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Where are all the Moulds Bashers Today?


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Over the last few months, some fans on TBD have been pretty vocal in their contempt for Eric Moulds - and have seemed all too eager and gleeful about the prospects of cutting Eric Moulds in the offseason.


9 catches for 110 yards later, I guess that Moulds showed that he can still play this game. And I'd also point out that Moulds is three years younger than Rod Smith - who can apparently still play a pretty good game himself.



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They actually realize how good he is and how valuable he is to this team. And they saw what life without him would be like last week and this week. And it doesn't look pretty. Sign Moulds again and re-negotiate his contract.

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I'll step up to the bar and admit I've been a bit wrong about Moulds, only because I'm willing to bet it is this coaching staff's fault that he was used really poorly throughout the year and that he might still make a good contribution to the team. I also think Evans can really be taken out of the game if facing a premier corner (like Bailey) or if double-teamed, and there needs to be a genuine threat on the other side. The only way I think it's worth getting rid of Moulds is if Reggie Wayne or a similar contributor with youth on his side could be gotten for the difference of what subtracting Moulds would mean in terms of the salary cap. I don't think that's going to happen. Add to that the fact that Moulds seems to have the ear of his teammates a lot more than the coaches do, and I think it's essential that he stays, especially if Mularkey is (hopefully) gone.


To that I might add that I would really, really like to see JP connecting with Moulds -- I think it would go a long way for both players and it would resonate with the team.

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I think both Moulds and Mularkey have left the door open for a return if Moulds' cap number comes down.  Neither has bashed the other to the press.  Moulds came out and played hard Saturday and Mularkey used Moulds heavily in the gameplan.



I just don't see why Moulds would want to come back. He's gone through the QB carousel here for 10 years and there's young QB here that prefers a different WR. The Bills don't look like they're going turn this thing around anytime soon...so what does Moulds gain by staying? He essentially has a get out of jail free card. If he wants to take less money he's likely to do it for a team that has a legit shot at winning something soon. If he wants to make all the money he can he'll likely get it from someplace other than the Bills. As much as I'd love to have him back I just don't see it happening.

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Yeah. If only we @ TBD were in charge of contract negotiations, huh? We wouldn't have made the environment such that Moulds wouldn't want to come back, and we would've been able to re-sign him @ a price that wouldn't keep us from making other offseason free agent acquisitions or re-signing other key free agents.


We're oh so rational here.

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The funny thing is Moulds took on the roll of #2 WR Sat night. HE was Peerless Price.

Evans was taking on the number 1 CB. I don't know about double teams as they are hard to make out on TV, but the gameplan was obviously focused on HIM.


I have never said that Moulds was not a good WR, but he does not warrant a 10mil dollar contract. Someone else can be brought in to be the number 2 guy. Everyone keeps saying that he can be re-structured. But put yourself in his shoes...would you do that? Why? So that you can be a WR on a team that is at least two years from competing? Be a WR that on a team that will probably have a new OC, if not a new HC, and have yet ANOTHER new system?

Moulds is gone...

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Over the last few months, some fans on TBD have been pretty vocal in their contempt for Eric Moulds - and have seemed all too eager and gleeful about the prospects of cutting Eric Moulds in the offseason.


9 catches for 110 yards later, I guess that Moulds showed that he can still play this game.  And I'd also point out that Moulds is three years younger than Rod Smith - who can apparently still play a pretty good game himself.





The problem is not Moulds ability, its his contract. While i do not believe EM is an elite #1, I would still want him on this team, but not at $11M. Iwould hazzard to guess that would be the highest cap figure in the NFL at the WR position.


Now, if the Bills were on DT away, or one OL away form being legit contenders, maybe you consider it. But the needs are just to great to spend $11M on an outside skill position player.

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The funny thing is Moulds took on the roll of #2 WR Sat night.  HE was Peerless Price.

Evans was taking on the number 1 CB.  I don't know about double teams as they are hard to make out on TV, but the gameplan was obviously focused on HIM.


I have never said that Moulds was not a good WR, but he does not warrant a 10mil dollar contract.  Someone else can be brought in to be the number 2 guy.  Everyone keeps saying that he can be re-structured.  But put yourself in his shoes...would you do that?  Why?  So that you can be a WR on a team that is at least two years from competing?  Be a WR that on a team that will probably have a new OC, if not a new HC, and have yet ANOTHER new system?

Moulds is gone...




Again Moulds was matched up with Champ. He was not playing #2.

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So Eric decides to show up in a meaningless game? Whoopee.


The truth is Moulds is not coming back. If you really love the guy, you should be rooting for him to hook up with a contender so he can finally get his ring. Staying in Buffalo would just be flushing what's left of his once-great career down the crapper.


The Bills are in complete rebuild mode now. Don't expect Eric Moulds to stick around for that again.



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Moulds cap figure for 2006 is 10.8 Mil. The issue concerning his level of play is moot. Cut him and see how popular he is in Free Agency.


I'd welcome him back at a drastic reduction in pay. We need far too many upgrades to justify large contracts like Moulds and Mike Williams.

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1] Moulds went out and worked his ass off in that game, which he hadn't done in the last half season. He was out to prove everyone wrong. If anything, that game proved that he WAS loafing a lot during the rest of the season if he could just turn it on like that.


2] Most fans were complaining about "Moulds at that price", not "Moulds as a Bill" or as one of our receivers.


3] Most of the complaining came in the last two weeks when Moulds did his disappearing act in the game. And had to do with his attitude and disrespect. Anyone that equates what Moulds did on the field this Saturday with whether or not he was right or wrong in the suspension controversy, is a total idiot.


4] I complained about Moulds as much as anyone and I would still like to see him on the team next year at a decent price.

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1] Moulds went out and worked his ass off in that game, which he hadn't done in the last half season. He was out to prove everyone wrong. If anything, that game proved that he WAS loafing a lot during the rest of the season if he could just turn it on like that.


2] Most fans were complaining about "Moulds at that price", not "Moulds as a Bill" or as one of our receivers.


3] Most of the complaining came in the last two weeks when Moulds did his disappearing act in the game. And had to do with his attitude and disrespect. Anyone that equates what Moulds did on the field this Saturday with whether or not he was right or wrong in the suspension controversy, is a total idiot.


4] I complained about Moulds as much as anyone and I would still like to see him on the team next year at a decent price.




Exhibit A:


The final word on Moulds seems very clear to me:


Moulds has been a very, very good and often excellent player on the Bills and usually works his ass off. he really came to play last night and showed why the Bills are a lot better with him than without him.  He also shouldn't have been suspended by the Bills based on what he's done for the team over the years.



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Exhibit A:


"Usually works his ass off" was referring to the first 8-9 years of his career. Overall, he has. This year, he hasn't, or at least only in spurts, and certainly in the Miami game, and I think it's been somewhat obvious.


The last sentence, about shouldn't have been suspended because of his career obviously meant that just because he had been a great Bill and player, doesn't mean he didn't screw up badly lately. And the fans can't say Moulds worked his ass off for most of his career so he has the right to loaf and tell his coaches off and not go back in the game. He should be suspended for what he did in the Miami game and not what he did over the course of his career.

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He should be suspended for what he did in the Miami game and not what he did over the course of his career.



I guess I'm missing something here. Who said anything about suspending him for what he did over the course of his career? That makes no sense whatsoever.

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I guess I'm missing something here.  Who said anything about suspending him for what he did over the course of his career?  That makes no sense whatsoever.


There were a lot of people that were saying Moulds doesn't deserve this, he has been a great player, he shouldn't be suspended, and then went on about how he has been our best receiver and best player and exemplary teammate and blah blah blah. I agree with all of that except he shouldn't be suspended because of it. They were ignoring the fact that it didn't matter what he did before, or how great he was, or how hard he tried before, or he had played so well that he deserved to have his say or say whatever the hell it wanted. They seemed to me to be equating what he did overall as if this somewhat eradicated him or lessened the offense. And it didn't seem possible to them that he could have been a great guy and player and teammate and Bill for a long, long time, and then a total jerk this time.

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