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I've been down South a little too long, a little snow help


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What have I forgot to do in the snow? I've already taken care of:

  • Sledding
  • 2 Snowmen
  • Whitewash my girlfriend
  • Snowball fight
  • Make large pile of snow in the road
  • Plow driveway
  • Drive 10 miles to get milk and beer
  • Go on a Winter hike
  • Make Snow Cream
  • Feed birds
  • Make yellow snow
  • Drink a beer driving a tractor down the road
  • And made snow angels!


What am I forgetting? It's not cold enough to have actual ice to skate on. I expect serious and honest answers. I want to make sure I have the full Winter experience for the first time in about 10 years!

Edited by jboyst62
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Considering you are in NC (and you handle the snow well), I think it would be kind of entertaining to take a drive into town, sit in the truck and watch the panic unfold...or are your neighbors/townfolk taking it well?

I did that, too. We drove to Food Lion and got two gallons of milk and potatoes because I felt like getting potatoes. I had beer. Then we drove across town and back then to Main Street. It was fun watching people just treat working stop lights as stop signs because there was only about 20 cars out on the road. There were several abandoned at the foots of many hills or along side primary roads to secondary.


Probably drove about 35 miles total just enjoying the scenes.

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I did that, too. We drove to Food Lion and got two gallons of milk and potatoes because I felt like getting potatoes. I had beer. Then we drove across town and back then to Main Street. It was fun watching people just treat working stop lights as stop signs because there was only about 20 cars out on the road. There were several abandoned at the foots of many hills or along side primary roads to secondary.


Probably drove about 35 miles total just enjoying the scenes.

It really is quite pretty after a fresh snowfall. It becomes less and less enjoyable when the salt and grey sludge accumulates on the side of the road. Maybe go out tonight and make a nice bonfire with your gal and roast some hot dogs. We do that all the time when we ice skate with the kids.

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its all hot dogs and sausages at fergy's place. wonder if he puts his leftovers in the birdfeeder.

Ryan - I'll have you know Ron Popeil has already inquired about selling my "Birdhouse Sausage Slicer" on late night TV....but yes, hot dogs on an open fire (with oak or hickory wood) taste amazing.


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Find a parking lot that hasn't been plowed and is empty. Have some fun doing doughnuts.

I already did that in the tractor at the intersection.


Car pogeying.

I am not that stupid and my neck ain't that red.



If I get bored later I'll throw a few pictures up of some silliness but don't want to bore erryone.

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Wait, you have a plow and haven't made a snow fort? Better hurry, it'll be warming up.

Is that really a snow thing to do? We have maybe 5-7", varying in areas, and very icy snow. I could try, but not sure it'd be worth it. I just use the blade on the tractor for my plow.
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