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My All-Time, All-Freak Team

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I don’t know if you’re like me but once in a while, I just like a good freak. Although I think it’s preferable for them not to be on my favourite team, what will make me enjoy another NFL game that doesn’t involve the Bills will probably be the freak content. While others may take offence at behaviours a la Randy Moss, I find it very enjoyable. So here is my list, by positions, of the players who combined somewhat greatness with a lot of freakness. But lots of position needs to be filled, so feel free to add up to this list.




Michael Irvin: Best TD moves, ever.

R. Moss

T.Owens: Makes noise both off and on the field.




R. Williams




JIM McMahon: Was once on the injury list with a bruised butt.

Joe Namath: Fur coat wearing image will forever characterized this legend.

Rob Johnson: Arrived at training camp with a sleeveless Melrose Place shirt.

BJ Hobbert: Would rather practise his putting than studying the playbook.

Joe Kapp: Just like Culpepper, minus the qb skills. Yet let his team to a superbowl.




W. Sapp: Always speaks his mind.

Neil Smith: Anyone remember his appearances on United Way ads? He always seemed to enjoy himself just a little too much while helping kids to read or something.




L.Taylor: Was a monster despite playing many games under the influence of illicit substances.

B. Romanowski: Spitting incident, pills, racial comments etc.

R. Lewis: Can fire up his teammates like no other. Oh yeah and he was somewhat involved in a murder case too.

B. Bosworth: Now an acclaimed movie actor, or TV movie actor!

D. Talley: Spiderman sleeves. Would that be allowed now?




D. Sanders: Where do I begin. I’ll just mention his Jesus bandana.


Coaching staff


HC: Jerry Glanville: Has Elvis ever used any of the courtesy tickets left by Glanville?

Honourable mention to Jim Mora, who always seemed completely lost and out of control. Hey didn’t we once make the playoffs with such a coach??


OC: Chucky: One intense looking dude.

DC: Buddy Ryan

O line coach: Carl Mauck, who probably now lives in a van down by a river near Detroit.



Marc in Montréal

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I don’t know if you’re like me but once and a while, I just like a good freak. Although I think it’s preferable for them not to be on my favourite team, what will make me enjoy another NFL game that doesn’t involve the Bills will probably be the freak content. While others may take offence at behaviours a la Randy Moss, I find it very enjoyable. So here is my list, by positions, of the players who combined somewhat greatness with a lot of freakness. But lots of position needs to be filled, so feel free to add up to this list.




Michael Irvin: Best TD moves, ever.

R. Moss

T.Owens: Makes noise both off and on the field.




R. Williams




Steve McMahon: Was once on the injury list with a bruised butt.

Joe Namath: Fur coat wearing image will forever characterized this legend.

Rob Johnson: Arrived at training camp with a sleeveless Melrose Place shirt. 

BJ Hobbert: Would rather practise his putting than studying the playbook.

Joe Kapp: Just like Culpepper, minus the qb skills. Yet let his team to a superbowl. 




W. Sapp: Always speaks his mind.

Neil Smith: Anyone remember his appearances on United Way ads? He always seemed to enjoy himself just a little too much while helping kids to read or something.




L.Taylor: Was a monster despite playing many games under the influence of illicit substances.

B. Romanowski: Spitting incident, pills, racial comments etc.

R. Lewis:  Can fire up his teammates like no other. Of yeah and he was somewhat involved in a murder case too.

B. Bosworth: Now an acclaimed movie actor, or TV movie actor!

D. Talley: Spiderman sleeves. Would that be allowed now?




D. Sanders: Where do I begin. I’ll just mention his Jesus bandana.


Coaching staff


HC: Jerry Glanville: Has Elvis ever used any of the courtesy tickets left by Glanville?

Honourable mention to Jim Mora, who always seemed completely lost and out of control. Hey didn’t we once make the playoffs with such a coach?? 


OC: Chucky: One intense looking dude.

DC: Buddy Ryan

O line coach: Carl Mauck, who probably now lives in a van down by a river near Detroit.

Marc in Montréal




"Steve McMahon"?


As long as Buddy's there, shouldn't Killdrive be there so he has someone to punch?

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I'd add the guy, and i dont remember his name, who had the "hit list" of QB's he was going to take out. He put their numbers on a towel hanging out fo his pants, and when he injured one, he'd cross off their number.


Anyone know who this was and who he played for?

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O line coach: Carl Mauck, who probably now lives in a van down by a river near Detroit.

Marc in Montréal


Carl Mauck






I guess he lives in a van down by the ocean. Are we drinking before the SD/Bills game, big guy?

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WR: Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!)

RB: Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!)

QB: Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!)

G/C/T: Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) . Hell, I'd take an o-line exclusively made up of Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!). Not clones of Bruschi (We're not worthy!) . Just the one man. He's that talented.


DL: Bruschi (We're not worthy!), of course.

LB: Ray Lewis. Though if Bruschi (We're not worthy!) could come back and play LB again after sufferring a stroke, that would be miraculous and heroic. Can't see it ever happening, though.

CB: Yes, Bruschi (We're not worthy!).


Head Coach: Bruschi (We're not worthy!).

Owner/GM/President: Bruschi (We're not worthy!). Being as he is the mortal incarnation of love and happiness, he's a downright pleasure to work for.


God: Well...God. But Bruschi (We're not worthy!)'s more than capable of spelling him off the bench.

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Sorry.. I just have to do this....






Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!): That guy can catch anything

Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!): Best vertical leap ever

Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!)




Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!): Could run over a brick wall




Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!): No one ever threw a better spiral

Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!): He should be the pope

Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!)




Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!)

Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!): Absolute freak

Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!): All-time gratest DL




Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!): He's everywhere at all times

Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!) the all-knowing

Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!) the all-powerful




Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!): He has a nice haircut


Coaching staff: Could coach like a greek god


Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!)

Honourable mention to Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!)


OC: Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!): One intense looking dude.

DC: Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!)

O line coach: Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!)


Rob in Buffalo

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I'd add the guy, and i dont remember his name, who had the "hit list" of QB's he was going to take out. He put their numbers on a towel hanging out fo his pants, and when he injured one, he'd cross off their number.


Anyone know who this was and who he played for?


That was Charles "Too Mean" Martin, a former DLineman for the Pack. I remember him chasing down Jim McMahon on a fire call as McMahon was casually walking ot the sideline, and picking him up and slamming him to the turf about 10 full seconds after the actual interception. That day he had McMahon's, Payton's and Gault's (plus a couple OLinemen)numbers on his towel. It was the last play in McMahon's season and he was replaced by none other than Doug Flutie, who couldn't lead the defending worldchamp Bears to a single playoff win even though he was surrounded by an obscene amount of talent on both sides of the ball.

Martin recently died at a young age but I don't remember the cause. I wonder if many Bears fans have ever forgiven him?


oe Kapp: Just like Culpepper, minus the qb skills.

Joe Kapp was the man and had all the skills he ever needed.


Jerry Glanville: Has Elvis ever used any of the courtesy tickets left by Glanville?

Glanville is/was indeed a freak. When he was D-Coordinator of the Falcons he coached a guy I play ball with who tells the occasional story about Glanville's gritzblitz's where he would actually send 9 guys across the LOS!


Sorry.. I just have to do this....

It appears your about an hour and a half late Mr Conner.


If I was going to add a freak it would probably be Jack Tatum. He gets a lot of guff about being a cheap-shot artist but it's a bunch of crap. He was actually a very quiet and kindly man who was simply blessed with a body that was years ahead of the game at the time. He had a size/speed ratio that was simply unheard of for that era and which would probably make Roy Williams or Sean Taylor gape in wonder. His huge frame and blazing speed in an era of much smaller wide-outs is the reason he hurt so many people throughout his career, not because he was a dirty player. The black uniform, the Assassin nickname and teh Raider mystique all combine to paint a picture which is not in line with reality.

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Joe Kapp was the man and had all the skills he ever needed.


Glanville is/was indeed a freak. When he was D-Coordinator of the Falcons he coached a guy I play ball with who tells the occasional story about Glanville's gritzblitz's where he would actually send 9 guys across the LOS!



Bud Grant's teams were IMO some of the best ever fielded.


Agree on Glanville - his run-the-score-up contest when he coached the Oilers with Wyche was memorable. Black garb, tickets etc. :lol:

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Agree on Glanville - his run-the-score-up contest when he coached the Oilers with Wyche was memorable. Black garb, tickets etc. :lol:


Have you ever had the opportunity to hear Glanville do color work in an NFL booth? I didn't care much for his studio work where the pack mentality had him competitively braying with the rest of the asses, but the guy was really really funny on the two occasions where I heard him calling a game. I doubt he'll ever get another shot from the networks as he lacked polish (and hair gel), eschewed their fawning storylines and was a little too "real" for the suits upstairs. But if you're ever afforded the opportunity, I imagine you may get a chuckle out of his wholly original game analysis.


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Have you ever had the opportunity to hear Glanville do color work in an NFL booth? I didn't care much for his studio work where the pack mentality had him competitively braying with the rest of the asses, but the guy was really really funny on the two occasions where I heard him calling a game. I doubt he'll ever get another shot from the networks as he lacked polish (and hair gel), eschewed their fawning storylines and was a little too "real" for the suits upstairs. But if you're ever afforded the opportunity, I imagine you may get a chuckle out of his wholly original game analysis.





Totally agree about Glanville in the booth. Just had this discussion with someone last week. Didn't like him too much in the studio and thought he was a crappy Head Coach. But, he's a funny dude.

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Totally agree about Glanville in the booth.  Just had this discussion with someone last week.  Didn't like him too much in the studio and thought he was a crappy Head Coach.  But, he's a funny dude.


Isn't it crazy how different somebody can be once you remove them from that horrible schmaltzy studio setting? Behind a desk Glanville struck me as annoyingly vapid as teh rest of the goofs on the set. But in a booth with a mike and relatively free reign he was dynamite.

ESPN should stick him in their SundayNight booth just to see how long it would take for Theisman and McGuire to run out the door screaming. I bet Jerry would been delightfully incorrigible during the Bruschi (We're not worthy!) debacle. :lol:

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