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(Sigh...) More Hillary Comments...

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The honest answer is none of us knows for sure.  Hilary got a lot of press, but Laura if you really pay attention is doing a lot. 


Little fact, did you know Laura Bush is the ONLY 1st lady to deliver the Presidents weekly radio address?


Oh and I can assure you that you are wrong.  You need to go back to polling 101.


So you tell me who you think got better experience. You must pick one. Go ahead. make a fool of yourself. :flirt:

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So you tell me who you think got better experience. You must pick one. Go ahead. make a fool of yourself.  :doh:


Again you really need to go do some real research and stop listening to CNN and reading the Washington Post. I would say that right now with her teaching background, degree and being around the Bush family for 30 years, that the "legitimate" politics are more ingrained in Laura then in Hilary. That backwoods Arkansaw politics doesn't cut it in the real world, and part of the reason that no major legislation ever got done for that 8 year period.

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Hillary's qualified.

She is an expert in economics. She took $1000 and turned it into $100,000 overnight with cattle futures!

She's an expert in management. She happened to find some long lost billing records right in the White House!

She's an expert on NY after only living there a few months.


She is the smartest woman who ever lived!

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So you tell me who you think got better experience. You must pick one. Go ahead. make a fool of yourself.  :doh:



If I had to choose...it depends. Define "better". Hillary was thrown into the political process with the Clintons' health care initiative and was soundly thrashed to the point where she took on the dutiful little hausfrau background role that most First Ladies assume, right to the point of silently (perhaps stoically) enduring public humiliation over her husband's philandering. Laura Bush hasn't interfaced with Congress that I've seen...but she seems to have gotten more out of her position as First Lady than Hillary did.


But to be brutally honest...I haven't seen much out of either of them that makes me conclude they're qualified for anything more than a bake sale. Can I vote for Edith Wilson?

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