding call there, and it is probably 17-14 Seattle.



Don't forget about the horse collar tackle on Alexander on the play after the holding call.

That would have been a 15 yd penalty and a first down, i believe. Another huge non-call.


And, big ben blocked a guy below the knees on the randle el td pass, which was also not called.

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Personally, I could see where Roethlisberger *might* have nicked the plane with the ball when he was first being hit. Wondered the same as many of you about the linesman running with one hand raised (as if to spot the ball short), then changing his mind once he saw BR on the ground in the endzone. Knew they weren't going to overturn it, though...

It was definitely closer to being a TD than the infamous "Vinny's helmet" score for the Jets a few years back, but I'll leave it at that.




But when the F%#! did it become a penalty to attempt to make a tackle? "Blocking below the waist"?!? WTF?!?!?!?



This "all star" crew must have been officiating flag football games, or maybe bobsled racing, all year. That was one of the worst calls I have ever seen. And to make it in the Super Bowl.


Simply surreal.

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And, big ben blocked a guy below the knees on the randle el td pass, which was also not called.



But, that was a block below the knees. Since Ben did it, it was cool.


Hass tackled the guy and as the tumble of humanity fell chaotically to the ground some (*^*&%^$^#in a Steeler jersey almost got tripped up in the wash. That's clearly a penalty! :doh:

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The ball was PARALLEL to the plane of the goal when Ben went down... Look at it in slo-mo and carry a line up the plane of the goal... The ball is a hair short... IMO, I think BR's glove (it obsured and "blended" the colors together) went a long way of making the call possible... His wrap around swipe of the ball over the goal-line AFTER he was down sealed the call.


And did anybody catch the very poor spot they gave him on his 3rd down scramble later in the game... The ball should have been farther past the 1st down yard line... Making a very easy 1st down look closer than it was. Was this an attempt to be more "even handed" with Seattle? :doh::angry: IMO, just poor officiating.


It is the call on the field that is the sticker... The burden of proof falls the other way. It is sad that on calls like this that they actually got to make a call on the field instead of going right to the booth.

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But when the F%#! did it become a penalty to attempt to make a tackle? "Blocking below the waist"?!? WTF?!?!?!?


Watched the game with two good friends, both Steeler fans. They were happy with the outcome (of course), but agreed the officiating was questionable at best.



I thought the same thing. It is a way to keep them (Seattle) down and test their metal... I was amazed that Matt Hasselbeck held his composure... It was a damn fine tackle!


This game really ranks up there with the "Just Give It to 'EM" game... Again, gotta hand it to Seattle, they really maintained there composure.


Lucy (The NFL) you gotta lotta 'splaining to do!

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Checking around some different boards... found a link to this thread at patsfans.com (from the 'Squawk board at the Seattle P-I):


Fan reaction from around the league


Posted by primal at 2/5/06 9:05 p.m.


First off, my condolenzes (sp)

That was the sorriest display of officiating in SB history IMO

I visited a few teams sites just to check out reaction from around the league.

The consensus is your boys got screwed!


Here is my list. Any teams not listed were ones that I couldn't find an active site for. Every team that had an active forum thougth you guys were screwed!


Colts board







Patsfans.com #1

Patsfans.com #2










Buffalo Bills






















KFFL General Forum








Tampa Bay Bucs











Atlanta Falcons







Kansas City Chiefs



Cleveland Browns




ESPN board

The ESPN thread is great - just about every team in the league is represented:

"Green Bay here. This game sucked."

"1000% AGREE. <Panthers Fan>"

"Redskins fan. Agreed."

"Giants fan. This was pathetic."

"Raiders fan. They should have sent a memo to the Hawks that they didn't need to show up for the game."

"Browns fan...angry I wasted my time watching such a BS game."

"Patriot Fan who wanted the Steelers to win but not like this....it was disgusting."

...and so on... and so on....

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