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It sounds like this may be her last season. She wants to resume her career.





She had a singing career before? :blush:


She must be using a pretty loose definition of singing.

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I am rooting for Scott!


He is a rather "brooding" type of chracter, but I like the fact after he said his father had no confindence in him, he was his own man.  Then on his initial audition, he just blew me away.




Scott?? Oh, you mean Bowling Ball head.


I guarantee he is one of the next 3 to take a walk.

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Ok, the answer is "at least three weeks".


The question, of course, being "how long does it take bad 80's hair perms to flatten out". So, the trailer park guy comes true to form and produces and honest-to-God rap sheet for us, and then proceeds to back it up by wearing an honest-to-God wife beater on stage! I'll allow for the fact that he wore a proper shirt and jacket over it, but still, the wife beater was present.


Rocker/B is next, and, it's real tough to admit this, but I feel violated. He really needs to stop staring at me. I always thought that sexual harassment only happened to 'other people' but, I just feel like I have been eye-molested. I feel dirty. Now my wife does the same thing when he is on. Shut up, wife! This really bothers me because this guy is far and away the only somewhat interesting person on this show.


Betty Crocker is next. With the personality of that wife who wrote the article in the '50's about how to treat your husband and keep your home and family in order. You know the one, the article that tells you to shut up when you husband comes home, because he had a hard day and doesn't need you to bother him any further about work matters.


I forget the order of everyone else, because it doesn't freaking matter, but anywhoo. I noticed there was a mix-up in wardrobe. Trach boy came out singing from "The Sound Of Music" but it was Ozzie Smith's son afterward that came out in the offical uniform of the Von Trapp Family Singers.


There is this pretty hot black woman, and although boring, her people in the audience have the most professional looking signs. All glossy, modern laminations, professional fonts. I noticed last week that she also has the hugest dudes in her entourage. I can understand the winner needing this, but when the mere contestants roll with muscle, then that's another sign of the shark preparing to be jumped.


The cross between Napoleon Bonaparte and Bob Marley is very inconsistent. That's all I got, sorry.


Rocker/A comes out, wearing a freaking rubber suit! He looks like one of those deviants you see on those HBO soft-porn documentaries. He claims that he picked his song at random. Sure you did. Whatever, Bolton.


Mohawk woman is last, and it appears that management wants her out. It seems rushed. There is no place for faux-hawks on AI. There is a definate void in regards to a proper foe for the country girl. I heard her being referred to as Feeding Tube Barbie somewhere, but that's just not appropriate.

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Ok, the answer is "at least three weeks". 


The question, of course, being "how long does it take bad 80's hair perms to flatten out". So, the trailer park guy comes true to form and produces and honest-to-God rap sheet for us, and then proceeds to back it up by wearing an honest-to-God wife beater on stage!  I'll allow for the fact that he wore a proper shirt and jacket over it, but still, the wife beater was present.


Rocker/B is next, and, it's real tough to admit this, but I feel violated.  He really needs to stop staring at me. I always thought that sexual harassment only happened to 'other people' but, I just feel like I have been eye-molested. I feel dirty. Now my wife does the same thing when he is on. Shut up, wife! This really bothers me because this guy is far and away the only somewhat interesting person on this show.


Betty Crocker is next. With the personality of that wife who wrote the article in the '50's about how to treat your husband and keep your home and family in order. You know the one, the article that tells you to shut up when you husband comes home, because he had a hard day and doesn't need you to bother him any urther about work matters.


I forget the order of everyone else, because it doesn't freaking matter, but anywhoo.  I noticed there was a mix-up in wardrobe.  Trach boy came out singing from "The Sound Of Music" but it was Ozzie Smith's son afterward that came out in the offical uniform of the Von Trapp Family Singers.


There is this pretty hot black woman, and although boring, her people in the audience have the most professional looking signs.  All glossy, modern laminations, professional fonts.  I noticed last week that she also has the hugest dudes in her entourage.  I can understand the winner needing this, but when the mere contestants roll with muscle, then that's another sign of the shark preparing to be jumped.


The cross between Napoleon Bonaparte and Bob Marley is very inconsistent.  That's all I got, sorry.


Rocker/A comes out, wearing a freaking rubber suit! He looks like one of those deviants you see on those HBO soft-porn documentaries.  He claims that he picked his song at random. Sure you did.  Whatever, Bolton. 


Mohawk woman is last, and it appears that management wants her out. It seems rushed.  There is no place for faux-hawks on AI.  There is a definate void in regards to a proper foe for the country girl. I heard her referred to as Feeding Tube Barbie, but that's just not appropriate.




I think that Federov is gone tonight. He sucked last night.

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I hope not, she pisses me off, i'm waiting for Simon to backhand her any day now. She gives her opinion, which 99% of the time is just repeating what Randy says, then when Simon is trying to give his opinion, she always has to cut in on Simon and get the last word.


I'm sure if I go back and look at my previous posts in this thread, I've said it before, but.....



Hey Paula....STFU when Simon is giving his opinion. Now that Mikalayah is gone, you have taken over the number 1 spot in the AI Most Annoying Poll! :blush:



Oh by the way, my bottom 3 this week....Scott, Anthony & Nadia. Scott pack your bags. You are going home!

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Anwar was good last night but had an unfair advantage being gay on show tunes night.




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We couldn't lose with either one of those guys. Scott won't be far. Did you hear that rambling mess, WTF was he talking about when Ryan was talking to him???


Two things that are realy driving me nuts:


1.) Contestants - Stop holding up your fingers when the numbers are givin out! You look like American Idiots.


2.) ENOUGH WITH THE "SEACREST OUT" CRAP !! Who do you think you are? Besides Paula and Dawg boy he brings the show down.



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I don't watch American Idol, but if he is still in it, my vote is for Nikko Smith, the kid has GREATNESS running through his veins.


BF picks another loser ... that's a surprise. :doh:

Hey Nikko ... like father, like son ... I'm sure Daddy is proud

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Is it just me, or does Simon just look bored doing this now? I mean, regardless of what he says, he gets booed now, and the fact is that can be fun for alittle while, but now Simon looks bored.

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Is it just me, or does Simon just look bored doing this now? I mean, regardless of what he says, he gets booed now, and the fact is that can be fun for alittle while, but now Simon looks bored.


He's nothing but a punching bag for those other two retards. He's the only one telling the truth and not pandering to the croud.



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Did anyone else hear Paula say that the competition didn't matter since all of them would get contracts anyway? Then why didn't just stop at 12 contestants? She also realized what she said and backtracked rapidly.

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Did anyone else hear Paula say that the competition didn't matter since all of them would get contracts anyway? Then why didn't just stop at 12 contestants? She also realized what she said and backtracked rapidly.

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My wife made me watch last night. Did anybody see Fantasia perform? Holy crap did she eat the other contestants from last year or something? She got huge!!!!!



She also seems to have lost her voice -- she spent most of the song screaming "Yeahhhhhhh" in a raspy growl that was a cross between Macy Gray and James Hetfield.


Maybe eating the other contestants gave her acid reflux, and she can cop the same excuse as Ashlee Simpson?

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