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Would ya? - Ebola Edition


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So should she be prevented from flying when not sick, or simply told sternly not to fly when not sick?


What if she's sick and doesn't know it? Powering through before she or anybody realizes it?


Being who she is and what she does for a living... Is it really bad to order her to stay isolated for 21-45 days?


Any word on how the people in the deceased guy's apartment building are doing under those orders?

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Because we don't restrict people's travel in this country because they might be sick.


If you want to criticize anyone, criticize her for being irresponsible in choosing to fly. It was her decision, no one else's, and as a health care professional, she ought to have known better.

Lot's of people have restrictions placed on them due to their jobs. As far as I know, right to travel by air (in a sealed compartment with re-circulated air) is not in the constitution. This isn't a concentration camp we're talking about here.


Yes, she's certainly to blame, and I hope she's feeling the heat for her actions, but I don't see any problem at all with minor (yes, this is minor) and temporary restrictions placed on people who have direct contact with the bodily fluids of Ebola patients. If health professionals are not willing to deal with that, they can find jobs that don't require such "sacrafices."

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