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Chris Spielman - the 90s Bills


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Just cried my way through a story on Chris and how he gave up his career with the Bills to support his wife, Stefanie, through her fight with cancer. It was on NFL network. If any of you get a chance to watch it - keep your Kleenex handy.


Thx Aussie for posting this. I watched it and wow....


Great man and great story.

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You should read his book. Just a great player and husband. It should be read by all football fans.


Peter King recommended the book a few years back when it was 1st published. Words can not say enough what an awesome book. If you liked him as a football player you'll like him even more for the person he is off the field.


It is a must read for football fans or If you know anyone dealing with "C".


Buy a big box of kleenex!

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My bride (of then only a few years) and I attended a function at Chestnut Ridge Park in the mid 90's. We live closer to Rochester than Buffalo, and she had never been to Rich Stadium. So I pulled off the 219 and into the stadium parking lots. As we were walking around the stadium perimeter, a football-player sized man emerged from a doorway and haltingly made his way toward his car. My wife asked if he was a Buffalo Bill, and I said "That's Chris Spielman."


"He can hardly walk," she said.


Three days later we watched the Bills on TV and Spielman was an absolute tiger. My wife wanted to know how he could play like that on Sunday when he walked like that on Thursday. Then I told her the legend of Chris Spielman...

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My bride (of then only a few years) and I attended a function at Chestnut Ridge Park in the mid 90's. We live closer to Rochester than Buffalo, and she had never been to Rich Stadium. So I pulled off the 219 and into the stadium parking lots. As we were walking around the stadium perimeter, a football-player sized man emerged from a doorway and haltingly made his way toward his car. My wife asked if he was a Buffalo Bill, and I said "That's Chris Spielman."


"He can hardly walk," she said.


Three days later we watched the Bills on TV and Spielman was an absolute tiger. My wife wanted to know how he could play like that on Sunday when he walked like that on Thursday. Then I told her the legend of Chris Spielman...


Awesome story.


Although awareness is getting better, I think that there are still a lot of people who don't understand.

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Just cried my way through a story on Chris and how he gave up his career with the Bills to support his wife, Stefanie, through her fight with cancer. It was on NFL network. If any of you get a chance to watch it - keep your Kleenex handy.


Class act all the way on & even more so off the field !! The young guys coming in the league could learn a lot just watching a guy like Chris !!


God Bless him !!

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