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Do you like Adam Sandler movies?

Another Fan

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That said, I still love The Wedding Singer.


I get a chuckle out of Sandler stuff -- some good, mostly bad -- but Wedding Singer captured every embarrassing moment of my 20s -- in 90 hysterical minutes -- and remains one of my favorite comedies. The 'Love Stinks' scene changed the way I viewed all the weddings I've been to since the movie came out.



As kids movies go, I would add "Bedtime Stories" to the list of his better flicks. Not great...but definitely more watchable than most everything else he's done.

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Used to really like Sandler and the gang he used in his films like Dante, Allen Covert and Nick Swardson. Who all went on to make a hilarious movie Grandmas Boy.


His best comedic films were Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Wedding Singer and Water Boy. Big Daddy, Little Nicky and Mr. Deeds were ok.


He's good in Punch Drunk Love and Spanglish. Unfortunately his comedies now are money grabs and he hasn't had a funny new character in I can't remember how long.

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No love for Anger Management?! He and Nicholson were great.



Goooooosefrabba.....i use that quite often.


I get a kick out of seeing his gang of goofy friends make cameo appearances. You can dooo eeeet!

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Adam Sandler still makes the same movies he made 20 years ago. The problem isn't him it is us getting older and not finding the same immature humor funny. That said I still love immature humor so I still enjoy his movies. Many have been listed here but:


50 First Dates, Waterboy, Happy Gillmore, Billy Madison, That's My Boy, Longest Yard, Wedding Singer, Bedtime Stories, Click, Mr. Deeds, Big Daddy were all very funny to me. I enjoyed Little Nicky and Blended as well. Happy Madison has put out a bunch of good movies including probably my favorite of all time for a comedy in Grandma's Boy.


That is one hell of a career!

50 first dates is also pretty underrated. Pretty solid RoMo.

CBF, can I get an "amen"?


Was my go to movie for the "want to watch a movie" move. Light comedy, romance, and usually we had both seen it so no getting drawn into it accidentally!

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Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore are classics and were extremely popular back then, and those two still hold up pretty well. But I also think he jumped the shark shortly after that and people just became sick of him. Waterboy was goofy but still pretty funny. I remember back when I played football we would quote that movie a lot at practice. That's my boy was pretty funny. But he's had so many stinkers mixed in there. It's amazing how time changes things though, I remember back in the 90's when he was considered cool and edgy and now he's viewed as corny and lame.

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Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore are classics and were extremely popular back then, and those two still hold up pretty well. But I also think he jumped the shark shortly after that and people just became sick of him. Waterboy was goofy but still pretty funny. I remember back when I played football we would quote that movie a lot at practice. That's my boy was pretty funny. But he's had so many stinkers mixed in there. It's amazing how time changes things though, I remember back in the 90's when he was considered cool and edgy and now he's viewed as corny and lame.


Again I hold firmly that he hasn't changed his comedy but many people have aged out of it. Kids still love him.

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50 first dates is also pretty underrated. Pretty solid RoMo.


CBF, can I get an "amen"?


This was probably my favorite movie of his and cannot think of one since it that I have really enjoyed.

Maybe "Bedtime Stories" but I really cannot remember it despite thinking I have seen it.

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Again I hold firmly that he hasn't changed his comedy but many people have aged out of it. Kids still love him.

Hmm I see what your saying but don't entirely agree. I believe in the fact that somethings are made for the right time and place. Example, Billy Madison just had that early 90's comedy vibe to it and it went over huge back then. Not sure a movie like that becomes a mega hit if it comes out today.


As for the kids still love him comment, have to disagree once more as I have an 18 year old brother and I have had talks with him on this subject before and his peers pretty much view Sandler as a joke and he was never considered a hip actor amongst their group growing up. I explained to him there was a time when he was extremely popular

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Again I hold firmly that he hasn't changed his comedy but many people have aged out of it. Kids still love him.

Seriously? His comedy definitely changed... he went from characters like Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison and Little Nicky which were all very crude and immature to RomComs like 50 First Dates, Just Go With It and Blended.


His characters became less crude and his comedies like Grown Ups and Funny People had more serious undertones. Yea I guess Jack and Jill and That's My Boy are attempts to be crude/goofy again but the characters are just awful and the story is horrible.


Adam Sandler '95-'98 I don't think would have done the RomComs he does now or the comedies. The characters just aren't good and are different. Just my opinion though.

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