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Bush photo?


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As I mentioned the last time this was posted, it is ridiculous that the photographer even wasted their time taking this photo, but what the hell makes this worthy of publication?



Says alot about PPP doesn't it. Not only does it get posted once, but twice.

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oh come on.....let the liberal kids get their kicks and giggles. if it was john kerry....the jokes would have been coming full bore.


and god forbid had it happened to Hillary. all the jokes about her needing to know which urinal to go to.

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Why the hell is this news?  Anything to make Bush look bad.  Its really getting ridiculous  ;)


It's not news and it doesn't make Bush look bad. It is just funny. The idea of any ultra rich and powerful person struggling with the same old same old stuff that the rest of us do has always been funny. It was, I'm sure, an event full of all the usual pompous, hoity-toity crap that attends these things. Something like this just deflates all that and gets a chuckle. Always has, always will.


Tell me again how it is that liberals are too sensitive and can't laugh at themselves and that only conservatives have a sense of humor.

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As I mentioned the last time this was posted, it is ridiculous that the photographer even wasted their time taking this photo, but what the hell makes this worthy of publication?


If you read the article, the photographer was just snapping away and had no idea what he had captured by accident. It was only realized later that they had caught a very human moment at what was probably a pretty inhumanly boring affair. A shot like that is a humorous counterpoint to the ridiculous pomposity of it all so, of course, it was going to get published. Not every photo in the news has to be pregnant with vital import. Its a goof. Even the great affairs of the world's nations therein assembled have to take a back seat to a man's bladder.

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It's not news and it doesn't make Bush look bad.  It is just funny.  The idea of any ultra rich and powerful person struggling with the same old same old stuff that the rest of us do has always been funny.  It was, I'm sure, an event full of all the usual pompous, hoity-toity crap that attends these things.  Something like this just deflates all that and gets a chuckle.  Always has, always will.


Tell me again how it is that liberals are too sensitive and can't laugh at themselves and that only conservatives have a sense of humor.



Didn't I tell you to shut up the other day? Why are you still talking?


This is all about setting the grounds for the Hill ticket, and I have it on good authority you've already cut your check. (It's fun to make stuff up...)

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I'm just getting more and more disappointed when people publish "Bush Photos". Back in my day, they meant something else.



Those are the types of photos that would get even the most extreme lefty to say "Bush Good!"

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