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If you just had to pick one....


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It's amazing what Glamour Shots can do, isn't it? A buddy of mine had an ex-wife who was 300 lbs and a dogs shaved ass ugly. Glamour Shots made her look like a super model. It's wonderful what technology can do these days...


Why can't all that Hollywood technology make Shatner look or sound like a real man?

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David Palmer "24"

He's everything I want.

Especially honesty and integrity.

Of course it's just a character.

But ya man....

F the lobbiests, F the pork special interetsts,

and F the 2 major parties...

Will the people ever have a voice??

Bush has proven to be the absolute worst

in kickbacks to contributors for political power.

And by no means are the Dems much better...

But Bush has got to be the end all...

I think he should be impeached

for the unforgivable garbage he's forced

on the American people not to mention

the tax giveaways to the upper crust

and the lack of responsibility to our

homeland security, Vets benefits, and the 34 lies he's gone through to justify and arrive at his final reason for America's 1st invasion of another country. Give me back my 200 BILLION

DOLLARS that has been poured into Iraq Mr. Dubya.

There is no way you can tell me that we are "Fighting them there so we don't have to fight em here"

That's the biggest piece of spin garbage I have ever heard.

Like they have some deal that they decided not to attack America because we are in Iraq.

You have GOT to be kidding. Ya, They decided to not attack us now because

we have troops in Iraq. How stupid do you think we are? (not including the GOP lemmings)

I have a million better ways we could put that money to use.

200 BILLION of our taxes is in Iraqi hands.

Give me a FREAKIN break.

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If you had a gun held to your head, and you had to pick a celebrity to be President, who would it be?


This can be any type of celebrity, from sports star to businessman (Trump anyone?) to an actor, to anyone.


Its an interesting question as celebrities talk about politics so much and they are a spotlight, but are the ones with the floor who we'd pick to be President?


Anyway, my choice would be Adam Corrola.




G. Gordon Liddy

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walken as president

steve buscemi as vice president

and James Gandolfini as Secretary of State




Debate Moderator:

President Walken, how do you explain the unprecidented revitalization of Social Security under your Administration?


President Walken:

Social Security was your birthright. Id be damned if any of the politicians were gonna get their greasy hands on your birthright. So I hid it in the one place I knew I could hide something...

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