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What's your take (Bills' 05 draft)?

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On first take, I'd have to say it was an abortion of a draft.


Parrish was a complete reach in the 2nd and fills no needs for a team with a return man that just went to the Pro Bowl and two others that took kicks to the house last year. I don't buy him as a WR at all. Sort of an R Jay Soward without being a complete thug. Small and quick, suspect hands and doesn't have the frame to take punishment. I was a big advocate of doing whatever it took to move up 4 spots to GB's pick at 51 for Khalif Barnes (ask anyone, I'm been apoplectic since the JAX pick). 2nd + 4th + 7th if we had to. I would have done it in a heartbeat to get a fixture at LT who'll be reaching his prime along with Evans and Losman and McGahee.


Everett won't help this year. He's a boom-bust project type player, and a decent pick in the 3rd although not a spectacular value there.


Preston in the 4th was a reach particularly with Jason Brown just sitting there (at least for 2 more picks until Baltimore stole him). Most had Preston pegged for the 6th or 7th.


King in the 5th, sounds like a Kevin Thomas clone.


Geisinger in the 6th is another project, but one with questionable footwork and short arms. Who does that sound like? Oh yeah, Pucillo.


The RB in the 7th was probably the best value we got from any selection, and he's got his work cut out just to make the roster.


The main themes seemed to be not overly bright players, who aren't particularly fond of physical contact. Not what I'd be looking for to build a football team, anyway.


This was the draft where we were supposed to get the supporting cast to develop along with our young nucleus on offense. I'm sorry, I just don't see it in these picks with the exception of Everett. There was better value picks, by far, at every stop on the way in this draft. Being a Bills fan, I hope I'm wrong, but man... I find it hard to like anything TD did (and didn't do) this weekend.


One thing we can all agree on: Only time will tell if it stacks up with 2000 as worst all-time. I give it a better-than-average shot.



I didn't like the draft from round 2-4 either but am hopeful that we will be surprised with those guys. From what Ive heard from the Bills and the guys we selected in rnds 5-7, I like them. Those two OL guys sound like good tough players and I am pretty certain Preston is our starter OC next year if not this later year because of injuries. I also think that Geisler (sp?) could be our third Guard if Teague goes to LT and Tucker to OC.



I would have really liked to see A Terry or Justin Miller in rnd 2 but I know the Bills were intent on helping themselves this year --- I really don't agree with drafting like that to be honest with you. But since it is done I hope that Parrish and Everett CAN help this year! Go Bills!

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I don't follow who these players are. I don't like college football anyway. So I have to defer to the experts...and I don't mean Campy.


I believe the Bills have a good talent evaluation and coaching corps. If they like a player, I gotta believe they have good reason.


I'm sure we would like to have the same success the Patriots have had. It's important to remember that NE never goes for big name players, in the draft of free agency. They have a profile they look to fill. I believe the Bills are attempting to do the same.


When was the last time a team won the Super Bowl because of a high draft pick or stud free agent? Usually those players are making headlines for the WRONG reasons.



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The prescense of Clements, McGee, Thomas, Greer, Vincent and Hill on the 2005 squad makes this outcome a reality already, If Hill develops into the Winfield clone he apparently is (good hitter and cover guy but a bit short( then maybe we can play it fast and lose with FA Clements. Most likely he will not develop to this level (he is a 4th rounder and not a 1st like AW)




I'm assuming you ment King not Hill??


I know this is splitting hairs, and you did mention the difference in the Rounds they were picked, but a clone is an exact replica...No CB in the NFL now, or coming in, is an exact replica of AW. And I don't think there will ever be another AW. Winfield was arguably the Best CB in the Nation for 2 Years running during his stay at Ohio St. He was a Thorpe Award Winner, and a 2 Time All American who lead his entire Defense in Tackles...Not saying AW is the best CB in the NFL either...not by a longshot...but he's still one in a million for a guy that size...


Not trying to nitpick here, and no offense...But sometimes during the Draft I hear comparisons that are a little unfair to the Prospect. This King Kid was a very good ACC DB, and like AW he's a smaller CB... But he's still no Winfield...not even close...projected or otherwise I imagine... :(

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One thing we can all agree on: Only time will tell if it stacks up with 2000 as worst all-time. I give it a better-than-average shot.



FYI: this franchise DID exist in the 20th century and there WERE much worse Bills drafts than 2000. Walt Patulski, anyone???


Anyway, here are my individual grades:


Parrish, 2nd: D+

Everett, 3rd: A-

Preston, 4th: C-

King, 5th: B+

Geisinger, 6th: A

Gates, 7th: A


I thought TD and Co. did an overall "B-" graded job, considering how poor the general talent pool was this year and also how low we were forced to pick in each round by virtue of finishing 9-7.


However, my overall offseason grade for TD is a "D+" so far; we better make a splash in the UDFA rookie market and especially in the June 1 cuts, because right now it seems like all of our immediate competitors are getting better while we are stagnant (or maybe even worse off than last season).

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I really liked the 1st Day of this Draft considering (no 1st Round Pick of coarse)...And though the 2nd Day Prospects don't appear to be Value Picks, it's quite obvious the Bills Graded them a bit higher than everyone...It's also evident the Bills Scouts/Front Office did their due diligence...In listening to the Press Conferences on all the Picks, it's obvious the Bills Scouts have liked all 6 Picks for a while now...And I think it's safe to say that the Bills Board was set up to get these Players in particular...Meaning they put a Round Value on a guy where they are almost certain he will be available...


I think the kind Folks around here who are having a problem with this Draft are not seeing this through the eyes of TD/TM/MM... And I think I can help out in that matter...


If you were looking at this Draft as THE place to get the replacements for Pat Williams and Jonas Jennings...well...the Bills were not there with you, that much is certain...Without a 1st Round Pick, and in a Draft that most analysts freely admit was not loaded with Top Talent, it seems to me the Bills were looking for small pieces (no reference whatsoever to the size of Parrish and King :( ), and actively approached the Draft in that manner...


What do I mean? Well...Look at the Patsies over the last few years for instance...At WR and TE they've had contribution from a slew of Players, each with their own strengths. It's been a "Team Effort," in every definition of the Term, catching the ball in NE...Brown, Patten, Givens, Branch, Graham, Fauria, Johnson, Watson (heck even Vrabel in the Red Zone) have all been nice pieces in the NE Passing Puzzle...The Colts throw to a ton of different receivers, and look at the difference a guy like Randle El makes for Pittsburgh...I thinks that's where MM wants the Bills Offense...And I think after this Draft the Bills have a special combination developing, if only on paper for the moment...


Roscoe Parrish is a piece, like Deion Brach was when he was brought into NE, and Randle El in Pittsburgh...Parrish does not need to be a Starter in Buffalo, but you still get an electric Football Talent...I mean think about this for a minute, Larry Coker says Parrish was "The most exciting Player I've ever Coached." Just let that settle in for a moment...Anyway, you get a very good Punt Return Option to add to a ST's Unit that was the NFL's best in 2004...And that's one piece...Everett can Play...period...I watched him enough to be convinced of that...Now, I'm a little worried about the weight loss stuff, but again here's a guy who will not be expected to Start in 2005 regardless...What you add is a TE with VERY good Speed who can Catch the Ball and make a play or two each Game. And forget about Everett replacing Euhus (assuming Euhus is healthy) because the Bills want both of them the same way the Patsies want Watson and Graham...Another piece...


What the Bills are selling here is the Depth of the current Roster more than anything...Secondly, they are trying to sell McNally as the best O-Line Coach under the Sun, but I digress... TD/TM/MM stood up in this Draft and pretty firmly stated they did not believe any prospect at #55, or #80-something could challenge Jason Peters, Tim Anderson, Dylan McFarland, Lauvale Sape, Constantin Ritzmann, and a few others for PT in the near future...I don't think the Bills Brass felt the same way about the Receiving Corps overall...Adding Parrish to Moulds, Evans, and whoever emerges between Reed, Smith, and Aiken looks exciting to Me...And adding Everett and Parrish combined to the Passing Game looks even better...The Bills still added a C and a G/T, along with a CB to compete with Thomas or Greer...None of the 4 key O-Linemen the Bills added this Off Season (UFA's and Draft) looks to be a replacement for Jonas Jennings, but they did add 4 Big Bodies...And obviously they believe McNally can Coach up a decent Line with what he has...


But (to me anyway) that's where the strategy was in this Draft for The Buffalo Bills...It was all about pieces to the puzzle, especially in the Passing Game...And a lot about what MM wants for this Offense...More than anything, the Bills look determined to make JP's Job just a little bit easier in his 1st Campaign...And that can't be a bad thing... :lol:

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FYI: this franchise DID exist in the 20th century and there WERE much worse Bills drafts than 2000. Walt Patulski, anyone???


Anyway, here are my individual grades:


Parrish, 2nd: D+

Everett, 3rd: A-

Preston, 4th: C-

King, 5th: B+

Geisinger, 6th: A

Gates, 7th: A


I thought TD and Co. did an overall "B-" graded job, considering how poor the general talent pool was this year and also how low we were forced to pick in each round by virtue of finishing 9-7.


However, my overall offseason grade for TD is a "D+" so far; we better make a splash in the UDFA rookie market and especially in the June 1 cuts, because right now it seems like all of our immediate competitors are getting better while we are stagnant (or maybe even worse off than last season).




Exactly. While the Dolphins and Jets have improved immeasurably, we've done nothing other than cutting Bledsoe to improve. Time for TD to extricate his cranium from his anus and get to work.

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Exactly. While the Dolphins and Jets have improved immeasurably, we've done nothing other than cutting Bledsoe to improve. Time for TD to extricate his cranium from his anus and get to work.



Joe, not to get you more depressed, but we need to wait and see if JP is in fact an improvement over Drew; and if so, will it happen in his first season?


The good news is in terms of improvement is that the NFC is starting to come around, or so it seems. The NFC East is looking stronger, as is the NFC Central.

I for one see no great improvement with the jests nor dolphins, and NE, as great as they are, seem to be in a slight state of decline at the very least.


All we can do is hope.

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I think this was a terrible draft overall. I don't think there was huge talent available after round two especially in areas of need for the Bills (or should I say needs as the fans see it); OL & DL.


I like the Bills first two picks as I think our WR corps are pretty bad when you look at other teams. I think the common denominator with those first two picks of the Bills is that they will see playing time immediately.

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Joe, not to get you more depressed, but we need to wait and see if JP is in fact an improvement over Drew; and if so, will it happen in his first season?


The good news is in terms of improvement is that the NFC is starting to come around, or so it seems. The NFC East is looking stronger, as is the NFC Central.

I for one see no great improvement with the jests nor dolphins, and NE, as great as they are, seem to be in a slight state of decline at the very least.


All we can do is hope.



To paraphrase Mother from Psycho III: "Norman, get down there and run the hotel. What do you expect us to live on, HOPE?"


Yeah, I'm hoping they do well this year. Hoping against hope. But the signs are there that they could really struggle this year. At what point are we forced to start all over again, wipe the slate clean and move forward?

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To paraphrase Mother from Psycho III: "Norman, get down there and run the hotel. What do you expect us to live on, HOPE?"


Yeah, I'm hoping they do well this year. Hoping against hope. But the signs are there that they could really struggle this year. At what point are we forced to start all over again, wipe the slate clean and move forward?



Not yet imo. There are still some players in Buffalo that I am thrilled to have on the team. He ya go (not in order)

1) Spikes

2) Milloy

3) Big Sam

4) Vincent

5) Fletcher

6) MaGahee

7) Villarial

8) Evans

9) Schobel

10) Kelsay (OK, maybe a reach, but he has nothing but upside)

11) Moorman

13) MaGee

14) Clements


There is also a ton of talent on STs. This is a very strong nucleus and they appear to be well coached.


I hate saying it, but this season probably depends on an unknown qb. I just hope that if he screws up (a much stronger possibility than most believe), MM will not hesitate too long to pull him.

The Bills, despite a draft that I am not crazy about, do have a chance to be a very good team this year.

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...inquiring minds want to know.



I just find it frigging amazing that most people will depend on

PFW, or any old draft guide for their player info, when the Bills

scouting guys do it for a living.


Not defending the picks...but I will go with what the Bills scouts

say before some draft book written by some moron.


Do you think that John Clayton travels to meet and watch each

player that has a chance to be taken in the draft?


What about Mel Keiper??

Does Mel confer with his west coast scout when he needs to find

out about a guy at USC?


Wait 2-3 yrs like everyone else and then grade the thing.

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The two picks from Miami are solid. Even though I'm a Noles fan here in Tallahassee the Canes produce players that are NFL ready. Now did we need to spend our top picks on anything but O-Line when we see NE took an O-Line player with their first pick? That is a good question.

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I could care less what any guide or amateur draftnik thinks about the OL picks.  I'm sure McNally thought they were good picks, and Preston has an outside chance to start, seeing as how one scout said he's "not a developmental type."  I liked the Everett pick as well.  The CB and RB may or may not pan-out.  However Parrish I think will be a good returnman at the least, allowing McGee to concentrate on CB.  Whether he becomes a good #3 WR remains to be seen, but if they put him in motion, he should be fine.


All in all, this was a lousy draft class.



Roscoe will contribute immediately, which is more than you can say about a lot of 2nd round picks.


On any return, he has the ability to break a big play.


But just assume that our defense plays as advertised and forces 8 punts a game and he averages 10 yards a return. 8 touches for 80 yards is pretty good production, not to mention that he will get a few touches as a slot running slant patterns with the threat of creating big plays every time he touches the ball.


The enforcement of the rules bout contact with WR will also help him to produce early in his career.

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Roscoe will contribute immediately, which is more than you can say about a lot of 2nd round picks.


On any return, he has the ability to break a big play.


But just assume that our defense plays as advertised and forces 8 punts a game and he averages 10 yards a return. 8 touches for 80 yards is pretty good production, not to mention that he will get a few touches as a slot running slant patterns with the threat of creating big plays every time he touches the ball.


The enforcement of the rules bout contact with WR will also help him to produce early in his career.


Let's not forget the possibility of all three of our receivers, but especially Evans and Parrish with their blinding speed, getting some reverse carry opportunities.

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