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pope zimli

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  1. not quite accurate... Statement of Mr. John Kerry ...I am not here as John Kerry. I am here as one member of the group of 1,000 which is a small representation of a very much larger group of veterans in this country, and were it possible for all of them to sit at this table they would be here and have the same kind of testimony.... WINTER SOLDIER INVESTIGATION I would like to talk, representing all those veterans, and say that several months ago in Detroit, we had an investigation at which over 150 honorably discharged and many very highly decorated veterans testified to war crimes committed in Southeast Asia, not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command.... They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country. We call this investigation the "Winter Soldier Investigation." The term "Winter Soldier" is a play on words of Thomas Paine in 1776 when he spoke of the Sunshine Patriot and summertime soldiers who deserted at Valley Forge because the going was rough. Sounds like he was talking about previous testimony of others. Nobody really questions that all of the things he talked about did actually happen (My Lai, agent orange, the tiger cages etc.) ....
  2. http://www.cnn.com/2005/ALLPOLITICS/03/19/...adio/index.html hmmmm...Mission accomplished.
  3. Yeah..we're having a bake sale for poor Halliburton this afternoon.
  4. Actually was in Ukraine most of the time I was sentenced to the cybergulag. Nothing like a revolution and a russian winter to give you perspective. Fascinating country with some remarkable cities, Lviv, Kyiv, Yalta, Odessa. Loved Belarus (dicatatorship with a vengeance) and ;earned Russian (old blind dog...new tricks!) Finished the trip with a week in Istanbul...great city. Nice to be back. I should apologize for how wrong I was about the war. It was really a great idea to go in there, destroy all those wmd's and be welcomed so warmly by the people of Iraq. What a wonderful thing to have a peaceful democratic country. And to think how so many of you corrected me when I said the war might cost a second hundred million dollars! Too bad Bush can't run for a third term so I could vote for him as a great leader!
  5. I always thought he was brilliant! Actually its me.
  6. Boy he sure didn't show a lot of brilliance in the second half, did he? I'm wondering if he will last the season?
  7. Tommy tommy tommy...I just pointed out a bill introduced by Senator Kerry. He did introduce it. You have a problem with the site? Fine. But he introduced the bill, responsive to a query by someone else. I in turn asked for a Bush example. Let's try and get along. I see you changed your name (obviously after laudable introspection). The issue was treatment of veterans. Others made it political. I was asked what Kerry did and pointed to some legislation he proposed. and Ken, do you think your comment added anything to the post?
  8. http://vocusgr.vocus.com/GRSPACE2/webpub/r...XSL=ProfileBill Bush examples? I didn't raise this as a democrat republican issue but isn't it funny how quickly the issue got away from the crappy treatment vets are receiveing into a who shot john argument?
  9. The draft pick had better be on the other side of 300 lbs and be ready to block or tackle.
  10. Thanks for the hot-pocket, but I've already had breakfast. Kerry has done more for veterans than Bush or Cheney ever have.
  11. I didn't know there WAS a number three. Every other Al Qaida they have killed was the number 2 man. I guess everyone in Al Qaeda is either number 2 or number 3
  12. Wow I was mistaken about the bills this year. Nice passing to Lee Evans, we have Miami under control. I feel terrible as I had to catch a flight and didn't see the second half. I'm so optimistic about our chances. We must have mauled them in the second half! Gonna go get a paper now and read all about it.
  13. I think you're giving a little too much credit as an X's and O's guy.
  14. Plus ca change.. Thirty five years of watching viet vets die of cancers and their children with birth defects and deformities from Agent Orange has led me to be less than surprised at the treatment returning vets are getting after Iraq. I do volunteer work at the VA across the street and the stories I hear are really hair-raising. Not surprising that the folks who got us into this mess, who couldn't run the mess, who can't get out of this mess, can't deal with the results of this mess when it involves our veterans. The soldiers look good in uniform backing up our commander in chief at his speeches (does he ever talk in front of civilian audiences these days?) but let get them get a piece of metal in them or lose a leg and we forget all about them.
  15. Oh...now THAT ought to solve our problems in Iraq.
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