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Al Gore wants to manage your ..

Gary M

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That story didn't really tell us what ALGORE said, but “fertility management” is absolutely necessary to the long term health of the planet. The sooner we start tying aid to zero population growth in 3d world countries, the better.



But you gotta love the asshats who immediately whine on behalf of Africa. Yup, gotta make sure they are 'free' to produce the next generation of starving refugees.

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That story didn't really tell us what ALGORE said, but “fertility management” is absolutely necessary to the long term health of the planet.


Or a really, really economical space program.


Cheap, quick means of getting people to other planets, or getting people to stop popping out kids. I'm honestly not sure which is the bigger pipe dream.

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Or a really, really economical space program.


Cheap, quick means of getting people to other planets, or getting people to stop popping out kids. I'm honestly not sure which is the bigger pipe dream.

I don't think space travel and colonization is a pipe dream. To me it's the natural progression of things. I think some sort of colony on the moon this century is a possibility. I mean no way if we keep redistributing wealth to deadbeats. But if the government sharpens it's pencil and gets it's collective head out of their ass it should be doable. Edited by Dante
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Or a really, really economical space program.


Cheap, quick means of getting people to other planets, or getting people to stop popping out kids. I'm honestly not sure which is the bigger pipe dream.

don't be fooled. Gore's only interest in getting to other planets is based on his desire to have a backup world to fall back on since his global warming campaign is withering so badly. Venus is a ready-made rant on global warming.

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