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so we keep Henry and he walks next year


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Bills better figure out a way to get rid of TH and do it soon. This will be a major distraction as long as TH is a Buffalo Bill.



I don't understand why TH being in the team is going to be distraction,

especially if he is going to show up only for the last 6 games to gain his

eligibility for FA.


TH kept his mouth shut during the entire last season, when he couldn't

get on the field. I don't see any reason why he wouldn't do so. Plus what

choices does he have other than to report to the buffalo bills. May be

if he had a Drew Rosenhaus as his manager, he might have found a new

home by now. (Like what Plaxico did).

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Unless Henry changes his tune and does what any guy under contract is supposed to do, he will not be playing for anyone this year. Donahoe has got to be furious over all the flak he is taking because Henry is a dumb-ass baby. If Henry had an ounce of sense, he would have realized Donahoe is not trading him for a 4th rounder or some disposable OL nobody wants. He should have shut his mouth because teams now think Donahoe will release him anyway and will not offer much for him. Do you really think Donahoe is going to give in to Travis now after all the crap he has taken? Why are Arizona and other talking heads so upset because the Bills didn't trade Travis? Why do they care so much? Teams interested in Henry thought Donahoe would have to basically give him away because Travis is a whiny cry-baby. Donahoe essentially gave all those teams (including Travis) the finger and now they are pissed. Kurt Warner and JJ Arrington in Arizona is hardly anything to write home about. Ryan Moats over Travis Henry??? Seems like a story is being planted to tools like Clayton, Mueller, and Florio to cover up other teams inability to land Travis.

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The press seems all over TD for not moving Henry. But really, what is the hurry? If a starting back gets injured in camp, then between Alexander and Henry, Henry is the bargain. Secondly, if Henry sits out, there is no way for him to make up the income in the last year of a contract and then becoming a free agent in next years market- who is going to give him a lucrative multiyear deal. Henry's best option is to show up to camp and hope the Bills move him, and if not play through the last year. I don't think it hurts that much if TD calls Henry's bluff and lets him sit out, Henry must know that if he sits out he is not going to be worth much in the market next year. FIRE YOUR AGENT TRAVIS!!!! :( YOUR BLUFF HAS BEEN CALLED!!


Aside... I don't think TD sitting on this hurts his negotiating posture for future holdouts at all.



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The press seems all over TD for not moving Henry. But really, what is the hurry? If a starting back gets injured in camp, then between Alexander and Henry, Henry is the bargain. Secondly, if Henry sits out, there is no way for him to make up the income in the last year of a contract and then becoming a free agent in next years market- who is going to give him a lucrative multiyear deal. Henry's best option is to show up to camp and hope the Bills move him, and if not play through the last year. I don't think it hurts that much if TD calls Henry's bluff and lets him sit out, Henry must know that if he sits out he is not going to be worth much in the market next year. FIRE YOUR AGENT TRAVIS!!!!  :( YOUR BLUFF HAS BEEN CALLED!!


Aside... I don't think TD sitting on this hurts his negotiating posture for future holdouts at all.





Welcome aboard!

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Travis' rants and threats were made before the draft because he and his agent thought (probably wrongly) that it could help him get out of dodge. But now that the best time to trade him is gone, they will sing a different tune. I doubt this will happen, however, until training camp and pre-season starts. We will likely hear of more threatened hold-outs and sitting out the season which just ain't gonna happen IMO.


Furthermore, it is not like TH is a rookie and desperately needs the time in training camp. RB is one of the easiest spots to learn a new offense and he will not be expected to play as a third down back but rather to spell Willis when he gets nicked or for a series or two a game. He could come in the day before the season and be ready to play. This is not the ideal situation obviously but it could happen and work. A team needs three RBs, a starter, a third down type and a guy who can sppell the starter if he goes down. Shaud will fill the other role.

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I don't understand why TH being in the team is going to be distraction,

especially if he is going to show up only for the last 6 games to gain his

eligibility for FA. 


TH kept his mouth shut during the entire last season, when he couldn't

get on the field. I don't see any reason why he wouldn't do so.  Plus what

choices does he have other than to report to the buffalo bills.  May be

if he had a Drew Rosenhaus as his manager, he might have found a new

home by now. (Like what Plaxico did).



It hurts TH's interest so much if he only shows up for the last 6 games (or shows up from the start but simply punches the clock and mails in his performance) tha I do not seeing him doing it if he is in this for himself as people portray him to be.


There are some parallels which some draw with the Corey Dillon situation (there are SOME paralells but they are different cases and not the same so you can learn things but not say they are the same), but one big thing is that Dillon was not helpful at all to the Cincy team in terms of his chatter. but he always kept faith with his teammates and watched their backs.


If Henry were to only show up for 8 games to qualify as an FA or developed a rep among his fellow players as not being a good teammate who watches his brothers backs it will definitely lessen the size of the contract he can command.


There are exceptions and a team will aggressively pursue a player that it thinks can make the difference on the field even if he is a jerk off the field (ex. TO ragging on McNabb).


However, TO was clearly one of the most productive WRs in the game who would join a team which had fallen short of the SB 3 tmes in a row in part because their WRs were not good enough.


Henry is a former Pro Bowl RB, but he is coming off a non-productive year on the field and two seasons lessened by injuries.


It would be so counter to signing a big contract for Travis to hold his breath because he is under contract and coming off a non-productive season that it will take a Wickey Williams like move for Henry to be a distraction.


Henry has shown that he is far too pliable (mismanging his money, translating the mismangement into a year's extra Bills ownership, keeping his mouth shut until after the season ended) that he cannot be made to understand or accept the high road course on this one.


If not, move on. let him sit, and if he muddles around to achieve FA watch him get few offers as the Bills, fellow players and the media bad mouth him. He likely will get the advice to suck it up and cash in by doing so.

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There have been some statements about compensatory picks recently that indicated the NFL does a player for player comparison(i.e. Vincent for Winfield) which I don't believe is true. In its simplest terms....


Buffalo signs 3 UFA's and loses 4 FA's. The performance of the players signed versus the players you lost are evaluated as a group and if the losses outweigh the gains, you get x number of picks in the appropriate round..

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You know I think we'll know Travis's intentions somewhat come this weekend when mini-camp starts.  Whether he is there or not will be a telltale sign of things to come. 


As much as I dislike his ability as a starter, I would feel comfortable with him as the backup/change of pace guy, as long as he understood his role and played ST's like a backup runningback is supposed to.


Well it looks like Travis has opened his mouth again, and answered my question as to whther he will be here or not this weekend.


At this point Donahoe may as get what he can including a piece of used bubble gum. This will be nothing but a distraction to the team, and the front office. It is probably better in fact if they just cut him now.

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