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Why does your job suck

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Number 1 -Boys count em, men drink em.  Number 2 -Three beers and you can't control yourself? If you have 4 do you take your panties off for any salor that gives you the time of day? Be a man and quit crying.




Wow how about a nice cup of...



I deal with retards all day from Florida that have no idea on how to use a computer...

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My job is ok...I make alot of money but the hours suck...I work 12 hour shifts...2 days, 2 mids then 4 days off. I know...4 days off...but it's really 3...after you sleep for awhile after the last mid.

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The best thing about being a doc is that I'm my own boss and have some partners to share the work load. The worst thing about being a doc is seeing how a profession based on compassion, caring, and healing people is now 100% a business and if you don't run your practice like that you'll go bankrupt. The worst thing about being a boss is having employees. Think about this guys - I have 8 nurses who work for our group, they all make 6 figures + working LESS than 40 hours a week and STILL B word! Are you kidding me??? That drives me up a wall. Overall though, I love my job and would do it again.





Your nurses make 6 figures? They must be HOT.


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Cool...I did 15 years and got tired of the PC Navy.....I can't explain how happy i am now...I had a Gunny Sgt tell me my first tour ..."when it stops being fun...leave"...That's what I did. Life is funny like that....Carry on smartly Marine. :w00t:

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Mine sucks becuase I am currently out of work. "Reduction in force", more like re-allocate responsibility to Asia.


I liked what I did, liked the people, liked the challenges. Now, I'm searching for an employer that wants a mid-40 year old with 20 years experience.



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Well I only have 3 years until I retire at 20 so I can stick it out for now. Then I'll make double my money...  :w00t:


You're going to retire at 20? I knew the military was hard up for people but I didn't know they were taking 10-year-olds. :doh:

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I love everything about my job but the pay sucks


Just got my forcasted retirement and I'll get $1,000 a month if I work here until I'm 67 and have 38 yrs in

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Amen. Best attitude at work is "live your life for the sixteen hours you spend outside these walls."


-My job?...


-- THE GOOD: It's a lot like doing complex math puzzles that start with a word problem, which I always liked. It's cool starting with raw data and trying to spot patterns, relationships & trends - especially where others haven't spotted them. It's also satisfying at the end when you look at what you started with and where it led you and go "wow." Plus, they can't bring the farms and shopping centers here into the office to be appraised, so I get out a lot ...


-- THE BAD: I work in a bureaucracy. 'Nuff said. If they found out I just spent ten minutes to hop onto TBD to see what's up and share a post, they'd immediately schedule a one-hour meeting with four or five well-paid people that would wind up costing more (time & salary) than the problem it's addessing ...

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I like my job, no love my job but could get paid more. But, then again couldn't we all?


I think we all get the temptation to go elsewhere from time to time, kinda like the temptations you get being a male in the summertime.


Good lord, I wish the young ladies walking through the lobby would put more clothes on. /sarcasm.

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i enjoy my job, granted i am only 3 months in, but i do enjoy what I do, and I enjoy working for circuit city, it is "Just what I needed!!!!!"


Ok so im drunk right now after pounding 3 beers in 2 minutes!


I dont drink much....


I started drinking when I got home today because of my job


I'd like to know if you like your job sucks


Because Mine does


If you love it then rock on....




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My job does not suck.  I enjoy my work very much, and actually look forward to it every morning.  And no I'm not being sarcastic.



Do you do porn or something?

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When I'm not deployed my job is pretty awesome. When I'm deployed there's always that little getting shot at thing.... :)



But you have to admit it's good for some really cool stories...

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Hard for me to say if I hate my job. I guess I don't hate it, but I don't love it. There are parts I like, but parts I don't like.


I like it much more than being unemployed, though. I didn't like that. Kodak eliminated my department in fall of 2003 and I didn't work for 6 months. That sucked.

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My job is awesome. I'm the general manager for a pro football team in Western New York. I spend my days killing kittens, drinking babies blood and pretending I have a plan for Travis Henry.



You are truely a lucky man. :(

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