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Ray Rice to Buffalo???

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I'll just quote CS Lewis. "If you don't understand books written for adults, you should not be discussing them." Not sure how this became a religious discussion, but I find your comments very shallow and offensive. I also find it very hypocritical of someone who grew up in an area settled by Christian missionaries, who have done more for your way of life than you will ever fully contemplate, mock and demean the beliefs of 2 billion people to the level of a 6 year old child. You obviously do not understand the logical and fact based defense of Christianity, Nor do you, based on your idiotic statements, seem to have the intellectual capacity to have an intelligent conversation about it.

I don't know about you but I grew up in a land that had been inhabited by people for millions of years until they were mercilessly wiped out by these Christians you speak of within a matter of just a few hundred years. But you and Tim Tebow can go on believing that they sat down and had a peaceful turkey dinner together. And are you telling me with as much certainty as the Bills will play the Browns on Sunday that you know how the universe was created and what happens when you die? All I said was that I think it's a little nutty when someone possesses such hard and fast convictions about such complex questions. Go Bills.

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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It's a fair question but from watching him some (on last year's fantasy roster) he looked done. It looked like CJ2K. If Rice didn't have those issues I wouldn't be surprised to see a Raiders type of team give him a shot. The combination of the way that he looked and the video makes me think that it isn't likely he gets another shot.


I admittedly saw less of him week in and week out, so I'm not a great judge. I do think there's a chance that hes young enough that a year off to heal up after a ton if touches for 4 years might be a kick start. Heck, sometimes there are nagging issues we don't hear about. At his age I'm hesitant to close the book on his ability, but as you note cj2k hit that wall after getting those touches and very few guys survive 400 touches

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I don't know about you but I grew up in a land that had been inhabited by people for millions of years until they were mercilessly wiped out by these Christians you speak of within a matter of just a few hundred years. But you and Tim Tebow can go on believing that they sat down and had a peaceful turkey dinner together. And are you telling me with as much certainty as the Bills will play the Browns on Sunday that you know how the universe was created and what happens when you die? All I said was that I think it's a little nutty when someone possesses such hard and fast convictions about such complex questions. Go Bills.

Millions? Really?


Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

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Well the good news is it looks like Fred will never stop.


Fred Jackson has slowly become one of my favorite players to ever wear a Bills jersey. He plays very well and is all class. Haven't liked a Bills rb this much since Thurman Thomas.


And yes, I would puke if Rice became a part of the Buffalo Bills.

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Some things are more important than winning football games at all costs. Making sure you don't employ a serial wife beater and general sociopath is one of those things. Personally, I don't want a guy on the team who is capable of knocking out his wife, and then nonchalantly dragging her out of an elevator like nothing happened.




I would actually consider boycotting the Bills if they signed him. Some things are more important than football.




Watch the video again, and then tell me if you are OK with having that guy on the team. What he did is frightening and disturbing. It goes deeper than paying his time. You can't treat this like a guy who smoked a little weed, or stole a bottle of booze like marshawn. He HIT HIS WIFE, KNOCKED HER OUT, AND ACTED LIKE HE DIDN'T GIVE A ****. Get your thoughts straight, dude.


His wife still married him bro, get your thoughts strait.

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So I was listening to the Dan Lebetard show this afternoon, he had on John Clayton who was taking calls. Someone asked where Clayton thought Ray Rice would play next year and he stated Buffalo as Terry P had a connection with him though the sports agency he was involved with.. Obviously pure speculation, but that was his response.

YES, lets get him

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I think it is way too premature to say he is declining. He's only 27 and he had one down year in 2013. Prior to that I would say he doing pretty darn good. As far as the domestic violence, if he shows he's genuinely grown from it I think someone will give him a shot. I'd be fine with signing him (as long as it's not at the expense of trying to bring in a better quarterback or two).

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John Clayton seems like a nice guy, but when he talks about the Bills, I have to take his opinions with a huge grain of salt.


I remember hearing him on GR in the final days of the Chan era, when Clayton not only recommended that the Bills keep Gailey as head coach, but also defended Gailey's the limited usage of "winded" CJ Spiller.

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John Clayton seems like a nice guy, but when he talks about the Bills, I have to take his opinions with a huge grain of salt.


I remember hearing him on GR in the final days of the Chan era, when Clayton not only recommended that the Bills keep Gailey as head coach, but also defended Gailey's the limited usage of "winded" CJ Spiller.


Right, because CJ has done so well without Chan.

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I would take him IF he convinces me as the owner he understands what he did and how wrong it is. Many miss a huge point here, this guy has the opportunity to reach young men that normal folks cant. He could step up and make a difference in this issue if allowed to.


I give him a shot.

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