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Suh v. Incognito


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Every time to this point that the Bills have played the Lions the Bills O line have done pretty well against Suh (although i don't know how while Marone was HC) !!


But with the new O line coach , the addition of Richie to the fold & who ever else they pick up in FA for the O line i don't see Suh having a huge impact against us because he never really did .


He will make his plays as all great athletes do in the NFL but it's like when Bruce use to go against Boselli , Boselli just had Bruce Smiths number . I never saw a game where those 2 went against each other where Bruce got the better of Tony & i think the Bills will continue to do the same against Suh no matter where he is !!


Go Bills !!

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Now the Incognito signing looks even better. Gotta fight nasty with nasty. IMO nastiness is one of the things prior Bills teams didn't have. The DEF showed last year that they are gonna punch you right in the face... every down....unlike the offense. Now that might change.


I was listening to the radio yesterday (interview of MJD) and all the host and MJD talked about was how important it is for the trenches to be mean and nasty, on both sides of the ball.


Bottom line....CAN HE PLAY? If so, everyone will forget the locker room incident.



Edited by johnnywo
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