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Here's my Training Camp Report from

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I put some photos in there, and I will be uploading more to my album tomorrow morning when I get out of work.  0:)


Here's the album....



Thanks man your reports are the best!

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Thanks.  Great job.  How was Tony Brown today?  Only a small mention of him.



I just started to notice Tony Brown. He's doing pretty good, and I will definitely have to start watching him. He could push for a 5th or 6th receiver spot if he does enough, but my guess is that he'll be stashed on the PS.



Thanks for the great report keep them coming.



No problem. Will do!



Man, these are awesome!  Very nice reporting.



Thanks. 0:)


Great report ! Thanks for posting your report !



Thanks for the comments. :lol:



Thanks man your reports are the best!



Thank you. :lol:



Thanks ... I enjoyed that.



I'm glad you did. :P


Dude, this is way better than drugs. Thanks!



:P Are you sure?






your welcome. :lol:

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You're reports are great.  I really appreciate them.



Thanks. :)


Man you kick @ss.  I love reading your reports.  Keep them coming!!!!



Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you like it. :D


Great report.

Someone needs to pull a Tonya Harding on Stamer if he's going to pull these kinds of stunts.  Hey Stamer, you are a STer; know your role and stay away from the starting QB...dumb*&&



Thanks! :doh:


Thanks for the reports for all of us from out of town that can't be there to see all this in person. You are doing great. Thank you!



No problem and thank you for the kind words. :doh:

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I put some photos in there, and I will be uploading more to my album tomorrow morning when I get out of work.  :D


Here's the album....



Do the Bills have security keeping an eye on you. With all the pictures and your little black notebook, they are bound to get suspicious much like last year! :doh:

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Do the Bills have security keeping an eye on you.  With all the pictures and your little black notebook, they are bound to get suspicious much like last year! :D



I tuck my notebook away once in a while. I don't want to attract John Guy again. He scared the crap out of me last year. :doh:

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