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Peter King says...


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If what Greggo says is true, the next coach needn't worry. That's why Marv is there. If Ralphy needs an update, who's he gonna call?


Of course, Mr. Wilson says he's going to be more involved, so the next coach may have to worry about RW poking his nose into his office every 10 minutes. :devil:

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Offensive minded:


Go get Kubiak when Denver loses.....


HC: Gary Kubiak

OC: Rick Dennison

DC: Donnie Henderson(after the Jets hire Mangini and he is forced out)

ST: Bobby April




Been sleeping? It looks like Kubiak is going to Houston as soon as the Broncos end the post season. Which I think is good for the Bills, as I din't think he was an option for this team.



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That does not mean they hate each other.  Sometimes coaches are forced to fire members of there staff by management.



No, the parting was particularly bitter, and April took pride in how Bills' ST dismantled Rams last year.

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except that was the same criticism of ralph leveled by butler, aj smith, and in a backhanded way, wade. ralph is a meddler -- always has been, always will be. he's not an easy guy to work for.



And then you woke up to Jerry Jones as your Owner :devil:

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dude, thats an 8:00 game tonite which means it should end after 11pm.


Do you really think Marv can stay awake that late? :w00t:






Hey, Paterno did it...damn near killed him, though.

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When Butler left he stated the same thing, so hearing it twice have to believe it's true. And thats was during winning times too!



Peter King had three interesting things to say on WEEI here in boston.


3)  He spoke with Gregg Williams yesterday (b/c both he and Williams are in Seattle) and they talked about the Bills and GW said it is a tough place to work b/c the phone will ring daily and it is Ralph who wants to know how the team is doing.   

Kind of sour grapes I think about GW.  The guy who dismantled the Bills defense when he came in because he knew better how to do it.  Wow, the audacity of an owner to know how his football team is doing.  Nice, Gregg.  Go fail in Washington too.  Make fun of the guy who preceded you like Wade--even though Wade was a better coach.


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Interesting.  The best offensive mind out there is Martz.  He would be an AWFUL choice, and he'd prompt April to leave, b/c April hates him.


Heimerdinger is known as a real ass - his players almost always despise him.


Other offensive minds out there:  Fassel (ugh), Al Saunders (not sure what I think).


Why not go with a defensive coach, who will instill more toughness and attitude in my opinion?



The Bills just hired Mike Martz and they are already out of timeouts for the first 6 games for next year. :doh:

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How vague is this info. Consider the following 3 cases.


1) Greg how is the team doing.

2) TD, I'm really not convinced about this Roscoe guy.

3) Wade, you WILL start RJ in the playoffs.


Three possible cases. Ranging from check on your investment/ curious as to the pulse of your team to outright meddling.


So it all depends on your point of view and what is fact and what isn't.

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