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Starting new job and going cold turkey on internet

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Has anyone else done this. Seriously, surfing the internet during work has become a huge distraction for me. I want to really excel at my new job and part of my plan is zero internet time during the day. Has anyone else done anything like this?I will have internet access...but it is a self imposed ban. Any thougths?

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Has anyone else done this. Seriously, surfing the internet during work has become a huge distraction for me. I want to really excel at my new job and part of my plan is zero internet time during the day. Has anyone else done anything like this?I will have internet access...but it is a self imposed ban. Any thougths?




It's been done. For example, the pricey plumber who comes to your house doesn't take time out to chat. At his hourly rate, you could tell him to put down the tools so he can yak, if you like...it's only fair :lol:

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Yeah I would check your companys internet policy. I would be surprised if your company did not have one. Also be advised that your internet use will be closely monitored. At our office the boss runs a program which tells him how long and what internet sites are being visted by the employees. Also e-mail is not private. Any e-mail you send/receive at work can be read/intercepted by management. I would not use company e-mail for personal use.

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Has anyone else done this. Seriously, surfing the internet during work has become a huge distraction for me. I want to really excel at my new job and part of my plan is zero internet time during the day. Has anyone else done anything like this?I will have internet access...but it is a self imposed ban. Any thougths?


I'll get back to you after work :lol:

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Yeah I would check your companys internet policy. I would be surprised if your company did not have one. Also be advised that your internet use will be closely monitored. At our office the boss runs a program which tells him how long and what internet sites are being visted by the employees. Also e-mail is not private. Any e-mail you send/receive at work can be read/intercepted by management. I would not use company e-mail for personal use.




If this was the case at my work, I'd have been fired 3 years ago. At this point, I should be in jail...

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yep, that's me....checking email, just checking out a site for a few seconds which turn into minutes, etc. then I found hours of my day are gone into this vacuum.


That's why I think I need to go cold turkey. No TBD first thing in the morning, etc. Wait till I get home. No checking yahoo accounts with my morning cofee, leaving email off and only checking it at certain times of the day.


The first step is admitting you have a problem!

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Unfortunately it's a result of having an available alternative to boring, repetitive jobs that don't hold your interest. You probably have a better chance of doing it now during the football offseason, but the real test will be around the NFL draft and then training camp.

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Has anyone else done this. Seriously, surfing the internet during work has become a huge distraction for me. I want to really excel at my new job and part of my plan is zero internet time during the day. Has anyone else done anything like this?I will have internet access...but it is a self imposed ban. Any thougths?



One little trick that might help.....NO BOOKMARKS!!


If you break down and come here, at least make yourself type the whole damn URL. It might give you the few seconds to think about it that you need to find your strength and get back to work.


Good luck!

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If you don't need internet access to do your job, make friends with one of the IT guys and ask them to lock out your access. It's really easy for them to do.


I'm starting a new job and it is 100% internet related. I want to ask them to block tbd and a few other sites from me, but I don't think that's they way to start a new job "I'm a habitual time waster....please help me"

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I'm starting a new job and it is 100% internet related. I want to ask them to block tbd and a few other sites from me, but I don't think that's they way to start a new job "I'm a habitual time waster....please help me"


Like I said, make friends with one of the IT guys and then get him to do it on the down low. Rome wasn't rebuilt in a day and if the IT guys like you, you'll never have to worry... :lol:

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Yeah I would check your companys internet policy. I would be surprised if your company did not have one. Also be advised that your internet use will be closely monitored. At our office the boss runs a program which tells him how long and what internet sites are being visted by the employees. Also e-mail is not private. Any e-mail you send/receive at work can be read/intercepted by management. I would not use company e-mail for personal use.



Don't forget IM services. Everything you do on a company PC can and will be monitored.

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