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What's on the menu tomorrow for the SB?


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Probably some wings....going to try to make some chili. Lots of beer.


Also, Jack in Syracuse posted this dip recipe last year for the Super Bowl. I gave it a shot and I think it is phenomenal. Jack, you and your buddy, big ups on that.


Here was his post:

1lb sausage

1lb salsa (you decide on hotness)

1lb Velveeta Mexican cheese


Crumple up the sausage and brown in a frying pan. While that's browning, cut up the cheese and toss it into a crockpot/slow cooker, along with the salsa. Once the sausage is done, put that in the crockpot also and let it simmer till you're ready.

Easy to make, easy to clean up since there's not a lot of mess.

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Battered Seachicken



Take 52 pieces of fresh seachicken.

Tenderize them by working them with a meat hammer.

Roll them in ground up tires and Kevlar padding.

Put them in a Bowl and beat for three hours.


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we have a bar here in newburgh called "my place" and the ownwr is a huge steelers fan. well his big sign on the bar is sunday special...grilled seahawk,i dont think i'd care for grilled seahawk though.normally they have excellent food......................the owners only saving grace for me is that even though he is a steelers fan he does have a box of flutie flakes and kelly crunch in his display case.

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In Buffalo, Lake Effect Snow is on the menu for tommorrow afternoon. 3 to 5 inches Buffalo and north and 6 to 8 inches plus in the southtowns. That means Homemade Pizza & Wings & plenty of Beer. Lots of Beer. In fact, I should probably go buy everything right now. Did I mention Beer?

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Just got a package of crabmeat, added some Kraft horseradish spread (1/4 cup), and regular mayonnaise (1/2 cup). I'm giong to spread it on crackers, cover with Monterey Jack shredded cheese, and serve with cocktail sauce.


Also my wife is making a white bean chicken chili, which we serve with the Jack cheese, sour cream, and salsa options.


Go Stillers.

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Just got a package of crabmeat, added some Kraft horseradish spread (1/4 cup), and regular mayonnaise (1/2 cup). I'm giong to spread it on crackers, cover with Monterey Jack shredded cheese, and serve with cocktail sauce.


Also my wife is making a white bean chicken chili, which we serve with the Jack cheese, sour cream, and salsa options.


Go Stillers.



Sounds great! (Except for the 'Go Stillers' part) :blink:

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Homemade wings, 4 different types: hot bbq, hot (one with redhot and one with Anchor Bar sauce) and then Hot bleu cheese. Pizza, taco dip, chips, cheese, pep. and crackers, and of course BEER!

MMMM, can't wait!

We are priming (BEER) ourselves tonite watching the UFC championship at 10pm.

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Wings with Franks hot sauce, celery, blue cheese. Smoked oysters and clams. Various cheeses, smoked sausge and crackers. Guacomole dip and tortilla strips.


Ooops ! I forgot the Corona Light !




I'd advise you to continue to forget the Corona Light, and go get some beer instead.

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Probably some wings....going to try to make some chili. Lots of beer.


Also, Jack in Syracuse posted this dip recipe last year for the Super Bowl. I gave it a shot and I think it is phenomenal. Jack, you and your buddy, big ups on that.


Here was his post:


Pizza, homemade wings, swedish meatballs, chips & dips. I will be adding this little recipe to the table as well. Sounds delectable. Thanks!


1/4 keg of Michelob to wash it down.

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