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(OT) Hot enough for you?

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You damn right. I'd guess I'm about 1-2 hours south of you (southern chester county) and it is currently 91....heat index 99 <_<


Give me those 100+ dry heat days in AZ any day...



Step outside and there's only one word for it: Ick.


And this is coming from someone who lived in Georgia.


At least there the air pollution wasn't bad. Here, it sticks in the valley. Can be rough if you've got allergies. We get Ozone alerts a lot in July and August.

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Step outside and there's only one word for it: Ick.


And this is coming from someone who lived in Georgia.


At least there the air pollution wasn't bad. Here, it sticks in the valley. Can be rough if you've got allergies. We get Ozone alerts a lot in July and August.


It was beautiful here about a week and a half ago....mid-high 70s and sunny for like 4 days straight. You can usually count those days on one hand for the whole summer.


Good thing my truck has no A/C.... <_<

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It was beautiful here about a week and a half ago....mid-high 70s and sunny for like 4 days straight. You can usually count those days on one hand for the whole summer.


Good thing my truck has no A/C.... <_<



Yes, that was nice. Hope you enjoyed it, because we won't see anything like that until October.

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Yes, well, It will cool down eventually in WNY. It's only going to get HOTTER here.


Here in SE PA, we have two seasons:


The abominably hot and muggy season and the cold, gray, rainy season.




Summer in southern PA or Maryland is like taking a pair of jeans out of the dryer after 5 minutes and putting that on your head, and then going out to the closed garage and turning on the car.







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Summer in southern PA or Maryland is like taking a pair of jeans out of the dryer after 5 minutes and putting that on your head, and then going out to the closed garage and turning on the car.


<_<  :P



LMFAO...that's EXACTLY what it's like!!

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Temperature wise, it's been cooler than ususal here in Atlanta. However it's been raining half the time. Usually, low to mid 90's and high humidity is the norm. Quoting my girlfriend's dad (visiting from Rochester)..."You live in hell."


Maybe some of our AZ wallers can add to this, but I heard that with all the lawns and golf courses being put in around Phoenix, the humidity is starting to rise???

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That's why they wre given the land for the capital. It was originally a malaria infested swamp. Imagine how bad it was with those wool clothes and powdered wigs!

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Actually, it's entirely unlike that.

But don't ask me how I know.  <_<




Only if you are in Erie or Bradford will you catch a break.



I do believe that hot air from the direction of DC :D or even beyond further down southway yonder runs up the eastern side of the Appalachians. Therefore.....Chambersburg to York, Lancaster, Harrisburg and eastward get the hot "put the jeans over your head and turn the car on to recreate the smog" type weather.



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Its actually been hotter in Buffalo the last couple of days than it has been here in Raleigh.


Last week I was in Phoenix and it topped out at 114*.  And to tell you the truth, it really wasn't that bad.


But yesterday the Humidty was 76% with temps in Mid 80's. Plus its lovely waking up each morning in the summer and seeing the humidty at 100% I never realized you could have 100% humidity and not be raining out. Oh well we needed the rain we have received last 2 days minus 6 inches for the year and lawns and golf courses turning brown.

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I still get a kick out of the fact that I have never visited or lived in a place where more houses had pools compared to the Buffalo area.


True, but the vast majority of them are of the cheesy above-ground variety. Very few actual inground swimming pools in these parts. <_<

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