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Hmm, do i have the takes correct?


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22 minutes ago, Mango said:


To an extent. I am going through the GB all-22 now and Josh forced the ball twice to Davis on the first two pass plays. I will admit Davis should have caught the second one. But Knox was the far better option there. The second play Josh abandoned the pocket way too early and slings a terrible ball to Davis down the sideline deep when he could have let Singletary or Diggs try and make a play one on one right in front of him. 

Both were bad plays by the QB. 


(EDIT: All-22 used to be better. I used to have way more control of each play, rewind, slow motion, etc. I think I used to be able to select a play, possession, quarter etc. Now it is a continuous video. Hard dislike on the NFL plus)

Yeah it all the Qb. Gabe is catching 46% of his targets and it’s all the QB fault. Why don’t you look that stat up compared to all the other #2 WRs in the league. It’s easy to look at film and see other options when you don’t know where his first,second and third reads lead him. A lot different while your on the field making these reads. Gabe has been terrible beside a few plays, you can’t tel me otherwise or blame his lack of production on anyone but himself. Diggs is producing, why can’t Gabe. Diggs is gotta be catching over 70% of his targets, why can’t Gabe? McKenzie 66% and Knox 74%. 

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3 hours ago, SCBills said:

After watching the Chiefs struggle at home against the worst QB play seen in years, yea.. I think there would be a different perception.  

Bills lost another close one. Add that to the list.  Are they better than what they showed yesterday? Absolutely.  If they have to go to Arrowhead in the Playoffs though … we’ll look back on games like this. … just like we did last year. 

I don't think the Chiefs are finishing the year 15-2 especially after what I saw last night - the Bills just have to keep pace with them (very doable) but surely have things they need to fix/clean up/change

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Josh sucks right now.  He’ll figure it out. 

Dorsey had a nice start.  Bumpy road recent weeks-  He might figure it out.


Missing our 3 All Pro caliber players (not including Hyde) + Rousseau for a half hurts.  

Injuries will continue to be my biggest worry and be the biggest obstacle for winning a super bowl….. unless Josh doesn’t figure it out.  In that case, we’re effed.  I just don’t see that happening. 

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9 minutes ago, BananaB said:

Yeah it all the Qb. Gabe is catching 46% of his targets and it’s all the QB fault. Why don’t you look that stat up compared to all the other #2 WRs in the league. It’s easy to look at film and see other options when you don’t know where his first,second and third reads lead him. A lot different while your on the field making these reads. Gabe has been terrible beside a few plays, you can’t tel me otherwise or blame his lack of production on anyone but himself. Diggs is producing, why can’t Gabe. Diggs is gotta be catching over 70% of his targets, why can’t Gabe? 


Josh has sucked for 6 quarters. Sure other things go wrong as well, but in 2022 when your QB plays like poop that is where the problem starts. 

Allen was the first to admit it, it is tough to win when your QB plays like garbage. It happens. I don't think its career defining, but I also don't think its valid to pin his crappy play on anybody else other than him. I am half way through the GB all 22 at this point and he is super eratic, bailing out of clean pockets, spinning around when all he needs to do is step up, staring down receivers, etc. He got bailed out by a couple of chunk plays, but it wasn't a great first half either. 


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Here's an idea, QB is struggling, let's lean on the RB's and the short/quick passing game. Wilson killed us with the 3 step drop and throw all game. We refused to call those plays and our Oline got our QB almost killed. I'm sure some of its on Josh trying to be the hero, but the play calling should have forced him into a rhythm and taking what they were giving. Their front 4 killed us and we gave them the time to do it. I wish the team could bail out Josh every once in a while. He's teamates need to tell him, I'll get open short and quickly. Or Singultary/Cook says lean on me, I got you! I put 50% blame on play calling. 

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9 minutes ago, Mango said:


Josh has sucked for 6 quarters. Sure other things go wrong as well, but in 2022 when your QB plays like poop that is where the problem starts. 

Allen was the first to admit it, it is tough to win when your QB plays like garbage. It happens. I don't think its career defining, but I also don't think its valid to pin his crappy play on anybody else other than him. I am half way through the GB all 22 at this point and he is super eratic, bailing out of clean pockets, spinning around when all he needs to do is step up, staring down receivers, etc. He got bailed out by a couple of chunk plays, but it wasn't a great first half either. 


While Allen had 6 quarters of bad play this season, Gabe has had about 6 quarters of good play this season. 🤔

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Josh always seems to want to go long on his first and second progressions.  I hate to say it,  he is so fixated on the the long completion first he loses his focus and the result is less than positive, lately it's been way more negative & game changing turnovers.   He has made so many bad throws lately,  I can't even fathom how a QB with his talent is throwing a ball as poorly as he does not realizing throwing a ball to a open man is always a better option than forcing a throw in at 100MPH in double & triple coverage.  His bad throws as of late are off target, to short, underthrown, overthrown, mis timed,  forced bad passes for Int's and bad reads.  


You can't get to the SB this year if he continues playing the way he has in the last two games.  I put the blame on Dorsey too,  but when you watch him lately his mechanics have been bad.  In the last two games he has not been mechanically sound throwing the ball at all.


He is resorting back to 2019 hero ball again and that is not a good sign. 






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