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Chicago Bears GM....Fox informed 1 hr. B4 taking Trubisky.


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A move like that you have to get the coaches input. Especially since he is coming off a poor season and in essence may be coaching for his job.


You sign your starting QB in Glennon and then instead of taking s possible JJ Watt type impact player you take a QB who is going to sit the bench for a year?


That's setting your coach up for failure. If I'm Fox I'm knowing that if I get fired I was put in s position to fail by my GM.

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Wow, that's crazy. Why would you take it out on the kid? He didn't pick himself. At this point you should just want him to feel welcomed and hope he proves worthy of the trade.

Agreed. Hopefully Trubisky realizes the boo's are not about him but the organization. Trubisky can only control his play and development.

As for Fox being informed an hour before, it only matters if it matters .

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