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{OT} Neighbor's Barking Dog


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I had this very problem, and one night while the dog was yapping away, I got some pre-cooked cheese-filled bratwursts, cut them into pieces, and filled each one alternating between sleeping pills and laxatives. I threw them over the fence, and in no time I could hear the dog munching them down.


When they were gone, he went back to barking...for about twenty minutes...when I suddenly heard a yip, a bark, a wheeze, a fart and a soft thud.


Goodnight, sweetheart...welll, it's time to go....

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Call the police...especially on weekend nights...let the neighbors in on it and have everyone call the same evening....


You can't talk sense into the owner so unless your ready for a physical confrontation you really dont have a choice....


hopefully 1 visit from the cops will make them wake up and smell the coffee.


Cops are there to protect AND serve.......let them handle it.


good luck...let us know what happens.


Don't do anything stupid that will only get YOU in trouble.




I agree with Tomcat.....you dont have to give you name on the complaint.


What will end up happening is the owner will be dumbfounded trying to figure out who called the cops.....it might be enough to get them thinking about it.

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I had this very problem, and one night while the dog was yapping away, I got some pre-cooked cheese-filled bratwursts, cut them into pieces, and filled each one alternating between sleeping pills and laxatives. I threw them over the fence, and in no time I could hear the dog munching them down.


When they were gone, he went back to barking...for about twenty minutes...when I suddenly heard a yip, a bark, a wheeze, a fart and a soft thud.


Goodnight, sweetheart...welll, it's time to go....


I remember following your thread awhile back. Sounds like that probably worked for one night. What have you done for the long-term?

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I agree with Tomcat.....you dont have to give you name on the complaint.


What will end up happening is the owner will be dumbfounded trying to figure out who called the cops.....it might be enough to get them thinking about it.



I'm sure it's different in every jurisdiction, but for us, it goes something like this:


There HAS to be another annoyed neighbor who also files a complaint. I suppose this is in effect to prevent a police reaction for every pain-in-the-arse-with-nothing-better-to-do-Mrs Kravitz's of the world from phoning the cops with every petty annoyance. Kind of makes sense.


Secondly, we have to file a formal complaint through at magistrate's office.


As far as calling the cops goes, about all they can usually do is issue a warning. If it continues, maybe a second warning. Animal control works less than banker's hours, and the odds of them actually being available when the disturbance occurs is less than zero.


At any rate, it's not as simple as calling the cops and pulling the eye mask over our face for some serious Z's. Like so many other things, it's steeped in bureacracy. At that point you have to weigh out what's more of a pain - the crap you have to go through to get it resolved or the dog who mighstart with the yapping at any given time.


Something I forgot to mention in previous post. The ingenius solution the negligent pet owners have for their lonely, barking mutts.....get a second (or third) dog to "keep it company". Brilliant. Absolutely F'ing brilliant. At that point, it's time to move before the property value dips any further.

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I'm sure it's different in every jurisdiction, but for us, it goes something like this:


There HAS to be another annoyed neighbor who also files a complaint. I suppose this is in effect to prevent a police reaction for every  pain-in-the-arse-with-nothing-better-to-do-Mrs Kravitz's of the world from phoning the cops with every petty annoyance. Kind of makes sense.


Secondly, we have to file a formal complaint through at magistrate's office.


As far as calling the cops goes, about all they can usually do is issue a warning. If it continues, maybe a second warning. Animal control works less than banker's hours, and the odds of them actually being available when the disturbance occurs is less than zero.


At any rate, it's not as simple as calling the cops and pulling the eye mask over our face for some serious Z's. Like so many other things, it's steeped in bureacracy. At that point you have to weigh out what's more of a pain - the crap you have to go through to get it resolved or the dog who mighstart with the yapping at any given time.


Something I forgot to mention in previous post. The ingenius solution the negligent pet owners have for their lonely, barking mutts.....get a second (or third) dog to "keep it company". Brilliant. Absolutely F'ing brilliant. At that point, it's time to move before the property value dips any further.




Do they own or rent? I think if they are renters then you can sue the landlord

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We've had a similar problem for years. Seems we're the only people in the neighborhood without a dog. These people around us get these dogs to somehow make their lives complete after they've finally moved into their very own house.

Once the novelty wears off, the poor animals end up in the backyard, ignored by the owners. A lot of times I believe the dog is just a band-aid to fill some void until their masters have children. Once the babies arrive, Fido gets a life sentence to backyard solitary confinement.


Some use the excuse that they're outside for the owner's protection. Someone explain how it can be considered as a good guard dog if it barks at every living creature that creeps into or near the property. Hell, the animal will finally shutup once some friendly burglar shows up to pet the poor thing. Maybe that's the genius of the guard dog theory! Anilmal is quiet - it means trouble.


Our only solution is to move into a more upscale neighborhood with a home owner's association that will supprt our right to have peace. We've been debating this move for a while. On one hand, we bought our home 13 years ago and our mortgage and taxes are so insignificant that we hate to change our financial freedom. Moving into one of the more upscale neighborhoods (which we could well afford) would take away from money we now use to travel, buy toys, improve the house, invest, etc. Is it worth giving that up because of some inconsiderate neighbors? I don't know. Maybe. A lot will depend on who (and with what animals) moves into the house next door (which appears to be abandoned at this time).


We've had little help from the local sherriff or animal control. The laws and town ordinances are not in favor of the law-abiding, peace loving citizens.


When I was young, we were taught that owning pets carried with it certain responsibilites. I think too many pet owners think taking care of a dog means filling it's dish every so often.


Whatever you do, don't take it out on the dog. It's not the animal's fault. Dog's are bred and made to be working, hunting, or cuddling and just being companions. No dog should just be thrown outside to be left by itself day after day. That's downright cruel.



I agree 1000%. I will not take it out on the dog. If it was a cat ... well ... but I like dogs too much to do anything to hurt it. As for people taking responsibility I am SO LUCKY I don't have any problems with the kids in my neighborhood. I have dealt with problem kids in my old neighborhood and the experience dealing with their "parents" was incredible. It is always the same. Their little angel would never do anything wrong. Thank you for your response. It helped !

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haha... no the collar we had doesn't spray citronella up the dog's nose, or in it's eye, or even in its mouth. Its simply the fact that the dogs hears the spray, feels it, and smells it. It really does no harm to the dog whatsoever.









you can also call your councilperson and complain--they will alert the cops and you are out of the loop--I have the same problem and saw one of thise ultrasonic devices in the SKYMALL--will be getting it soon--they had one that worked up to 100 feet.

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First and foremost its the owners responsibility to take care of this situation. That said I think a lot of people are just assuming the owner is negligent with his dog. Some dogs are predisposed to certain behaviors more then others. Shepard's dig and bark, Dalmatians are hyper, Labs are great swimmers etc.


I'm sure the owner is at least somewhat aware of his dogs barking problems, but I'm also sure its at least a possibility that he doesn't know how to fix it. Just try and talk to the guy about, express your concern over the situation and offer him some possible solutions. If the guy is still a-hole about it then call the cops. They might not be able to do anything about it but it could scare the owner into taking things a little more seriously.

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First and foremost its the owners responsibility to take care of this situation. That said I think a lot of people are just assuming the owner is negligent with his dog.  Some dogs are predisposed to certain behaviors more then others. Shepard's dig and bark, Dalmatians are hyper, Labs are great swimmers etc.


I'm sure the owner is at least somewhat aware of his dogs barking problems, but I'm also sure its at least a possibility that he doesn't know how to fix it. Just try and talk to the guy about, express your concern over the situation and offer him some possible solutions.  If the guy is still a-hole about it then call the cops. They might not be able to do anything about it but it could scare the owner into taking things a little more seriously.



Please. If a person can't realize that his barking dog might drive the neighbor nuts, then HE should be shot...


If you go over and talk to him, THEN complain to the cops LATER, I hope you like repairing all of your tires that will get slashed within a week.


Seriously, I could never figure out how the owners of these dogs aren't annoyed.


The simple answer? They make it a house dog. House too small for that? Then they shouldn't have gotten such a big dog.


People get dogs as a novelty. They are cute puppies. Well, guess what? They get big, they bark, and they are expensive.


I think the worst thing to do is to "go talk to him"... if a "talk" with the neighbor would actually work, you are living next to the dumbest person on earth, or a deaf person.

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I have lived in the same quiet neighborhood for 7 years.  Less than a year ago the people living behind me to the left got a dog that won't stop barking.  During the day I'm at work, but in the evening or on the weekend it is a distraction when I'm trying to enjoy my backyard patio.  They only have one dog.  So when the dog is outside it uses all its energy to let the owners know it wants to get back in the house.  It doesn't matter if it is hot or cold, wet or dry outside.  This dog is a barker.


I have hit Google and places sell Ultrasonic bark stoppers.  Evidently, when the device "hears" the dog bark, it emits an ultrasonic frequency the dogs hate and it trains them to be quiet.  I could install it on my property and point it into the dog's yard and see what happens.


Has anyone had success or failure with this kind of device.  It sounds too good to be true.  By the way, I'm not going to talk to the neighbor's about the problem.  I've talked to the folks right behind me that live next door to these folks.  They tried to reason with the dog owners and got told to go to hell and mind their own business.  Can you imagine that kind of attitude from the dog owners?  I don't want to call the cops into it even though the barking goes on after midnight.  Let's leave them to catch real criminals.


Anyone have a solution that works ??



I'd rather have you find an ultrasonic device you could could tune to your neighbors skull. With any luck, you could get his brain to explode.

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Please. If a person can't realize that his barking dog might drive the neighbor nuts, then HE should be shot...


If you go over and talk to him, THEN complain to the cops LATER, I hope you like repairing all of your tires that will get slashed within a week.


Seriously, I could never figure out how the owners of these dogs aren't annoyed.


The simple answer? They make it a house dog. House too small for that? Then they shouldn't have gotten such a big dog.


People get dogs as a novelty. They are cute puppies. Well, guess what? They get big, they bark, and they are expensive.


I think the worst thing to do is to "go talk to him"... if a "talk" with the neighbor would actually work, you are living next to the dumbest person on earth, or a deaf person.



I agree. I could not agree more. he already told the guy living behind me (and right next door to him) to go to hell and mind his own business. NO WAY am I going to ring that guy's doorbell. That is why I want to try to silence the dog through the ultrasonics.


How about I buy the thing and try it and tell you guys if it worked or not?


I think the reason the owners are not annoyed that their own dog won't stop barking is because they are not sensitive to the sound of it, each other, their neighbors, the TV or a 50 caliber sniper round spliting their UNIBROW from a quarter mile away.


Your support really made me feel better !

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I'm sure the owner is at least somewhat aware of his dogs barking problems, but I'm also sure its at least a possibility that he doesn't know how to fix it. Just try and talk to the guy about, express your concern over the situation and offer him some possible solutions.  If the guy is still a-hole about it then call the cops. They might not be able to do anything about it but it could scare the owner into taking things a little more seriously.



Sheesh - a page and a half into this thread before someone steps up with a solution not involving some passive aggressive cowardice... What is wrong with you people? Throwing stuff over the fence? Filing complaints? Man, I hope I never live nextdoor to any of you nutjobs. Hey, here's a radical idea! Be an adult, knock on the owners' door, and tell them that the barking bothers you! If they tell you to go get stuffed, THEN you can consider resorting to giant dog catapults, etc. It just might happen, though, that they are receptive to your complaint and do what they can to help "cure" this behavior, if possible. Perhaps they'll hire a trainer (we're thinking of doing that for our dog, for different reasons not here relevant). Perhaps they'll keep the dog indoors more. It's amazing what adult humans will agree to do if asked nicely and politely... give it a shot.

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Please. If a person can't realize that his barking dog might drive the neighbor nuts, then HE should be shot...


If you go over and talk to him, THEN complain to the cops LATER, I hope you like repairing all of your tires that will get slashed within a week.


Seriously, I could never figure out how the owners of these dogs aren't annoyed.


The simple answer? They make it a house dog. House too small for that? Then they shouldn't have gotten such a big dog.


People get dogs as a novelty. They are cute puppies. Well, guess what? They get big, they bark, and they are expensive.


I think the worst thing to do is to "go talk to him"... if a "talk" with the neighbor would actually work, you are living next to the dumbest person on earth, or a deaf person.



Since my response was so unreasonable why don't you share with us what a person should do in this situation.


The question was what should a "NEIGHBOR" do if somebody else's dog has a barking problem. This thread has some great suggestions in it about controlling a dogs bark. The problem is only the dog owner would find these suggestions useful.


Bark collars? Citronella collar/spray? How the hell is this person supposed to use that stuff if its not his dog? The ultrasonic thing sounds interesting, but don't you think this person should at least mention something to his neighbor before he spends any of his own money?


If the guy is a reasonable person he may just buy a bark color or another anti barking device. If not then his only other options would be the cops or the ultrasonic thing. The cops probably would be a bad idea and that point, like you said it would be obvious who called them.


Personally I would rather talk to the guy myself then call the cops. Then again who knows, maybe I just have exceptionally nice neighbors. So either talk to the guy, call the cops now, or buy the ultrasonic thing. Those are really the only three things you can do.

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Sheesh - a page and a half into this thread before someone steps up with a solution not involving some passive aggressive cowardice... What is wrong with you people?  Throwing stuff over the fence?  Filing complaints?  Man, I hope I never live nextdoor to any of you nutjobs.  Hey, here's a radical idea!  Be an adult, knock on the owners' door, and tell them that the barking bothers you!  If they tell you to go get stuffed, THEN you can consider resorting to giant dog catapults, etc.  It just might happen, though, that they are receptive to your complaint and do what they can to help "cure" this behavior, if possible.  Perhaps they'll hire a trainer (we're thinking of doing that for our dog, for different reasons not here relevant).  Perhaps they'll keep the dog indoors more.  It's amazing what adult humans will agree to do if asked nicely and politely... give it a shot.



To add to your last line, it's also amazing that this guy can't figure it out on his own to STOP his dog from barking.


I have a feeling some of the people that are saying "go over and talk to him, maybe he is unaware" might just have a howler of their own.


The point is, if this guy is STUPID and IGNORANT (and yes, it's ignorant to disrupt your neighbors' evenings because you won't do anything about your dog barking) to do something on his own, then a nice tlak from a neighbor won't work.


The worst thing to do would be to talk to him. Why? Because what happpens when it doesn't stop? Then you have to call the cops. And guess what? Now Moron Q. Dogowner knows who called the cops. That's always fun to live next to.


Unless this man is deaf, there is NO reason for him to let this continue. NONE.


Like I said, if he can't control it, bring the dog inside. This is NOT Surfmeister's problem. If anything, the owner should try the sonic idea. Why should Surfmeister have to waste his money?


I'm telling you, talking to them first is the worst idea. If anything, leave an anonymous note in his mailbox, stating you are giving him a week to quiet his dog before you call the police. At least now it could be one of a handful of neighbors.


I don't understand ANYONE wanting to give this guy the benefit of the doubt? He can hear what his dog is doing. Surfmeister wants to come home and enjoy his back patio, that he more than likely worked pretty damn hard to afford. He can't even do that because of someone else's ignorance?


Oh, no, but not in 2004... now you have to go "talk" and "tell him your feelings".


BS. Call the cops, or take a pro-active approach.

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If you go over and talk to him, THEN complain to the cops LATER, I hope you like repairing all of your tires that will get slashed within a week.


The reality is, in many cities, it's actually required that you visit see the people in person and let them know you have a problem with the barking. Then you have to send them a registered letter asking it to stop. Then you have to make recordings of the dog's barking. Then you have to fill out a form given to you by the city. And in the case of our city, you have to do it for once a month for three straight months before the city will take action.


Also, since you sound pretty convinced that telling your neighbor to shut his dog up will get your tires slashed...I might recommend you move to a safer neighborhood because if you think that is the rule and not the exception, you are...well...crazy.

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We have a barker.  He sees anything outside and he's gotta bark.  We bring him back in as soon as he starts to bark though.


Try binaca. A couple of spritz' under the lip when he goes off and then firmly tell him "Quiet." They catch on fast when they're drooling like BF at a nudie bar.

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