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Tecmo Super Bowl Memories


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The comments about the Bills are priceless!


I never thought a machine could cheat.....until I played the bills. It's the most frustrating thing besides lurching or playing Barry when you're the Redskins. It's like this: you know when you're watching your favorite team on TV and they're losing and it's almost the end of the game and you keep thinking to yourself, 'all they need to do here is get a safety, run back the kick, recover the onside, and throw a hail Mary with :04 seconds left'.....you know what I'm talking about??? Well if your favorite team was the Bills and you were watching a tecmo game, dreams would become a reality my friend. The 1-2-3 combination of QB Bills, Thomas, and Reed makes for a good number of "Incredible Jumping Cinema Catches." Being the Bills in Tecmo is like being the lucky red ball in croquet - unstoppable!!"



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Wow, the page about the Bills is AWESOME. Talking about how the programmers of the game LOVED the Bills because they were impossible to beat...


"The game’s incessant adoration of Buffalo is downright intolerable. Even being able to make fun of Norwood the whole game does little to relieve any of the bitter feelings. Add in Rick F*****g Tuten and you have a team that I absolutely can’t stand"


"they (the Bills) get all the breaks. Your team will invariably fumble at least three times a game. Andre Reed will catch passes with four guys covering him and four hanging on his back. And Rick Tuten will score a touchdown one out of four games you play. "


"I never thought a machine could cheat.....until I played the bills"


"Scott Norwood is the fastest player on the game. Seriously, this is true. In the event that Norwood misses a field goal in another way (when it gets blocked) and he picks it up, it’s lights out, baby.... Norwood picking up the kick is like a penalty shot: The most exciting play in Tecmo. "


"There is nothing more demoralizing than seeing Rick Tuten spike the football. "







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It's hilarious that this topic got posted at all but its even more funny to me because just earlier I was playing some tecmo bowl with the Bills on my computer. I think Bruce had 8 sacks in the game, Thurman had about 230 and 3 Td's, Jimbo had 350 and 4 TD's, Andre and Bebe each well over 100 and 2 TD's each. I think Keith "butterfingers" McKeller even got in on the action and got a score. I beat the Cowgirls 62-0 (missed an XP). :D

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A lot of my friends thought that the 49ers were the best team in the game. I always thought it was the Bills. Jamie Mueller up the middle was always sneaky sneaky. The Bills, 49ers, and Giants (LT was unstoppable at blocking FG and XP) were the best teams in the game.


Tecmo brings back some good memories.

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The Raiders were pretty damn amazing.  As good as the BILLS were they didn't have a player the equivalent of Techmo Bo - the most unstoppable video game athlete EVER.


tecmo bo and LT were unstoppable... i guess they figured that LT snortd his coke right before the game :)

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