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How long after DB is gone will the debate rage on?


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When DB is released will his last few supporters let it go or will they continue to carry on about how in the right system DB could have taken us to the promised land?


I wasn't around here for the Flutie v. Johnson debate, but I'm curious as to how long this debate roared on even after Flutie was let go. Did the Flutie folks continue to "stand by their man"? <_<

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When DB is released will his last few supporters let it go or will they continue to carry on about how in the right system DB could have taken us to the promised land?


I wasn't around here for the Flutie v. Johnson debate, but I'm curious as to how long this debate roared on even after Flutie was let go.  Did the Flutie folks continue to "stand by their man"? :D



They still do :)


I'd be more concerned with what people are going to do/say if DB *isn't* released.



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When DB is released will his last few supporters let it go or will they continue to carry on about how in the right system DB could have taken us to the promised land?


I wasn't around here for the Flutie v. Johnson debate, but I'm curious as to how long this debate roared on even after Flutie was let go.  Did the Flutie folks continue to "stand by their man"? :D



The Flutie fans were either chicks or bandwagon Flutie followers. He was not good that last year so I don't think many here missed him. The funny thing was that people were debating that we had two good quarterbacks to choose from. :)

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The debate will rage forever. Whoever is the successor it will come up every time he has a bad game. The Flutie/RJ stuff is still there below the surface even though anyone with one ounce of intellect can see that regardless of outcome TD made the correct decision. Flutie had no future and we had to find out once and for all about RJ. Flutie was cut and the team moved on. As an organization the Bills made the 100% correct call.

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I like to think of whoever the QB of the Bills is as a brother. I'll be critical of him but I'll always have his back. I won't kick him when is is down, I'll pick him up. If that makes me a Bledsoe supporter than so be it. If Bledsoe is released then I wish him well and I will stand behind and support JP.

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I like to think of whoever the QB of the Bills is as a brother. I'll be critical of him but I'll always have his back. I won't kick him when is is down, I'll pick him up. If that makes me a Bledsoe supporter than so be it.  If Bledsoe is released then I wish him well and I will stand behind and support JP.


I must be more of a Cane/Abel type.

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I like to think of whoever the QB of the Bills is as a brother. I'll be critical of him but I'll always have his back. I won't kick him when is is down, I'll pick him up. If that makes me a Bledsoe supporter than so be it.  If Bledsoe is released then I wish him well and I will stand behind and support JP.


get in line , JP starts

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So, we have a few options here for Drew...


1- Get released

2- Stay on as starter, nothing changes.

3- Restructure the contract, and then stay on.


Which of these will make the most fans happiest? IMHO Drew's not the worse QB, but not the best. He's had moments of brilliance, and I think with a full year of Willis, he'll be better.

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So, we have a few options here for Drew...


1- Get released

2- Stay on as starter, nothing changes.

3- Restructure the contract, and then stay on.


Which of these will make the most fans happiest? IMHO Drew's not the worse QB, but not the best. He's had moments of brilliance, and I think with a full year of Willis, he'll be better.




Pretty close. We can release Drew, but my guess is the Bills would rather not do this because of the $4.3M cap hit. We could release him after June 1st to spread the hit, but then we'd still have to pay him the $1M bonus on March 2nd. Neither of those are particularly attractive options for the Bills. They aren't particularly attractive for Drew, either, because the chances are slim to none that another team will provide him with a starting job OR anything near the salary he's currently making.


I don't think your option #2 even exists. Drew could stay on, but I think the Bills have made it clear he won't be the starter without competing for the job and earning it. Drew may not like that, but that's too bad. The Bills also don't want him to stay on at his current contract, so they would really like him to restructure. Will he? Who knows. It depends on how much restructuring the Bills are going to ask.


Realistically, it comes down to this one thing: Will Drew accept the offer to restructure and stay on? IMO, the Bills would like to keep Drew, but only if he restructures and accepts an open competition for the starting job. Further, I think it's probably in Drew's best interest to accept the offer and compete, since he's likely to do worse if he gets out on the open market. It's also in the Bills best interest that he accepts the offer, since I'm sure they would prefer this to the cap hit they would take from releasing him.


So my expectation is that Drew will accept the terms, restructure the contract, and stay on with an open competition for QB. My guess is that his contract will allow him to leave after this next season if JP becomes the starter.

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When DB is released will his last few supporters let it go or will they continue to carry on about how in the right system DB could have taken us to the promised land?


I wasn't around here for the Flutie v. Johnson debate, but I'm curious as to how long this debate roared on even after Flutie was let go.  Did the Flutie folks continue to "stand by their man"? :)




As the grand poo-bahh of the Dead Horse Beaters Club, you know my answer. :D


I think IM actually getting sick of it now, when a dead horse beater is sick of beating the dead horse, the end is near.

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I miss Lamonica.


Hmmmmm...I wonder if the late 60's and early 70's would have been different with Lamonica instead of Kemp. But then again if Lamonica was our starter during this period, we may not have finished in a position to draft OJ. If we had not drafted OJ, maybe his life would have turned out different and he would not end up being a cold blooded killer. :ph34r:



Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda

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Hmmmmm...I wonder if the late 60's and early 70's would have been different with Lamonica instead of Kemp.  But then again if Lamonica was our starter during this period, we may not have finished in a position to draft OJ.  If we had not drafted OJ, maybe his life would have turned out different and he would not end up being a cold blooded killer.  :ph34r:

Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda



Well, I know if I hadn't quit Niagara Mohawk Power to go to grad school, I'd be rolling in it now. :lol:

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