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mcgahee a 'proud' papa?


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Ding !  Chicken !  Gotta Go !



Have you ever seen that game where the little weasel heads pop up out of the holes and you have to beat them with a hammer?

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I hope he is not like Ricky Williams and at least supports the kid if it is really his. RW has fathered a fourth child (or at least the lady is claiming so). 4 different moms, 4 different kids. Deadbeat Ricky who is now broke. It doesn't matter to him being broke and walking barefoot smoking weed, but it would have been nice had he given some money to help raise the kids and took a role in their lives.

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Both of them have a ways to go in order to unseat the reigning champion, Calvin Murphy (14 kids with 9 different women). <_<




LOL!!! You beat me too it. I'm an NU grad and, -- speaking for my fellow alums -- I want to say how proud we are of Calvin's achievements. I really think we should name a biology lab (or maybe a women's dorm) after him. :blush::blush::(

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Don't forget about this model citizen....


When Derrick Thomas died from injuries suffered in a car accident last February, he left seven children by five women and no will. Since the seven children, ages 2-10, are heirs to what is left because Thomas was not married and there isn't a will, the mothers of his children are fighting for a healthy share of his estate filed in Jackson County Circuit Court, MO.




Search on this guys name and read all the touching tributes to a great man. Of course in most of those tributes you won't find anything about how this fantastic person knew nothing about birth control, commitment to one woman(for more than one night) and on top of everything else he was too dumb to know he should have had a will.



I wonder if he looked up to Calvin Murphy? :(

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