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Who Do The Democrats Run in 2024?


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The Biden 2024 Train Wreck Might Be Happening. 


“The real question that has to be asked is if Biden can physically handle the rigors of a real campaign. He spent most of the 2020 run in his basement with his Legos and baggie full of Cheerios, only putting on his big boy pants to make the occasional video with DOCTOR Mama Jill.


He wasn’t mentally sharp enough to run then and we’ve all witnessed his precipitous decline in the last year.”






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  • 2 weeks later...



Which Democratic Party Kingmaker(s) Want Biden Out? 


“With midterms safely past, news about the classified documents (which was known in advance of the midterms) was allowed to leak out, indicating that whoever arranged Slow Joe’s greased-skid path to the White House has lost confidence in his ability not to screw things up so badly that Democrats get slaughtered in 2024.


And this despite the decided unpopularity both of VP Kamala Harris and backup catspaw Pete Buttigieg.


My working theory is that the same people who installed Biden will try to install Gavin Newsom in 2024.”






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  • 4 weeks later...


Democrats Fear the Truth About Biden’s 2024 Presidential Run.



My fellow Democrats have shown their own kind of cowardice by refusing to say that President Biden shouldn’t run for re-election.


Polls show most Democratic voters don’t want Mr. Biden to run again, but Democratic elites apparently believe that any dissent from party leadership or independent thinking—even in the name of an obvious truth—is dangerous to their job security.


To be sure, opposing Mr. Biden’s 2024 run can be tricky. He is a preternatural panderer with nearly every audience, which keeps many activist groups at bay. And increasingly he comes across—even to his supporters—as a foggy retiree. Attacking him can seem ageist, even sadistic.


But unlike his Democratic presidential predecessors, Mr. Biden’s job approval has been consistently in the dumps, and his legislative record is debatable at best. He and his staff promised centrism but instead governed from the far left. Voters of all races—especially working-class voters, for whom Democrats claim to fight—continue to desert the party.







Maybe the real reason Democrats are afraid to speak the truth about Biden is that they don’t have anyone better to replace him.







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  • 3 weeks later...


Democrats Are Stuck With Biden, Let’s Hope the Rest of Us Aren’t. 


“One thing is certain: it definitely won’t be a trade-up if Biden opts out of running again.


Waiting in the wings is a gaggle of Democrats who are just as dull-witted as he is, but who can’t blame it on age.”








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  • 3 weeks later...





RFK Jr. announced his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination yesterday. He seeks to wrest it from the presumptive (and presumptuous) Democratic candidate Joe Biden. RCP — not to be confused with RFK — has posted video, clips, and text of Kennedy’s announcement here.


I found much to like in the substance and tone of Kennedy’s announcement. I enjoyed his tribute to his wife, Cheryl Hines, and to his family — the quick and the dead. He attacked the merger of state and corporate power. I wish he would expand the attack to woke corporate America. It would complement his professed desire to overcome the divisions on which Democrats have staked their power. Yet Bobby remains hazy about all that. He either can’t or won’t say too much about it.


Democrats do not have their heart in another Biden candidacy. Everyone knows it. According to the recent USA Today/Suffolk University poll, 14 percent of surveyed voters who backed President Biden in 2020 said they would support Kennedy in 2024. The Hill reports on the poll here. I don’t know if I believe it, but that is not an insubstantial place from which to start a candidacy that otherwise appears to be fantastical.


Biden, however, has rigged the Democrats’ schedule to suit his political strengths, such as they are. Kennedy could break through in Iowa or New Hampshire, but those states won’t carry the weight that they have in years past for Democrats.






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2 hours ago, B-Man said:





RFK Jr. announced his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination yesterday. He seeks to wrest it from the presumptive (and presumptuous) Democratic candidate Joe Biden. RCP — not to be confused with RFK — has posted video, clips, and text of Kennedy’s announcement here.


I found much to like in the substance and tone of Kennedy’s announcement. I enjoyed his tribute to his wife, Cheryl Hines, and to his family — the quick and the dead. He attacked the merger of state and corporate power. I wish he would expand the attack to woke corporate America. It would complement his professed desire to overcome the divisions on which Democrats have staked their power. Yet Bobby remains hazy about all that. He either can’t or won’t say too much about it.


Democrats do not have their heart in another Biden candidacy. Everyone knows it. According to the recent USA Today/Suffolk University poll, 14 percent of surveyed voters who backed President Biden in 2020 said they would support Kennedy in 2024. The Hill reports on the poll here. I don’t know if I believe it, but that is not an insubstantial place from which to start a candidacy that otherwise appears to be fantastical.


Biden, however, has rigged the Democrats’ schedule to suit his political strengths, such as they are. Kennedy could break through in Iowa or New Hampshire, but those states won’t carry the weight that they have in years past for Democrats.






Any Democratic presidential candidate isn't going to stand a chance in NH after moving their NH primary date.  Two primaries (one for each party) is a non-starter as most of the polling locations are at schools which require the school to be closed for the day.  NH has voted blue recently but will likely flip red for the foreseeable future.

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The Wall Street Journal editorial board pulled no punches in their response to reports that President Joe Biden will announce his bid for reelection next week: He should not run.

The editors write that electing a man who is in “obvious decline” would be “an historic mistake” and a “risky act that borders on selfish.”

They rightly note:


[P]eople age at different rates, but the risk of an accelerated decline for Mr. Biden is considerable.”


It’s impossible to know Mr. Biden’s real physical and mental state because the White House goes to great lengths to hide it. But his decline is clear to anyone who isn’t willfully blind. He rarely holds a press conference, and his words are as scripted as possible to avoid embarrassing stumbles that he nonetheless continues to make.

But the best reason not to run is for the patriotic good of the country. The world is growing more dangerous by the week, and the U.S. faces more formidable adversaries than any time since the height of the Cold War. It will take more than a figurehead President to confront and counter them. In 2008 Hillary Clinton ran an ad saying that she was prepared to take a 3 a.m. phone call in a crisis. Could an 84-year-old Joe Biden take a 3 p.m. call?


Enemies size up leaders as much as they do nations when they make their calculations to seize territory or seek other strategic advantage. There is a strong case to believe that Vladimir Putin decided to invade Ukraine in part because he judged that Mr. Biden lacked the determination to resist after his retreat from Afghanistan. Xi Jinping will not shrink from exploiting Mr. Biden out of Chinese respect for his elders.



Their assessment is, of course, correct. From the moment President Joe Biden launched his campaign in April 2019, it was apparent he lacked the cognitive capacity he’d possessed throughout his long political career.


Yes, he was well-known for making colossal gaffes, but he’d always been able to speak to people extemporaneously and fluidly.








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