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Bush More Popular Than Obama

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In a Gallup tracking poll released Tuesday, former-President George W. Bush currently stands with a favorability rating of 49%, compared to 46% who see the 43rd president unfavorably. Meanwhile, another Gallup poll shows President Obama with only a 47% approval rating, with 44% disapproving.

If you think about it, this makes perfect sense.


After all, Obama fooled everyone when he ran as the anti-Bush in 2008.


Everyone thought Obama meant he would be less hawkish than his predecessor. But as we have seen, Obama apparently has no problem killing American citizens via remote control with drones or greatly expanding upon Bush's surveillance state. This, even though Obama told us he had pretty much won the War on Terror.


Therefore, it appears that what Obama meant by promising to be the anti-Bush is that, unlike George W. Bush, Obama would not get us out of a recession and into many years of economic prosperity. There would also be successful terror attacks on American soil during Obama's watch and a litany of scandals unseen in almost a half-century.


Maybe the next time a former community organizer raised in a creepy church runs for president, the media will work a little harder to dig into his real agenda.



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Presidential approval ratings almost always improve over time after that president leaves office.


Bush was widely despised when he left office.

What's your point, Mr. Godless? Obama is widely despised before he's left office, been impeached, or resigned in disgrace. He and his ilk will be seen as the pagans they are. Do you disagree?

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What's your point, Mr. Godless? Obama is widely despised before he's left office, been impeached, or resigned in disgrace. He and his ilk will be seen as the pagans they are. Do you disagree?

Hahahahaha!!! You are such a tool.

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Presidential approval ratings almost always improve over time after that president leaves office.


Bush was widely despised when he left office.


Yes, but mostly by idiots like you who have since stood silently by while Obama has largely pursued similar policies.

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This really means nothing given that it is expected. If anything it took Bush too long to even get near 50 post presidency. Active presidents are another story all together.



Damn, I love to post something that makes you libs scramble for for an excuse or another yesbut. Next up, tell us how droning is much more humane than waterboarding?

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haha scrambling? if you believe that Bush is in some way recovrring from his presidency outside of basic time passing...then that is what you believe. and I could care less of course but thebskewed overall view you have of the public opinion of bush and obama is simply your view

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All you libs can complain about ideological differences that you want. At least bush wasn't an empty suit.


If the media critically investigated obama with half as much effort as they were to bush, obama would be exposed for the corrupt radical that he is.


The general American public is now realizing maybe bush wasn't as bad as the media portrayed him, and maybe obama isn't our savior afterall.

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All you libs can complain about ideological differences that you want. At least bush wasn't an empty suit.


If the media critically investigated obama with half as much effort as they were to bush, obama would be exposed for the corrupt radical that he is.


The general American public is now realizing maybe bush wasn't as bad as the media portrayed him, and maybe obama isn't our savior afterall.

I love the tossing around of "liberal" as an insult in this thread.


As for the bolded section, do they have to be mutually exclusive of each other? Bush was a terrible president. Obama has been a terrible president (democrat here - it is almost inarguable at this point). Bush handled himself poorly after 9-11, while invading iraq, and generally came off as a buffoon while speaking. Those facts don't make Obama a better or worse president. Obama has the gift of gab which somehow tricks people into believing he hasn't pushed the Bush agenda further than probably Bush himself ever imagined possible, that it is okay that the gov't spies on everything you do, and that he is a horrible leader. None of that makes Bush a better president.

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The public is just doing what it always does with respect to former presidents... and with respect to current presidents. Nothing more. Give up the quest to vindicate Bush... nobody has to be mean about it now but that doesn't mean things didn't end up about as bad as possible. lol

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Obama has the gift of gab...


Gab = teleprompter and speech writers.


By the time that Obama leaves office I expect a lot of people will accuse him of having had a Republican agenda when he was in the White House. Just a few weeks ago Dick Cheney's company Halliburton stock set a new record high. And Democrats were expecting Obama to put Cheney in jail.

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Gab = teleprompter and speech writers.


By the time that Obama leaves office I expect a lot of people will accuse him of having had a Republican agenda when he was in the White House. Just a few weeks ago Dick Cheney's company Halliburton stock set a new record high. And Democrats were expecting Obama to put Cheney in jail.

For sure... however he did it he sold all of America a bill of crap. If only McCain hadn't picked Palin Obama wouldn't have seen the office. Then Romney was offered up and didn't even want the job. He ran on a platform of "I'm not George Bush" and it got him the presidency. Bush was that bad. The sad part is that Obama has been just as bad, yet people want to get in a pissing match about who was worse. They have both been bad, both have not done right by the American people, and both somehow got second terms. It is our own damn fault that for 16 years running (at the end of his term) America was run by someone who was nowhere near qualified for the job.


By all means though continue to blame "liberals" and "conservatives" like it is just that easy.

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