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Lost 02.03 Discussion Thread


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If we are to believe Desmond's story (that his baloon crashed and was brought to the hatch...) then I think that line might have more signifcance (spelling?!) than just the hatch.


If he wasn't a part of Dharma, then it really plays into Locke's notion of Fate vs Luck. Niether had any way of knowing they would see eachother again, just like no one on the plane knew how connected they were. Dharma could not orchastrate all those passengers and get them onto the same plane. There is still a larger force at work (luck vs fate).


So, if it really is about fate, then I think that line will come back again. If he was working for Dharma, and knew he would see Jack again...then I would agree that it was about the hatch.



I think everyone is just reading into it too much. It was a simple foreshadowing to the conflict between Locke and Jack wrt the hatch. It was appropriate at the time because he was referring to the leg, but later we see it applies to the hatch.

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I think everyone is just reading into it too much.  It was a simple foreshadowing to the conflict between Locke and Jack wrt the hatch.  It was appropriate at the time because he was referring to the leg, but later we see it applies to the hatch.



You may very well be right.


But here are the signs (to me at least) that it's a bit more complex.


1) The hatch was already open when they showed the flashback to Desmond. So that issue was already moot. Why forshadow an even that already happened?


2) The real conflict with locke and jack is about fate vs happenstance. Which goes back to my earlier point...if Jack is right then it's pure happenstance that he wound up on the same island as Desmond. But knowing what we know about how all the survivors are linked, we should assume that it's more than just luck. Which means that it's possible that line's relevance hasn't been learned yet.


Who knows though. That's what makes this show great.

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If we are to believe Desmond's story (that his baloon crashed and was brought to the hatch...) then I think that line might have more signifcance (spelling?!) than just the hatch.


If he wasn't a part of Dharma, then it really plays into Locke's notion of Fate vs Luck. Niether had any way of knowing they would see eachother again, just like no one on the plane knew how connected they were. Dharma could not orchastrate all those passengers and get them onto the same plane. There is still a larger force at work (luck vs fate).


So, if it really is about fate, then I think that line will come back again. If he was working for Dharma, and knew he would see Jack again...then I would agree that it was about the hatch.


So Desmond crashed in a balloon? I guess I didn't hear that.


Maybe "You have to lift it up" refers to fixing the balloon as a means of escape.


Also, I was wrong about de Groot. The de Groots were the husband and wife scientists at the University of Michigan.


Hanso (of the Hanso Corporation) was the benefactor of the project.


Finally, I couldn't find the Korean Octagon symbol on the gate at Locke's "father figure's" house.

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1) The hatch was already open when they showed the flashback to Desmond. So that issue was already moot. Why forshadow an even that already happened?



Right. It will probably have some kind of significance in a future ep.


So Desmond crashed in a balloon?  I guess I didn't hear that.



I didn't either. I thought he said something about a solar race. But then again, I couldn't understand half the things that came out of his mouth with that heavy accent. Kept having to ask "What was that? What'd he say?" Like when he said "I don't know, but every time I walk past [the electromagnet], my fillings hurt." I was like "Feelings, what?"


Is his accent Australian? That's what I've been told, but I don't know, it sounds a little Irish-y.

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If we are to believe Desmond's story (that his baloon crashed and was brought to the hatch...) then I think that line might have more signifcance (spelling?!) than just the hatch.




When Jack met him in the flashback, while training on the steps of a stadium, Desmond said something to the effect that he was training for a race around the world. Makes sense he was in a baloon or a boat by himself.

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No, I watched it twice. He said a solar baloon race around the world. I am positive.



Are you sure it was "solar" and not "solo." W/ Desmond's accent.... Did you turn on the CC? I've never heard of a solar-powered ballon; it's hot-air or propane. But I admit that I tuned out those last few times those rich guys tried it.

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Are you sure?  Didn't he then also say that he wrecked on the reef?



Just got back from class...I will go check again to be sure....gimme one sec.



Mia culpa! :flirt: I was wrong. He said a solar race around the world...his boat crashed on the reef. Good call

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This escaped me until I was washing the dishes a few minutes ago, but why would the DHARMA Institute, in the business of experimentation, stock that hatch with a friggin' arsenal? Connection with that skipped part in the film of what "happened" after they set up the hatch?


And I can understand why Kate took the shotgun, b/c there's a wider pattern, but why didn't she take one of the pistols? Or was that a judgment call for the limited space where she put those chocolate bars? Which I think begs the question, under all that stress, heat is generated, if you see what I'm getting at. Wonder why Jack or Locke didn't make any comments on her racing stripes.... 0:)

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Another thing, after seeing the repeat tonight....



The orientation film is stored behind a copy of "Turn of the Screw" by Henry James.



Essentially the question in the criticism since its publication has focused around where the evil eminates from --- the governess, the ghosts, the housekeeper, feminists ran the sackcloth at HJ himself in his manner of storytelling, etc. Kind of like a certain line of questioning going on w/in and w/o LOST.

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Ok, here's news: new commercial on ABC for Lost, where Ana Lucia takes the 3 raft survivors to a bunker of some sort (one of the other stations of the Hanso project?) and ther are supposedly 23 others there. "I thought you said there were 23.." oh hell, you go look at it.


Lost preview

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If its yellow, let it mellow.



If it's brown, flush it down. :doh: I don't even live in California, and I think of this every time I'm in the loo. That, and Oprah. The one time there was nothing else on and I was too sick (flu) to reach for the remote anyway, there was a doctor on saying that your "yellow" should be very light, and if it's a dark yellow, you're dehydrated.




Also in a preview was Kate taking a shower, apparently in Desmond's pad. Who wants to bet that Kate buddies up with Locke to enter the code? She does everything else that Jack says not to do, after she explicity says "I've got your back" and he never really gets upset about it.

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