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Operation Boomerang AG Barr's Investigation of Acts of Treason by Federal Employees

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Just now, transplantbillsfan said:

You mean @Deranged Rhino and others have lied to me?!?!


I got all those "just wait and see!!!" responses with regard to all these guys like McCabe getting indicted!!!


I've been lied to! :lol:

It may very well be that no one is held accountable for the soft coup and subversion. It may mean that this summer, there is a world of hurt for the soft coup plotters. Time will tell. 

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1 minute ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

It may very well be that no one is held accountable for the soft coup and subversion. It may mean that this summer, there is a world of hurt for the soft coup plotters. Time will tell. 


I can give you the answer right now if you want:  Nothing will happen for anyone responsible for the "soft coup," and in fact, you have to believe in Reddit conspiracy theories to think otherwise.



Edit:  Sorry if you did not want spoilers, that was very jerk-like of me to not post a spoiler warning

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A "big time lawyer" claims DOJ/NSA/FBI evidence, investigations, and testimony is a "reddit conspiracy theory". 


Why a "big time lawyer" is allergic to reading the facts and evidence for himself is pretty obvious. He's an intellectual coward with no understanding of what's happening. 

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6 minutes ago, Crayola64 said:


I can give you the answer right now if you want:  Nothing will happen for anyone responsible for the "soft coup," and in fact, you have to believe in Reddit conspiracy theories to think otherwise.

Oy. "Conspiracy" theory. You can't read text messages? OIG reports?  

What has gotten so many people frustrated with this delay is that so many CAN read text messages. They CAN read OIG reports. They understand what happened, who perpetrated it, and why it was done (and no, #OrangeManBad wasn't the real reason, graft and payola was the real reason). 

Pretty much all the people following this saga knew that "nothing would happen" until after the Democrats had played their last impeachment card.  If "nothing happens" before election though...

Will anyone be indicted? I'd hope so. The crimes are pretty blatant.  Will anyone be convicted? That I'd lay odds against if the trial(s) are in DC.


Edited by Buffalo_Gal
I cannot spell
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13 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


We are cool, even when we disagree :beer: And I'm all for good natured mockery, don't worry there. But I'm pressing because I'm curious what your actual definition is. Not to be pedantic, but to bear down on what's really at issue. It's an important question to consider imo. 


As for McCabe, he's not off the hook. The charges people are talking about stem from a 2018 OIG report which was spun off of several other OIG reports (all of which detailed numerous reasons -- with evidence -- why McCabe is beyond *****). He's still under criminal referral from Horowitz on FISA abuse, as well as in Durham's scope. If he walks from those, then we can reassess this. 


... But ask yourself an important question -- why would this news break now? Think about information warfare tactics (because we're in one whether we want to be or not), and think about the Flynn case, the Stone case, and the fuss over Barr/Trump in the past 78 hours. Stone was charged with less than McCabe was charged with -- yet Stone gets an initial rec for 9 years while McCabe walks. What does that do for the base? What does that do to the independents who are watching this without a dog in the fight? 


It's a clear demonstration of the two tier justice system: one for us, one for them. And it's anathema to everything this country stands for. 


People are watching.


It's not wrong. McCabe and the entire upper echelon is still under criminal referral from Horowitz's probe. This was confirmed multiple times. 




Ok. I asked myself the question you posed. But as I did with the Mueller probe and the Ukraine nonsense, I ask myself a MORE important question. Does this make sense? If the power that be deprived Trump of the Presidency, then HOW THE H IS HE THE PRESIDENT? Wouldn't you think they would have been powerful enough to alter the results?

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6 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

Oy. "Conspiracy" theory. You can't read text messages? OIG reports?  

What has gotten so many people frustrated with this delay is that so many CAN read text messages. They CAN read OIG reports. They understand what happened, who perpetrated it, and why it was done (and no, #OrangeManBad wasn't the real reason, graft and payola was the real reason). 

Pretty much all the people following this saga knew that "nothing would happen" until after the Democrats had played their last impeachment card.  If "nothing happens" before election though...

Will anyone be indicted? I'd hope so. The crimes are pretty blatant.  Will anyone be convicted? That I'd lay odds against if the trial(s) are in DC.


outsiders following investigations Or litigation is always, no offense, child’s play.  You can find anything you want if you look for it.  So in the age of reddit and forums and Twitter, you may see all the compelling evidence and dots being connected.  But you have to understand that it’s people with a goal playing with a fraction of the available evidence.  

Here is the truth I have said since day one.  There was no Russian collusion.  That was laughable.  There was no planned coup, that is laughable.  People wanted to throw any ***** against the wall because they don’t like trump.  That’s that.  



5 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:



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Just now, LSHMEAB said:

Ok. I asked myself the question you posed. But as I did with the Mueller probe and the Ukraine nonsense, I ask myself a MORE important question. Does this make sense? If the power that be deprived Trump of the Presidency, then HOW THE H IS HE THE PRESIDENT? Wouldn't you think they would have been powerful enough to alter the results?


Don't you see that's exactly what they tried to do in 2016? That was the whole point of Trump/Russia -- to tilt the election in their favor. It didn't work, which is REALLY interesting considering their track record of success over the past several decades. So why didn't it work? THAT'S the big question and why there are countless theories about who's really behind Trump's administration. 


They tried an October surprise -- it didn't work. 

They then launched an investigation on what is now proven to be fraudulent grounds -- that didn't work. 

They then launched a backdoor "paper" coup, designed to cripple and hobble the administration until they broke -- that didn't work.

They then launched a baseless impeachment push, without a proper foundation -- that didn't work. 


So either Trump is the luckiest SOB in the world, or there's something else happening that's playing defense. 


Again, I'm not a Trump guy. None of this is about Trump for me, and never has been. He's a tank, and an easy litmus test to tweak/troll/gauge people, but it's not about him. It's about the fact there is now proven to have been a group of people inside our most powerful intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies who actively tried to overturn a legal election -- not because they truly believed Trump to be a threat to the country or our republic -- but because he was a threat to their way of doing business.  

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3 minutes ago, Crayola64 said:

outsiders following investigations Or litigation is always, no offense, child’s play.  You can find anything you want if you look for it.  So in the age of reddit and forums and Twitter, you may see all the compelling evidence and dots being connected.  But you have to understand that it’s people with a goal playing with a fraction of the available evidence.  

Here is the truth I have said since day one.  There was no Russian collusion.  That was laughable.  There was no planned coup, that is laughable.  People wanted to throw any ***** against the wall because they don’t like trump.  That’s that.  

Mistakes were made...


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1 minute ago, 3rdnlng said:

3rd Chair has spoken people. This from the guy who did a little "winning" jig after his one and only preliminary hearing. 

none of what you say is true lol.  But thanks for reminding me of my successful career?  

1 minute ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

Mistakes were made...


hate on the people all you want.  But you have to get of the weeds of nonsense.  

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2 minutes ago, Crayola64 said:

none of what you say is true lol.  But thanks for reminding me of my successful career?  

hate on the people all you want.  But you have to get of the weeds of nonsense.  

Sure, Jan

Edited by Buffalo_Gal
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Stone is guilty without a doubt and he brought it upon himself. He does deserve to serve time in jail, but 9 ***** years is ***** ridiculous. 

He also didn't deserve the treatment he got - especially how he was arrested.

He got more iron on his face than El Chapo did. 

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17 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


We are cool, even when we disagree :beer: And I'm all for good natured mockery, don't worry there. But I'm pressing because I'm curious what your actual definition is. Not to be pedantic, but to bear down on what's really at issue. It's an important question to consider imo. 


As for McCabe, he's not off the hook. The charges people are talking about stem from a 2018 OIG report which was spun off of several other OIG reports (all of which detailed numerous reasons -- with evidence -- why McCabe is beyond *****). He's still under criminal referral from Horowitz on FISA abuse, as well as in Durham's scope. If he walks from those, then we can reassess this. 


... But ask yourself an important question -- why would this news break now? Think about information warfare tactics (because we're in one whether we want to be or not), and think about the Flynn case, the Stone case, and the fuss over Barr/Trump in the past 78 hours. Stone was charged with less than McCabe was charged with -- yet Stone gets an initial rec for 9 years while McCabe walks. What does that do for the base? What does that do to the independents who are watching this without a dog in the fight? 


It's a clear demonstration of the two tier justice system: one for us, one for them. And it's anathema to everything this country stands for. 


People are watching.


It's not wrong. McCabe and the entire upper echelon is still under criminal referral from Horowitz's probe. This was confirmed multiple times. 





1.  McCabe wasn't even indicted. Stone was indicted and found guilty.  Would you like me to go into detail for what? I'd be glad to.

"Following a weeklong trial last November, a Washington jury found Stone guilty on all seven felony counts he faced: five of making false statements to Congress, one of obstruction of Congress, and one of witness tampering with both the House Intelligence Committee inquiry and special counsel Robert Mueller's probe." (https://www.politico.com/news/2020/02/10/prosecutors-prison-roger-stone-113542)


2. It's ironic/interesting to me that the "crime" McCabe was accused of was lying to cover up being involved in a story that hurt HILLARY, not TRUMP.


3.  Stone's sentencing recommendation was for 7-9 years. This was recommended by a different entity, not the prosecutors. The prosecutors agreed.  Judge Jackson has final say and can go above or below those guidelines. In my opinion (I've actually read the Mueller Report and know what Stone stands charged with and is likely hiding, and thus why Trump at all costs needs Stone to not see Jail time), Roger Stone is a traitor to America for his role with Wikileaks and the Trump 2016 campaign. 


I could go on and on and on with facts destroying this kind of nonsense...but is it worth it?



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3 minutes ago, Crayola64 said:

lol.  I just hope all of you only talk about the coup online.  Someone talking about this in real life would be too cringey too deal with haha

I suspect you could benefit from some help at an adult literacy program.  You clearly are unable to read text messages and government reports. After that, a few self-help books in learning how to think for yourself might be beneficial, too. 

Edited by Buffalo_Gal
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