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Breaking News: The New York bombing suspect told officials he was inspired by ISIS, and that he chose the subway because of its Christmas-themed posters



They hate the West for its benevolent virtues, more than for its flaws




Edited by B-Man
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2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


I said exactly what I believe - which again, is indisputable - and I backed it up with sources. ;) 

I've merely provided primary source material that proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that CIA has used false flags as part of their toolkit since the creation of the agency. 


This is indisputable. 



It's indisputable in a random thread talking about the CIA.


But in this thread, which deals with a Bengali nut blowing up his nads, here's the sequence of your posts:




Right on cue. 


CNN possibly allowing this might be an act of terror?  distraction


Odds are high this is an attempted distraction. But it's too early for any definitive statement. False flag does not mean the event was fake. Just that the point of origin has been obscured. 


This event was tipped yesterday in certain circles, known about down the nationality of the attacker.


There will be more coming, one side of this IC civil war has been getting roundly beaten. Their love of using jihadists as proxies is long established. Now, their network of leakers is being exposed and ... right on cue... there's an attempt to redirect attention away from that and onto something new and shiny. 


Too early for definitive conclusions to be drawn, but if you're asking for my best guess at this time I'd point you back to the Deep State thread, the DOJ thread, and the Trump Russia threads where I've laid out for over a year now how elements within the CIA are openly warring with elements within the DIA (and other IC agencies). 


Who has a long bloody history of using jihadists as disposable proxies? 

Who has been at the tip of the spear of this soft coup all along?

Who has a history of not only formulating false flag attacks against US citizens, but actively working to carry them out? 


False flags happen. Doesn't mean the events are fake. Doesn't mean people are not hurt or killed in these attacks. All it means is that the point of origin of the attack has been purposefully obscured for the sake of an agenda.  


Do you laugh because you do not believe the CIA would ever be involved in a false flag? 



So please explain how your posts do not incriminate the CIA?



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3 hours ago, sherpa said:



The 17, 21 and 23.

Operation Constant Peg.

Tonopah Test Range.


It was an extremely well kept secret until declassified and books written about it.




Very cool. 


1 hour ago, GG said:


It's indisputable in a random thread talking about the CIA.


But in this thread, which deals with a Bengali nut blowing up his nads, here's the sequence of your posts:



So please explain how your posts do not incriminate the CIA?




Now you're just talking circles around yourself. You've completely shifted what I objected to.


I'm absolutely saying I have suspicions that this was a false flag attack. I've been saying, loudly, for over a year that there is a civil war going on between elements within the USIC - with the CIA elements being the one that's being shown the door. That I'm somehow trying to deny that I think elements within the CIA have done us dirty is nonsense. 


Yet, I never said, nor do I assume, any of what you wrote here:


5 hours ago, GG said:

And you're assuming that these CIA operatives don't have friends and family who could get hurt in these false flag operations, and all of these events are orchestrated by 1 or 2 men, and everyone goes along for a ride that kills innocent Americans.   


And that's what I objected to. None of that is accurate, it's purposefully misconstrued to try to belittle my point because you have nothing else to offer on this topic.


It's an indisputable fact that the CIA uses false flags. That's the only definitive statement I made.


And it's indisputable


So. Logically, if false flags are a part of the CIA toolkit - which is a proven historical fact, then it's possible this could have been a part of that. It's also very possible it was a dumbass acting on his own, inspired by propaganda.


Which is why I said it's too early to draw any definitive conclusions. 


But you knew all this. :beer:

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6 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:




Very cool. 



Now you're just talking circles around yourself. You've completely shifted what I objected to.


I'm absolutely saying I have suspicions that this was a false flag attack. I've been saying, loudly, for over a year that there is a civil war going on between elements within the USIC - with the CIA elements being the one that's being shown the door. That I'm somehow trying to deny that I think elements within the CIA have done us dirty is nonsense. 


Yet, I never said, nor do I assume, any of what you wrote here:



And that's what I objected to. None of that is accurate, it's purposefully misconstrued to try to belittle my point because you have nothing else to offer on this topic.


It's an indisputable fact that the CIA uses false flags. That's the only definitive statement I made.


And it's indisputable


So. Logically, if false flags are a part of the CIA toolkit - which is a proven historical fact, then it's possible this could have been a part of that. It's also very possible it was a dumbass acting on his own, inspired by propaganda.


Which is why I said it's too early to draw any definitive conclusions. 


But you knew all this. :beer:


It's not just in this thread.  For over a year you've been insinuating that CIA is acting on its own self interest and acts in a way that puts Americans in harm's way.  And you always couch it in a plausible deniability tense where you don't say the exact words, but it doesn't require gatorlevel intelligence to know what you're implying.  And when asked to clarify your position you hide behind the inference.


So again,  if it's too early to draw any conclusions, why introduce the possibility, which you say is your theory that this is not a nut but a distraction that was known last night?  Unless you have an inner ear on ISIS inspired nutjobs, who else would be planning this bombing if not CIA (as you always hint?)

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45 minutes ago, GG said:

It's not just in this thread.  For over a year you've been insinuating that CIA is acting on its own self interest and acts in a way that puts Americans in harm's way. 


Partially correct. Elements within CIA. Words matter. I've been very clear that it's not the entire institution. 


45 minutes ago, GG said:

And you always couch it in a plausible deniability tense where you don't say the exact words, but it doesn't require gatorlevel intelligence to know what you're implying.  And when asked to clarify your position you hide behind the inference.


Again, this is wrong. Admitting I'm speculating isn't couching it in plausible deniability, it's being honest. 


The deep state thread is a speculative thread. I've never said otherwise. The Flynn Leak Killer story is tied to that initial speculation - but has still not been proven either way definitively, thus, remains speculation. I'm open to being incorrect. Keeping an open mind is my whole thing. You want to mock that. Which is fine but you always mock the wrong thing. Which is frustrating because you're smarter than that.


The speculation I've been putting forward for over a year on those subjects clearly implicates elements within CIA and other agencies within the USIC and MiC. I do not deny this. I've never denied that. It's blatant in pretty much every lengthy post I've written on the subject. 


What I do deny is this statement: 

7 hours ago, GG said:

And you're assuming that these CIA operatives don't have friends and family who could get hurt in these false flag operations, and all of these events are orchestrated by 1 or 2 men, and everyone goes along for a ride that kills innocent Americans.   


That is an inaccurate description of my speculations. It's twisted to intentionally belittle it so you won't have to engage honestly with the subject and fundamentally untrue. 


That's what I objected to in this thread. That's what I'm still objecting to.


But you're talking about something else - something that isn't even in dispute... why?


As for the rest: 

45 minutes ago, GG said:

So again,  if it's too early to draw any conclusions, why introduce the possibility, which you say is your theory that this is not a nut but a distraction that was known last night?  Unless you have an inner ear on ISIS inspired nutjobs, who else would be planning this bombing if not CIA (as you always hint?)


I introduce the possibility because no one else will on this board and my suspicions about this particular event are high. You consider the entire possibility absurd and beyond the realm of possibility, but that's just being ignorant of history. We've already covered, with sources, how the CIA has a historical track record of deploying false flags.


This, again, is indisputable.


As for my sources, 99% of the analysis I've provided on this topic is open source. Stuff you or anyone else can hunt down and verify, I'm just not going to do all the legwork, Sue. ;) I say that to mess with you, but also because it's important. I'm just sharing information, information that will have more impact if people do some of the legwork for themselves. That's not you. And that's okay. 


The 1% I happen to hear about from non open source comes from men and women with direct knowledge of how this stuff works. People who risk their lives every day in defense of this country. A country I happen to love. They help me verify (and they also love to mock) my suppositions. I consider them to be my fact checkers more than sources. 


1 hour ago, meazza said:

And what exactly would make it definite for you that this was just a dumbass inspired by propaganda ?


More than 24 hours worth of an investigation. :):beer: 

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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