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The Cowboys will make the playoffs....

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I knew you guys would have fun with this move.


Thanks for not disappointing me!


I really don't think this move was for the like of a

better term "boastful".


Had the team made the playoffs last year some of their season ticket

owners might not have received their tickets due to the heavy holiday

mail season.

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Actually the Bills should do this too. Not as a boast but to get that out of the way early. Selling playoff tickets at season's end is a mad scramble. It's a big reason why we always had trouble selling out playoff games back in the 90's. For someone like me who renews every year anyway it doesn't matter.

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From the article:

It's a convenience thing...
BS, some bean counter decided that it would be great to save some money...printing costs, shipping costs, customer delivery costs. Trouble is nobody with half a brain had the sense to say no.
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