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Rape is something you can never forget

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I'm not going to get into this, but for every piece of "evidence" that you cite, there is also one that refutes Kobe's story.  Of couse his 3' 10" lawyer brow beat the judge into not admitting them in the trial.


One question Quincy, how do you know the (reported) semen was deposited in her underwear after she was with Kobe?


P.S. The Laker fan thingy wasn't directed at you.




OGT....you aren't the only one that has been following this trial....so you should be carefull about putting falsehoods out hoping they will be beleived....

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I hate the lakers and I hate Kobe. But the truth is, when she went in to be examined, they found another man's semen in/on her. That means after she was "raped", she had sex with someone else and THEN went and reported the rape.  Sounds pretty traumatized. Then, after lawyers told her she needed to testify, she said she woudn't. Funny how she doesn't care if he goes to jail, but she'll happily go and cash that check. Man, must be nice to be set for life for making an accusation.



so if Kobe is innocent and she would have to testify at a civil trial to collect the big money, why did Kobe settle and pay her off?

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so if Kobe is innocent and she would have to testify at a civil trial to collect the big money, why did Kobe settle and pay her off?



to stop the insanity! Are you kidding me???? The guy paid her off so this would be over. He has a career to think about. He could have let this go on and on and on, and it would have cost him alot more than a one time pay off. .


edit: and she would have to testify at the CRIMINAL case, not civil.

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Do you realize that you are creating a big double standard in that post?  (not arguing with you I just wanted to make sure you saw it)


- Kobe Bryant....low life loser....no matter what

- Alleged Victim...how dare she be trashed


I think that fans live in a fake world when it comes to the athletes that play on their teams....do you realize just how many pro athletes cheat on their families?  One of the most beloved athletes of all time....Michael Jordan....was NOTORIOUS for it....it happens a lot more then you think.  Do I find it morally wrong?  You bet....but it happens so lets call out ALL of the athletes that do this sort of thing and not make Kobe Bryant sound like an exception.


Alleged Victim.....had her chance to truly seek justice in a CRIMINAL trial and bailed out on the prosecution at the last minute....who basically didn't have a shred of evidence but was going to go forward anyway.  She refused to testify in a criminal trial but had absolutely no problem going after the money.


Kobe just didn't want to put his family or himself through this anymore....and wrote her a check to make her go away....she is a EXTORTIONIST...now it is his fault for allowing himself to be caught in the situation to begin with....and that is what he is paying for....


To me this has very little to do with being a laker fan (which I am) and more to do with a crackhead, suicidal, ex mental patient found a way to make some easy money.....and athletes better beware because this scenario is going to be repeated because it worked......


If everybody jumped off of a bridge they would all be suicide vicitms. Exception or not, Kobe is a low life loser. Period.


The reason the defense didn't have enough evidence is that it wsa disallowed from the trial. Paying lawyers gobs of money can help with that.


You were not in the room, John. You don't know what happened by watching ESPN.

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OGT....you aren't the only one that has been following this trial....so you should be carefull about putting falsehoods out hoping they will be beleived....




If you are going to call me a liar you had better damn well back it up. I never called you a liar, I merely said that you do not know all the facts.


Accusing me of being a liar angers me more that anything I can imagine. I am not a liar.

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to stop the insanity! Are you kidding me???? The guy paid her off so this would be over. He has a career to think about. He could have let this go on and on and on, and it would have cost him alot more than a one time pay off. .


edit: and she would have to testify at the CRIMINAL case, not civil.


Part of his career is endorsements. Do you think this settlement, will improve his situation? Would a victory at the civil trial have helped?

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Part of his career is endorsements.  Do you think this settlement, will improve his situation?  Would a victory at the civil trial have helped?


Will this improve his situation? Yes, he can go back to his career. Would a victory in a civil trial have helped? No.


The quicker this is all over, and the quicker people start forgetting about this crazy B word accusing him of this, the quicker his jersies will start to sell again, the more he can focus on basketball, and the quicker companies will think about giving him endorsment deals again.


What's the deal man? Can't you see this for what it is? A girl who refused to go on the stand to testify, thus the prosecution calls it quits. This brings up two glaring things:


1) Shouldn't they have enough PHYSICAL evidence to convict without her having to go up there?


2) If she was raped, shouldn't she want him behind bars? But no, she won't testify. But, she is fine with him being free, the man that raped her, so long as she gets some cash out of the deal.


What a joke.


These celebs need to start brining consent forms, or video cameras everywhere.

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so if Kobe is innocent and she would have to testify at a civil trial to collect the big money, why did Kobe settle and pay her off?




Its simple......because Kobe, his wife, his family are all going to get raked over the coals in slandering him.....they are going to grill his wife, him, his parents, anybody they can get approved by the judge (and so far his agreeing to everybody)


The media is to blame for this as well.....they have put this young woman in a situation where she would be able to make money going on Opera, etc, have book deals, etc etc all because of what may or may not have happened with Kobe Bryant........


I personally would like to have seen Kobe stick to his guns.....but I am not in his place, I dont know what kind of strain this is putting on him, his family, his job, etc.


The plaintif is a freak....since she is extorting him for money she has no reason to pull out of the trial....everyone knows everythign about her anyway

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If you are going to call me a liar you had better damn well back it up.  I never called you a liar, I merely said that you do not know all the facts. 


Accusing me of being a liar angers me more that anything I can imagine.  I am not a liar.




I am more then willing to have a conversation about this....by the way I didn't call you a liar....but you are posting comments that ARE NOT true. I dont think that makes you a liar I think you are misinformed.....


As a fellow bills fan I dont wish to anger you....and you have your right to beleive what you want (it is after all a free country) but I am going to contest (respectfully) things that I dont think are correct

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If everybody jumped off of a bridge they would all be suicide vicitms.  Exception or not, Kobe is a low life loser.  Period. 


The reason the defense didn't have enough evidence is that it wsa disallowed from the trial.  Paying lawyers gobs of money can help with that.


You were not in the room, John.  You don't know what happened by watching ESPN.



- That does not answer the question of why Kobe is a low life loser and the alleged victim should receive some sort of pity from us because she may or may not have been raped...it is in fact a double standard. You are right that Kobe showed horrible judgement but I am not going to judge the alleged victim any less harsh...she deserves every bit of scorn she has recieved and if she truly did extort money she should deserve a LOT more then she is getting


- I was not in the room....you were not the room...a lot of people were not there so they can only go by the physical evidence.....a lot of things dont add up with her story and in America a man is innocent until proven guilty. In this instance thank god for that.


By the way....if I was getting my info from ESPN then I would have convicted Kobe by now because they have been slandering him from nearly the beginning...it is only recently that they have taken a less harsh stance towards him.

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One thing is true though, The Lakers suck this year. So, I guess that means kobe sucks, since he's part of that suck team. :lol:  :ph34r:




THey are bad this year....on that we can definately agree......I think the thing that has truly hurt them was Vlada Divatz not playing hardly at all.....they wer expecting him to play this year and groom Mihm


The Coaching situation has also put the team in disarray.....


A lottery team for sure

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the transcripts were very interesting to read, and after reading them I don't think Kobe was completely innocent.



I think she started freaking out in the room and Kobe tried to get her to pull it together before she left......I also think it was mostly an act because she was fine after leaving....they have a witness to say as such

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- That does not answer the question of why Kobe is a low life loser and the alleged victim should receive some sort of pity from us because she may or may not have been raped...it is in fact a double standard.  You are right that Kobe showed horrible judgement but I am not going to judge the alleged victim any less harsh...she deserves every bit of scorn she has recieved and if she truly did extort money she should deserve a LOT more then she is getting


- I was not in the room....you were not the room...a lot of people were not there so they can only go by the physical evidence.....a lot of things dont add up with her story and in America a man is innocent until proven guilty.  In this instance thank god for that.


By the way....if I was getting my info from ESPN then I would have convicted Kobe by now because they have been slandering him from nearly the beginning...it is only recently that they have taken a less harsh stance towards him.




Paragraph one: I never said she derserved pity. I just said that since we do not know if she is telling the truth, she does not deserve scorn. We know Kobe cheated on his wife. If you think that is a double standard you don't understand the term.


Paragraph 2: If someone you love ever gets raped and there is no physical evidence, I'd bet your opinion would change.


Paragraph 3: Slander has a legal definition. Can you cite a specific example of this and demonstrate how it is slander?

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Paragraph one: I never said she derserved pity.  I just said that since we do not know if she is telling the truth, she does not deserve scorn.  We know Kobe cheated on his wife.  If you think that is a double standard you don't understand the term. 


Paragraph 2: If someone you love ever gets raped and there is no physical evidence, I'd bet your opinion would change.


Paragraph 3: Slander has a legal definition.  Can you cite a specific example of this and demonstrate how it is slander?



Paragraph one - OK....so we are going to set aside the rape charge for a second. Kobe Bryant is a low life scum because he cheated on his wife and baby girl...


OK fine...I can see somebody thinking that.....


I am just curious.....is a girl who is in and out of cocaine rehab, who has no problems sleeping with someone she barely knows.....who goes home from when she was supposidly raped and sleep with another guy.....who shows up at a rape medical examination with seman from DIFFERENT guys on various parts of her body.......who allowed the State of Colorado to was a LOT of taxpayer money only to backout moments before the trial and say "nope...I am forgoing justice for money"..I personally dont choose to think this person my vision of the girl next door either......


I think the real question here is DO YOU KNOW someone that has been raped...if that is the case as a fellow bills brethren I am sorry....rape is a terrible thing.




It doesn't take away from someones RIGHT to a fair trial and to be "innocent until PROVEN guilty"....the proscution (another day for a debate on these vultures) had every chance to put a case together...and they simply COULD NOT.....


I find it interesting that you understand a legal term like Slandor....but wont recognize innocent until proven giulty......


It doesn't take away from the fact that someone is innocent until proven giulty.....the prose

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Man, what a mess this turned out to be for him. It wrecked his image, his career (to some extent), cost millions and made a mockery of his marriage. He probably would have been a good guy for a studio/commentator job. That probably won't happen now. He's always going to be Kobe Bryant- the guy that was accused of rape.  You reap what you sew.


Yeah, guys like Marv Albert were never forgiven. Whoops...

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Man, I am stunned at how many people here feel like this woman is a whore. I'm equally stunned as to how many people here feel like Kobe is getting the shaft. It's easy to suggest the woman is a whore who clearly was going after Kobe's money. But no one wants to hold Kobe accountable for poor judgement and committing adultery. The dude admits to cheating on his wife, and then buys her off with an 8 gzillion dollar ring, and all is forgiven. That is apparently okay,we can tell our kids, but the chick is a whore who forgot she got raped while standing in the teller line with a cashier's check?


I've said it before and I'll always say it: things don't happen to you...you LET things happen to you. Both of these people could have avoided this entire event. Unfortunately, everyone is so busy trying to cast blame, they forget about personal accountability.


Everyone always forgets personal accountability. Always.


Don't have any? Get some.

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Man, I am stunned at how many people here feel like this woman is a whore. I'm equally stunned as to how many people here feel like Kobe is getting the shaft. It's easy  to suggest the woman is a whore who clearly was going after Kobe's money. But no one wants to hold Kobe accountable for poor judgement and committing adultery. The dude admits to cheating on his wife, and then buys her off with an 8 gzillion dollar ring, and all is forgiven. That is apparently okay,we can tell our kids, but the chick is a whore who forgot she got raped while standing in the teller line with a cashier's check?


I've said it before and I'll always say it: things don't happen to you...you LET things happen to you. Both of these people could have avoided this entire event. Unfortunately, everyone is so busy trying to cast blame, they forget about personal accountability.


Everyone always forgets personal accountability. Always.


Don't have any? Get some.




I agree with that......

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Yeah, guys like Marv Albert  were never forgiven.  Whoops...



I thought of that too. I'd say that is the one aberration. But then again, Marv wasn't really touted to be a role model for the youths of America. He was always a fringe oddball that knew hoops well and called the games and, as we now know, wears womens underwear.

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