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We don't have so much a QB problem as an O-line problem.

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sure, let's. but that was not the title of this thread, which is what put me off to begin with, creating that very same "straw man" with the offensive line.

it all comes back to quarterback, and the quarterback has been inconsistent at best, and a drain on the team's resources given how much they've invested in the offense already this offseason.

and if Palmer is being brought in to help "tutor" Manuel, then now that development process is eating up another roster spot.


last year, Manuel contributed to costing the team one or two wins by failing to get out of bounds against Cleveland.

what price do the Bills pay this season if that big leap in development that many inside 1 Bills Drive (and outside it) seek fails to materialize.


i haven't seen much of it.


but, according to the OP, that's the O-line's problem.




sorry, a few more things.

it's not the o-line's fault when EJ persistently stares down receivers in the red zone.

it's not the o-line's fault either when EJ has, on occasion, taken off and run the ball during 7-on-7 drills in practice when, in fact, there is no o-line.


have there been positives? sure. but comparing this preseason with the last one, not sure if there's anything to indicate a big leap forward despite added talent and coaches around him.


before camp, Doug Whaley spoke about an objective of how he wanted to see come out of camp with a better command of the offense, carrying a swagger perhaps.

and yet, EJ joked last week that one of the biggest things he got out of camp was staying healthy. i guess that's a start ... but.




If you read my posts in this thread, you know that I took exception to the thread title and premise as well. The point here is that such sentiment has been expressed overwhelmingly in this thread, so to tirelessly rail against it after it's already been covered seems to be straw-manning to me.


Yes, QB is a huge component to success, but I hardly see how a draft pick from over a year ago is a drain on the team's resources. Ditto for the Palmer signing, which just replaced Dixon, who was camp fodder to begin with.


This is not the first time you've made a mountain out of his Cleveland injury. Yes, he didn't get out of bounds; bad decision. Time to let that one go....if you see him not doing it this year, then that's a continuing problem; until then, it's beating a dead horse.


I, and may others in this thread, have stated quite clearly that EJ needs to get better. He can't regress the way he did against TB after looking quite competent against Carolina and Pittsburgh (save for the INT by Shazier). I guess where I get hung up--hence my straw man statement--is when I see folks (not just you) ignore those sentiments expressed by (what appears to be) the majority of fans on the board and argue against an idea that isn't really being championed by many of us.


Hope that makes my statement clear.

Edited by thebandit27
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I've said it before, including earlier in this thread but in my mind it bears repeating: EJ *must* make the forward transition to quality starting QB for this BILLS team, in the first few weeks of the regular season or DW should be absolutely incensed about the lack of play at the QB position, regardless of where anyone was Drafted...furthermore, because this team is one of the most talented across the board in all other aspects, failure at the QB position THIS year, should be a resounding beacon call to get another QB DW and staff truly believe is and can be the Franchise QB...now, some will say, where do you find this Franchise QB given that the BILLS have no 1st Round selection in 2015 Draft? The answer is better Drafting of a QB. Montana, Brees, Kaep, Wilson, (yes Brady), Romo, just to name a few are guys who were Drafted or selected after the 1st round that are quality starting QBs, and I know I threw Montana in there but that was just to make a point not to insinuate that the BILLS could find such a caliber QB in the 2nd or 3rd round next year if need be, just that NFL history has shown us that good, quality QBs that can help your team win *can* be found in Rounds after the 1st...also, there are always trade options depending on what the BILLS are looking for, see Kirk Cousins or someone else the FO believes in....I will not give DW a mulligan on EJ, even though Buddy Nix has stated it was his call, but just because you make a mistake on one QB doesn't mean you give up looking for the truest form of the answer at QB in subsequent years...to summarize, EJ needs to get it together quickly, and more than just 10 games into the season, because at that point, this team's mold will be cast for this year (most likely barring extreme luck) and DW needs to be decisive about moving on from EJ - IF, repeat IF, in fact that is necessary......

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sure, let's. but that was not the title of this thread, which is what put me off to begin with, creating that very same "straw man" with the offensive line.

it all comes back to quarterback, and the quarterback has been inconsistent at best, and a drain on the team's resources given how much they've invested in the offense already this offseason.

and if Palmer is being brought in to help "tutor" Manuel, then now that development process is eating up another roster spot.


last year, Manuel contributed to costing the team one or two wins by failing to get out of bounds against Cleveland.

what price do the Bills pay this season if that big leap in development that many inside 1 Bills Drive (and outside it) seek fails to materialize.


i haven't seen much of it.


but, according to the OP, that's the O-line's problem.




sorry, a few more things.

it's not the o-line's fault when EJ persistently stares down receivers in the red zone.

it's not the o-line's fault either when EJ has, on occasion, taken off and run the ball during 7-on-7 drills in practice when, in fact, there is no o-line.


have there been positives? sure. but comparing this preseason with the last one, not sure if there's anything to indicate a big leap forward despite added talent and coaches around him.


before camp, Doug Whaley spoke about an objective of how he wanted to see come out of camp with a better command of the offense, carrying a swagger perhaps.

and yet, EJ joked last week that one of the biggest things he got out of camp was staying healthy. i guess that's a start ... but.



Sorry, I should made clear I was talking about the TB game not EJ's entire career. Dibs is correct.



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I felt some of the information in the latest Football Outsiders "Word of Muth" column (written by former Stanford OG Ben Muth--one of the best OL analysts around IMO) made this thread was worth a bump:






There's so much the defense does that makes life miserable for interior O-linemen when they can write off your receivers, and your passing game in general, as non-entities. Teams are adding safeties to the box, which bumps the linebacker you were supposed to climb to 3 yards further away. Plus defenses are staying in base personnel, meaning instead of seeing a nickel back when you lead around on a counter, you're greeted by a two-down linebacker with no neck. It's a grind out there.


Just some thoughts to take into account as we watch the team.

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Nix never really addressed the QB position until he had a foot out the door. He'll forever be remembered for passing on Russell Wilson in favor of TJ Graham and for thinking Fitz was the answer.



I know you know this, but it's impossible as fans to simply ignore the past 14 years of ineptitude. Whaley and Brandon are selling this season as a playoff team, they are setting up high expectations. They are telling us that EJ is the answer, in words and actions. They traded for Sammy and mortgaged the future, signed an LG and drafted 3 O Lineman. So, when fans go to the game and watch the O Line and EJ fall apart, what do you expect them to do, stand on their feet and give them a standing ovation ?


Patience ? Both Harbaugh's, Payton, Tomlin, Kelly (to name several), all won (made playoffs)their 1st years with their respective teams; I think Bills fans are too patient, I don't think we have high enough expectations and we certainly don't hold the executives of this team accountable for the performance on the field.


Well said, exactly how low are your expectations if asking for a wild card berth....one and done.....is some mountain that requires greater then 14 plus years of patience????

Edited by billsfan714
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