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Did the team quit?


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I see too many stars, and the people we thought were leaders are not.

Meaning. Coaches and mentor cannot appoint leaders only captains.


I thought when JA reacted to Cody Ford penalty that control may be established. It was not. JA became introvert like he overstepped. 

Edmunds did nut play but how us the youngest guy made a leader.


When Jim Kelly took on House Ballard he won, he was the leader. JA is not yet. But who is? Diggs? Morse did f all. Dawkins...nothing.



The team is in free fall not based on talent but based on on-field leadership. 

Marv was the boss but Talley, Jim, Thurman were leaders.




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Why do people always want to invest emotionally-driven narratives to describe sports outcomes?


"They quit!"  "They didn't want it enough!"   "They're too soft!" 


HUH?  The Colts executed better than us, and our coaching was terrible for most of the game.


McDermott is NOT a particularly good in-game tactician.  I've said that 100 times here.


It's only going to be so good with him as HC...and that gives rise to days like yesterday.




That' what wins football games (or loses them).


Not cute emotionally-driven, psychology-based, story lines.



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