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(OT) Woman sells ad space on her


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Not sure if this has been posted or not, but, Shaune Bagwell ex-wife of Jeff has sold advertising space on her boobage.




Really a very novel idea, and one that I am sure we could adapt here at TSW.


What body parts of TBDers would you want to place advertising on?


What would they be selling?

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It's actually not unique at all. A few weeks ago a guy started the whole trend by selling ad space on his forehead. He got $37,000 to advertise some anti-snoring something or other.


Then the knockoffs started.


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You got a "C" in 6th grade?  Probably not sex education. :)


Anyone else to to Catholic school and get sex ed from a Nun? :D  Now that's weird, also explains alot about me.



I remember flunking sex education in 6th grade. I was so mad at my teacher, Mrs. Smith, that I wanted to kick her in the nuts.

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"I dislike authority, and I almost never take anyone's advice. I have an open disdain for teachers and I despise classes. " -Shaune Bagwell


She sounds like a real winner

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