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The REAL Reason Fans dont want Romo in Buffalo

Marty McFly

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Lets put an end to all speculation.



There are a lot of fans who discuss Tony Romo signing to Buffalo.



Whats the difference between Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees and Tony Romo?

Look closely at the evidence provided below.





Credit Goes to NFL Memes on Facebook.com




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Edit: can we leave this stuff for facebook? I come here because it's one of the few sports sites safe from the onslaught of unfunny sports memes.



i thought it was funny.


Worth one of those "take a quick look chuckle then keep scrolling threads."





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Edit: can we leave this stuff for facebook? I come here because it's one of the few sports sites safe from the onslaught of unfunny sports memes.

If you agree to stop using the ridiculous term 'meh', i'll support you in getting these humorous threads off TBD.

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His footwork is terrible.


You know its funny you say that, I remember I was a kid, never paid attention to College ball. I started watching Purdue games and seen Brees play. Became a fan and as a kid I was like yo Hes gonna be nice in the NFL. I completely forgot about him till the Chargers signed him. Then he sat behind Flutie and went through a disappointing season and the injury and Philip Rivers debacle. I was like damn. I was wrong. Then Im distracted by life not paying attention and BAM!! Wins a Super Bowl with the Saints after making a huge comeback after people wrote him off for the shoulder surgery. That my friend is how you win at life.

Pretty funny. Honestly better than 95% of the attempts at humor or snark on here

Thanks Cthulhu Turk. i tried



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