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Jerry Sullivan


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You're right, of course, that he's a columnist and paid to write, among other things, his opinion.


But I have seen him admit mistakes. A lot, over the years.








That's really overstating it. Like it or not, Sully is a widely respected guy, in the industry and even around town. Lose credibility and you lose most people's interest. Lose people's respect, lose your credibility, and you lose your value to your employer. So, while Sully doesn't have to be objective, he's got to be reasonable enough to maintain overall credibility. Which he has.


And truth/facts are absolutely a huge concern for Sully and anyone in his position. If Sully just makes up a quote or a stat and blithely prints it, it's going to come back on him. Depending on the situation, he could lose his job if he made up something, depending on how bad it was, and would almost certainly lose his job if it was discovered he'd done it more than once, columnist or not.


So truth/facts are in no way, "completely irrelevant to his position." He can't make up facts. He is, though, allowed to give his opinion about the facts, something straight-up news reporters are not generally allowed to do.







Again, Sully's a widely respected guy. You don't like him or his slant, fair enough. But when the Bills do good things, Sully has no problem saying positive things. Check out his column on Seantrell Henderson this week as an example, but there are an awful lot more examples of positive columns from him. As you pointed out, though, the Bills have been a bad team for a long time. Any columnist who didn't point that out consistently would not be doing his job. Now, if the Bills actually become a good team and the guy continues being negative, that would be different. During the few brief periods during Sully's tenure when the Bills actually looked like there was a chance they might be turning a corner, Sully has been there, writing positively.

Dean: I've definitely seen him admit some mistakes over the years. I can't remember them specifically, but it has happened.




It's worth restating - this is a good piece.


For what it's worth, I don't mean the guy makes up stats, or invents quotes. I don't believe he is blatantly dishonest. And perhaps he has corrected a factual error, though I personally have never read a retraction from him. But if you guys have seen it, then I will take that as confirmation.


Has Sully simply corrected factual errors, or admitted to drawing the wrong conclusions? That's an important distinction.


And, of course, on occasion Sully writes an article that isn't negative. But I ask you, during the years the Bills won four straight AFC championships, were his articles overwhelmingly positive? You;d think they would be, right? I mean that was a GREAT team. Check it out.

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the guy is a negative hack.. I don't care how bad the team is or was, he always looks for a negative angle.


I never read his columns and I really don't understand why anyone would ever


Like saying, "The cook at Duffs is terrible. I've never ate his wings, and I really don't understand why anyone ever would."

Edited by PastaJoe
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Among the dumbest things negative Nancy constantly does is refer back to Bills teams in the past as if they have any bearing on the 2014 team. Sullivan is constantly referencing "same old Bills" and the miscues of players, coaches and front office personal who are no longer associated with the team, as if there is some relevance to today's team.


Quit whining about reporters.... my God, you Sully bashers embarrass yourselves more often than not.

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Quit whining about reporters.... my God, you Sully bashers embarrass yourselves more often than not.


Once again, Sully is not a REPORTER! He is a columnist. With that said, you make a point. Complaining doesn't help anything. Just pay no attention to this hack when it comes to matters of football.

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Don't worry-- no one in this thread will bother to read this (very good) article.


I won't read it simply because I don't like him. There's a guy in my office that, for the most part is a giant self absorbed douchebag, and occasionally he'll say some things in meetings that I actually agree with, but that doesn't change the fact that he's a douche, or that if I didn't have to sit in the meeting would even listen to his pompous voice.


So a douche wrote an article in a news paper that had some facts in it, and maybe a little personal perspective, and it didn't rub you wrong, but overall his usual garbage hasn't made it into this one, we should all applaud him and marvel at his wonderful view? Sorry, I don't care about his perspective because he's a hack, and I could care less about his perspective... since you were making a point to call out people for not wanting to read something written by Jerry.

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Haha. People still read Sullivan? He is the voice of the miserable.

Speaking of which. He's partnered up with the sabres voice of misery in The Bucky and Jerry show. It's 1:30 minutes and almost had to turn it off.


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