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Is Jim Kelly aware of this Phase III trial?

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Simple. By changing gene expression. Do some research and get back to me. Lack of Vitamin D has been shown to be the root cause in an estimated 65,000+ cases of cancer a year, and over exposure to sun the cause of 8,000 cases.

Yet an almost vampire like fear of the sun and sun screen is pushed on people, and what gives you a higher chance of getting cancer?? Who does it benefit? You or Big Pharma?


Don't read the research the AMA would like you to read, look at the research that gets done and doesn't always get published since it doesn't fit their agenda of legalized drug pushing. Stop being spoon fed and take control of your own body and life.


There is plenty of clinical data showing multiple pathways of suppression against cancer cells for natural substances do some research, its easy to find. Start by googling TUDCA, Black Seed, Zinc and Vitamin D with gene expression added to each of those and be prepared to do a lot of reading.


What we put or don't put into our bodies on a daily basis has substantial effects on the expression of genes and potentially more importantly our gut microflora which controls our the vast majority of our immune system.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention my Mom was a medical researcher who worked at Roswell Park Cancer Institute and HWI for over 50 years,but I guess she doesn't know anything either. Read some medical journals, you'll probably see her name in there as an author.


What name am I looking for?

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I'm still waiting to hear about how you "fix" cells which proliferate out of control and have no means to lyse themselves. I'm guessing he used the term like he might have his cat "fixed".


Getting back on topic, Jim Kelly is a Hall of Fame quarterback who threw for over 35,000 yards. I'm sure his knowledge of pre-FDA approval pharmaceuticals and experimental cancer treatments is second to none.

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What anti-inflammatory pathways? Prostaglandin? What changes about the pathways? Do they inactivate the chemokines? Or the macrophages? T cells? What are the compounds that do this? Give me some examples please. I'll just add it to the list of questions.



"What anti-inflammatory pathways? Prostaglandin? What changes about the pathways? Do they inactivate the chemokines? Or the macrophages? T cells? What are the compounds that do this? How do they change our gene exp<b></b>ressions? Are they promoters? Are they transmitted by G proteins? Are they secondary messengers? Is it a cAMP cascade? Are they steroid hormones? How does eating a fruit release a steroid hormone? Explain to me how eating supplements, pushed by natural food quacks just like big pharmaceuticals, reactivate your P53 tumor suppression genes. Or how about how they deactivate faulty oncogenes? Or how they deactivate telomerases?"


You guys are both wrong. In my extensive medical training/research I have come to the conclusion that eating healthy is noway to go thru life & that the medical field is only interested in lining their own greedy pockets.


I am not a doctor but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.

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You guys are both wrong. In my extensive medical training/research I have come to the conclusion that eating healthy is noway to go thru life & that the medical field is only interested in lining their own greedy pockets.


I am not a doctor but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.


Now that's funny, I don't care who you are.....

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No chemo, no radiation, no traditional western medicine treatment. Diet, nutrition, exercise. That's how you defeat cancer, but they can't charge $45,000 for a bag of broccoli like they can chemo treatments.


I'm happy to hear about such a successful outcome, but cancer has many different, and ugly faces.

I agree with that approach *PRECANCER*, but in Jim's case, he needs to consider all options head on. He's walking a tightrope that I hope none of us have to face. He's beyond the point of a purely holistic solution


I'm guessing that Jim's original medical team are thinking he should have had radiation after his initial surgery.

When I heard about 'no chemo' after the original, and very serious surgery, I was in full "WTF" mode.

Kelly's Buffalo Doctors SCREWED UP in a major fashion if you ask me.

Edited by Ted William's frozen head
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I'm guessing that Jim's original medical team are thinking he should have had radiation after his initial surgery.


I was surprised they didn't follow up Jim's surgery with Chemo and/or radiation as a lot of Dr's will as a precaution just to be sure they got it all.

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