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I love the debates, especially the VP ones.


Personally, I think Cheney will destroy Edwards. It will be like an old man patting  a little boy on the head saying "good try son"



It all depends on the format and the questions. The more scripted the responses are allowed to be, the better it will go for Cheney. If it requires quick thinking and rapid fire responses, Edwards could do very well. I expect that it will be inane questions followed by canned cliches sprinkled with "hook" lines like: Where's the beef?, You are no Jack Kennedy, fuzzy math, etc.

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It all depends on the format and the questions.  The more scripted the responses are allowed to be, the better it will go for Cheney.  If it requires quick thinking and rapid fire responses, Edwards could do very well.  I expect that it will be inane questions followed by canned cliches sprinkled with "hook" lines like: Where's the beef?, You are no Jack Kennedy, fuzzy math, etc.



Edwards may not do well, unless he's been saving up. The veeps are the campaign attack gogs, and quite a few of the dems are complaining that Edwards isn't attacking.

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Edwards has a lot of trial lawyer experience.  That means thinking on your feet and responding well, limiting issues to the essence and driving your point home.  It should be interesting.  I wouldn't take bets on that one.



Good point. I just hope that everyone actually talks about something and respects Mickey's fatwah.


NPR is supposed to be dedicating a bunch of time to an explaination of both sides positions and plans on issues.

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Edwards has a lot of trial lawyer experience.  That means thinking on your feet and responding well, limiting issues to the essence and driving your point home.  It should be interesting.  I wouldn't take bets on that one.



A few years trial experience is no match for a guy who was chief of staff, secretary of defense, a congressman and a vice president. Lets not forget his business experience either. Plus he's an excellent interviewer with years of experience.


Add to the fact that Kerry/Edwards really have no strong stance on any isues, and I'd say Edwards will get eaten alive.

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A few years trial experience is no match for a guy who was chief of staff, secretary of defense, a congressman and a vice president.


You make it sound like trial law was a hobby. He's won over $40 million in settlements. Guess what? He knows how to get his point across.


To wit:

The last case he tried in 1997 stands out. Edwards cites it in his campaign biography and several journalists have written about the case of Valerie Lakey, a 5-year-old girl horribly injured by a faulty swimming pool drain. Edwards won a $25 million jury award against the manufacturer of the drain cover after advising his clients to reject a $17.5 million settlement offer. Edwards' spoke for an hour-and-a-half in his summation without notes, a performance that so impressed the trial judge he has since worked as a volunteer for Edwards in Iowa. "He was probably the best I saw in 21 years on the bench," Judge Robert L. Farmer told the Los Angeles Times.


You base your point on the fact that he his experience and status of being chief of staff, sec. of def., congressman, and VP will make the debate a runaway. Well Bush is the friggin' president of the USA and he speaks like a clueless moron.


Cheney's best quality is his smugness. That's not saying much.

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Cheney will have him for lunch. Cheney is very smooth and does not get rattled or emotional. Edwards is very animated, gets very emotional and moves around to much. This will be a classic for the books with a huge Cheney victory.


Unfortunately, no one really cares or votes for the V.P.

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You make it sound like trial law was a hobby. He's won over $40 million in settlements. Guess what? He knows how to get his point across.


HAHA....this just gave me a great mental picture:


Cheney - "Your running mate voted for the war, then spoke out against the war, then says he supports the troops, then votes against their funding. Where does he stand?"


Edwards - "I OBJECT!"


Moderator - "Umm...Mr. Edwards, this is a debate, you must..."




Moderator - "Mr. Edwards, can you please just answer the question....."



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HAHA....this just gave me a great mental picture:


Cheney - "Your running mate voted for the war, then spoke out against the war, then says he supports the troops, then votes against their funding. Where does he stand?"


Edwards - "I OBJECT!"


Moderator - "Umm...Mr. Edwards, this is a debate, you must..."




Moderator - "Mr. Edwards, can you please just answer the question....."





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You base your point on the fact that he his experience and status of being chief of staff, sec. of def., congressman, and VP will make the debate a runaway. Well Bush is the friggin' president of the USA and he speaks like a clueless moron.


Cheney's best quality is his smugness.  That's not saying much.



I base this on the fact that this guy has lived and breathed politics, warfare, and business, and is as strong as a rock when it comes to debating/interviewing. Saying his best quality is smugness is as valid as saying Edwards best quality is that he's young.


Being a trial lawyer may make Edwards a quick thinker, but its not enough to cover up all the holes in Kerry's platform.

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Am I safe in assuming that we all agree that the VP debates will at the very least be more watchable and less painful than watching Tweedledem and Tweedlerepub go at it?






the prez debates will be like watching two monkeys arguing over a banana

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As a trial lawyer I can say that the debates will be easy for Edwards. Trial lawyers, at one level, "perform" for a jury. Their job is to convince an undecided body to believe them by utilizing various skills. Edwards was not a good trial lawyer - he was one of the best in the country! lawyers used to attend his trials just to watch him. He was like the Jordan of the legal world. Those skills will shine during the debates.


Where Cheney comes off as the old, wise, but very mean boss/father figure. If you contrast the two it will be a very stark difference.

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