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OK Marv, Time to make your most important decision


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It's time for you to announce that you're officially ditching the puterific Donahoe era uniforms and bringing back a decent set of home and away threads for this franchise.


There's no better way to make a psychological break with the dark days of the recent past than to give the fans something that's easier on the eye than the Arena Foosball League look-alike unis The Bills have been wrapped in the last few years.


Time for a change, beginning in the equipment locker. Haul out the Throwback unis and have a look. That'd be a good place to start.

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It's time for you to announce that you're officially ditching the puterific Donahoe era uniforms and bringing back a decent set of home and away threads for this franchise.


There's no better way to make a psychological break with the dark days of the recent past than to give the fans something that's easier on the eye than the Arena Foosball League look-alike unis The Bills have been wrapped in the last few years.


Time for a change, beginning in the equipment locker. Haul out the Throwback unis and have a look. That'd be a good place to start.



I'm all for them switching back to throwbacks ala the New York Jets.


But Ralph might be slow to do that. It would tick off a lot of casual fans who spent tons on the new jerseys in 2002-2005. Plus, they'd lose a lot of money on the one's that are in stores.

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I completely agree...I associate these "new" jerseys with losing...failure...not being able to meet expectations.


Sure the standing buffalo uniforms kinda reminds me of the same things, but at least they look spiffy!


All joking aside, I also think we should ditch the "new" uniforms...it was a nice little experiment, but if we really do want to start with a clean slate, lets wipe away the hideous uniforms in the process.

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I would be pissed to some extent, as I've forked over some real dough from my two Spikes and Evans unis. Of course, if it really helped the Bills get back on track, which I am sure it wouldn't, I'd be all for it. Hell, I'd paint my house Bronco orange if it helped the Bills win.

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Seriously - with all the problems Marv faces right now - the LAST thing I want him to worry about is the fecking uniforms...


Anyway - I like the all navy duds. Just like I like the throwbacks...  But I want Marv to be a football man, not a fashion man.



You're telling me you wouldn't want to see the Page3 girls modeling some new Bills threads? :devil:

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I say switch back the the throwbacks to pacify a majority of the fanbase and wear the current unis as the new throwback twice a year from here on out. This compromise ensures that all owners of the current unis won't have to fork out more dough in the future for for throwbacks.


There, I think it's settled now.

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