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Back From My Trip

R. Rich

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She said it was nice seeing you too.  I didn't say it, because you didn't get a picture w/ me.  Snob.


After I went out of my way to have my picture taken with you at Nick's. :devil:


I will post it to show the world how much better looking I am than you.


I even named a Garbage Plate after you, ungrateful bastid. :devil:

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Guff, great seeing you again and great seeing a sober Mrs Guff!  Wasn't it cool that I didn't need a ride to my car this year? 



How much exactly were you drinking? I didn't bring Mrs. Guff this year, she stayed home to tend to the kids and get ready for work.

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After I went out of my way to have my picture taken with you at Nick's.  :devil:


I will post it to show the world how much better looking I am than you.


I even named a Garbage Plate after you, ungrateful bastid.  :devil:




Yeah, there was that photo @ Nick's. I guess you're okay.

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It was a lot of driving (Baltimore-Rochester, Rochester-Erie, Erie-Buffalo, Buffalo-Baltimore all in 4 days), but well worth it.  The weather was nice, though it did get a bit hot for the game and we were right in the sun w/ no shade and barely a breeze.  Psycho Ward 86 was a bit under the weather after the game due to the sun, but other than that, we had a great time.


BRH- Great to meet you, though you did wait until you were heading out the door @ Nick Tahou's to introduce yourself to us.  We'll talk more the next time I'm up (Jets game, probably).


Mead & Mrs. Mead - You guys are great.  It was very nice meeting you @ Danny's on Saturday.  Looks like we'll be heading to San Antonio for the Saints game, huh?  I hope you guys can still make it.


Clements22 - 'Bout time you show up for a TBD function!  Maybe, once I get the new X360, I'll take the plunge and get the online gaming stuff (yeah Fezmid, I said it!).  Then, we can test our skills @ NCAA '06.  I also hope you and the rest of the CNJBBB crew can meet me @ McFadden's to watch the Bills @ Pats game this year.


theesir - Very nice meeting you, and thanks for the brew.  I still haven't tried it, but I will very soon, probably tonight.


The future Mrs Jack in Syracuse (aka Ruth, I won't get into the la la la thing) - I don't know why you'd be so foolish, but I still wish you the best.  You'll need it dealing w/ him.  Hey Jack, she's certainly a keeper.  You done good.


stevestojan - Glad to finally meet you, but the fact that you didn't have a brew w/ me means that you're in trouble. 


The rest of the gang (most of whom I know well or have met before):  what can I say?  You guys know how to make people feel welcome!  You know we love ya.  Great seeing Campy (especially sans the Marlboro Lights!!) and Theresa.  Hang in there, man.  Hey Lori, how's the T shirt?  Oh yeah, send me an address to mail a copy of the PSU-UC game.  I haven't watched it all the way through, but the frosh do look awesome!  EZC and tater, you guys rock!  Who was that guy who piled on you guys around halftime?  Jan and Bob, sorry we missed doing the Duff's thing again, but we'll make up for it next year.  Sid and Ty; where's my damn Memphis ribs???  Jerk chicken was great, as usual.  See you BOTH (remember, no excuses, Ty) @ McFadden's on October 30th.  Bill and Pat in Livonia; thanks for the grub (the beans were great, as was the sausage....but I'm not telling you anything new).  Thanks for not trying to kill me w/ food this year, Pat.  Guff, great seeing you again and great seeing a sober Mrs Guff!  Wasn't it cool that I didn't need a ride to my car this year?  Scott and Deborah, thanks for showing the photos of Paige.  Maybe one of these days, I'll make the long, arduous 15 minute drive to your place to see her in person.  Joey 6, Ann (and Bernie), Jay, Mike in Syracuse, my CNJBBB family (still wating for that beef on a weck!!!), Cindy and Crazy Mary (no hugs...boo hoo!!), Cable (Witchie Poo), Diane (see you in San Antonio; keep that damn Miller Lite away from me!), MadCap (ever find your family?..."they're here somewhere"), Tony/Avenger (my fantasy football nemesis, and I wouldn't have it any other way), the RaChaCha brothers, BILLS4LIFE (thanks for riding w/ us to the Brew Pub), and THE Bob Lamb; a pleasure as always.  You guys keep the party atmosphere going.  To all the rest of my TBD family, I say thanks for another great time.  Can't wait to do that again.


Very extra special thanks to LancasterSteve and his wife Lisa, who again opened their home to us for the weekend.  I can't say enough about how much your friendship means to us.  We love you both.  Have a great trip down to Valley Forge and the DC area.  See you soon.


And in the 'Better Luck Next Time' category, I'll keep hoping to get to see Simon, AKC, Alaska Darin (my evil twin), LABillzFan, and NG @ a tailgate.  I did miss my good friends KRC and Mrs. KRC, ExWNYer (my evil triplet??), and Kelly/Thailog 80 (quadruplet???).  Hope to see you all again real soon.


There was some sad news, as my beloved Bills Troll was abducted from the tailgate.  Authorities are on the case now, and I'll hope for the best. 


Now, on to the game.  I haven't watched the tape yet, but from what I saw while there, the red zone offense needs work (duh!).  As for the offensive line, the right side looked okay, but the left side was kinda so-so.  Both Gandy and Anderson showed that they may be better suited for drive blocking (ala the 90s Cowboys), as they were a bit slow of foot and in reaction time on pulling and trap plays.  The receivers were pretty solid, even Reed looked okay.  I wonder how nice they'll look w/ a healthy Parrish thrown in the mix.  Losman did a nice job of managing the game, but also seemed to do a better job of knowing when to run and when to try to go downfield and make a play throwing.  That was one of the knocks on him I read on here going into the opener (BTW, how many of the people whining about JP's preseason were chanting his name like the people in my end zone section were @ the end of the game?).  It's only one game, but I'm encouraged.  The defense looks ready to make a title run.  Nice game from Ron Edwards, Chris Kelsay, and Jeff Posey, three guys who get very little respect.  Special teams were pretty good too, led by that sorry a** kicker that we should get rid of because he can't hit the side of a barn.  Then again, let's see what happens when the winds start swirling.  Again, it's early, but I'm encouraged.


Again, thanks for another great time, and I look forward to the next tailgate.  I took a few photos, and I'll post them soon, maybe tonight.  Oh yeah, I do have one question to ask...


Who's Brad Riter?



I'm so unloved...



Feels good, actually. :devil::devil:

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Damn! I looked over the first post I made, and I forgot to mention G. Host!!! My fault, Glenn. You know I owe you for the Bills shirt you won and then traded w/ me after I won in the raffle. But, that's just the beginning. You were the very first person that I met from ANY message board, and I still recall the road trip we made up to Buffalo to attend the draft party and last year's road trip to RICHmond to watch a Bills game. Good times.


Psycho Ward 86 and I will make another trip to your place some time soon.

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R.Rich, I agree it is about time I showed up, and it was a great time....you just let me know when you get the online package and we will play some NCAA online!!  :)


I also agree it was classic to meet stevestojan and see the Jim Kelly Pirates jersey in person!  ;)



Like my new profile photo?

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Glad you enjoyed it, Anmarie.  Sorry we shot past the Brew Pub and wasted about 10 minutes having to backtrack.  I know from now on to look for the Mobil on Main/Transit.




Thats ok. I shouldve been watching better anyway. Of course, I didnt realize it was so far back.


Looking forward to next year! 0:)

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