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ESPN's Lenny P says it is Holcomb on Sunday...


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ESPN.com's Len Pasquarelli reported late Wednesday night that although there has been no official announcement from Mularkey, the Bills plan to start Holcomb in favor of Losman against the Dolphins on Sunday.


"Well," Donahoe said earlier this week, "that's not my call. That's up to Mike and the coaches. Mike's feeling is that he'll do what's in the best interest of the team. If he got to the point where he believed that a change would make a difference, he'd go in that direction.


"He's looking at everything. Mike wanted to take [Monday] and [Wednesday] to reevaluate everything on the team. There could be some changes this week."

IMO Pasquarelli is apparently speculating based solely on Donahoe's very non-commital remarks.
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Apparently this is much more than speculation on by Pasquarelli. He is reporting that "ESPN has confirmed" the decision. Either he has reliable information or he will look like a fool on Sunday. I'll guess the former, but of course either possibility is a viable one, considering the source.

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Wow.  This is on the front page of ESPN.com (well in the headlines section) and everything.  Len P is right only about 99.9999999% of the time.  I guess we'll be seeing #10 on Sunday.



What unbelievable horse sh-- this is. They just screwed the pooch. Here's to Holcomb falling flat on his face.

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What unbelievable horse sh-- this is. They just screwed the pooch. Here's to Holcomb falling flat on his face.



Doubtful. Can't you see that MM and TC will call Willis' number 45 times this Sunday? :(

Obviously JP couldn't hand off to WM that many times a game or they would have done it already. :blink:

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They certainly have a way about PO'ing the fans, don't they? I better start drawing my START JP and FREE WILLIS signs to drape over the tunnel entrance.  :blink:



You're on to something there lady!

Those would be great.







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What unbelievable horse sh-- this is. They just screwed the pooch. Here's to Holcomb falling flat on his face.



Do you root for the name on the back of the jersey or the team they play for? I would like to see JP play also but if Holcomb can win games then so be it. This doesnt need to turn into another Flutie - Rob Johnson fiasco.

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Do you root for the name on the back of the jersey or the team they play for?  I would like to see JP play also but if Holcomb can win games then so be it.  This doesnt need to turn into another Flutie - Rob Johnson fiasco.


Amen!! Good post! Just GO BILLS!!!!

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Do you root for the name on the back of the jersey or the team they play for?  I would like to see JP play also but if Holcomb can win games then so be it.  This doesnt need to turn into another Flutie - Rob Johnson fiasco.



i think the whole plan was to have some experience at the position backing him up to help bring him along, youre talking about a 27-29 lifetime touchdown to interception guy that they hoped would never see the field and it seems pretty pre-mature ........especially last week in the 4th quarter down by one score....

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If these reports turn out to be true, Mularkey and Donahoe are making a HUGE error.


Like a stiff like Kelly Holcomb will make a difference.



Let's reserve judgement until you see how Holcomb performs. I think you're just wrong, quite frankly. Right now Holcomb is about 600 times a better QB than JP, and this switch will make huge difference.

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The Dolphins are licking their chops because Jason Taylor regularly 'kicked Jermans butt' when Jerman was a Dolphin. They're also thrilled because they looked at Holcomb over the summer and he's an immbole QB

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