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Remembering Paul (Ghost of Bib)


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Days pass by and I remember personal conversations, some fun , some serious, some me having privilege of gaining information , incite. all in composite strengthening attributes that our relationships bring to us. Aspects that endure even when the precious people of our lives are not with us be it because of proximity or duty elsewhere or because of being deceased. In this way those no longer here, still do endure and it be on us being blessed with these relationships and the qualities they bring, it on us to continue on , to do better as we carry in us a special strength. You are not forgotten,

The Perfect Heart.....

One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming

that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd

gathered and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was

not a mark or a flaw in it. Yes, they all agreed it truly was the most

beautiful heart they had ever seen. The young man was very proud and

boasted more loudly about his beautiful heart.


Suddenly, an old man appeared at the front of the crowd and said "Why

your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine." The crowd and the young

man looked at the old man's heart. It was beating strongly, but full of

scars, it had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put

in, but they didn't fit quite right and there were several jagged edges.

In fact, in some places there were deep gouges where whole pieces were



The people stared - how can he say his heart is more beautiful, they

thought? The young man looked at the old man's heart and saw its state

and laughed. "You must be joking," he said. "Compare your heart with

mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars and tears."


"Yes," said the old man, "Yours is perfect looking but I would never

trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have

given my love - I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and

often they give me a piece of their heart which fits into the empty

place in my heart, but because the pieces aren't exact, I have some

rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we

shared. Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other

person hasn't returned a piece of his heart to me. These are the empty

gouges -- giving love is taking a chance.


Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the

love I have for these people too, and I hope someday they may return and

fill the space I have waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?"


The young man stood silently with tears running down his cheeks. He

walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect young and beautiful

heart, and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man with

trembling hands. The old man took his offering, placed it in his heart

and then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the

wound in the young man's heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were

some jagged edges. The young man looked at his heart, not perfect

anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's

heart flowed into his. They embraced and walked away side by side.


How sad it must be to go through life with a whole untouched heart.



Author Unknown


One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming

that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd

gathered and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was

not a mark or a flaw in it. Yes, they all agreed it truly was the most

beautiful heart they had ever seen. The young man was very proud and

boasted more loudly about his beautiful heart.


Suddenly, an old man appeared at the front of the crowd and said "Why

your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine." The crowd and the young

man looked at the old man's heart. It was beating strongly, but full of

scars, it had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put

in, but they didn't fit quite right and there were several jagged edges.

In fact, in some places there were deep gouges where whole pieces were



The people stared - how can he say his heart is more beautiful, they

thought? The young man looked at the old man's heart and saw its state

and laughed. "You must be joking," he said. "Compare your heart with

mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars and tears."


"Yes," said the old man, "Yours is perfect looking but I would never

trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have

given my love - I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and

often they give me a piece of their heart which fits into the empty

place in my heart, but because the pieces aren't exact, I have some

rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we

shared. Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other

person hasn't returned a piece of his heart to me. These are the empty

gouges -- giving love is taking a chance.


Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the

love I have for these people too, and I hope someday they may return and

fill the space I have waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?"


The young man stood silently with tears running down his cheeks. He

walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect young and beautiful

heart, and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man with

trembling hands. The old man took his offering, placed it in his heart

and then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the

wound in the young man's heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were

some jagged edges. The young man looked at his heart, not perfect

anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's

heart flowed into his. They embraced and walked away side by side.


How sad it must be to go through life with a whole untouched heart.



Author Unknown

Remembering Paul , remembering Kelly.


( for those not aware of either both special people of the Wall and Bills community of friends, who very much so why there is such a place as The Stadium Wall to frequent. Each of us by our actions or lack of action does have a effect. Today I remember Paul who around this date a number of years ago now, I believe in my heart he always with us.

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We still have a picture of him and his wife up on the our wall.


Every so often my wife walks by it, looks at it, and mutters "dumbass." (She's still kind-of pissed he killed himself.)


Tom You said it best.....Paul is dead because he loved his wife http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/47332-paul-lewczyk/


Some broken hearts never mend. A friend I will never forget and to this day miss his PM's helping me get thru another day when my whole world was upside-down. Just so sad all around

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Days pass by and I remember personal conversations, some fun , some serious, some me having privilege of gaining information , incite. all in composite strengthening attributes that our relationships bring to us. Aspects that endure even when the precious people of our lives are not with us be it because of proximity or duty elsewhere or because of being deceased. In this way those no longer here, still do endure and it be on us being blessed with these relationships and the qualities they bring, it on us to continue on , to do better as we carry in us a special strength. You are not forgotten,

The Perfect Heart.....

One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming

that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd

gathered and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was

not a mark or a flaw in it. Yes, they all agreed it truly was the most

beautiful heart they had ever seen. The young man was very proud and

boasted more loudly about his beautiful heart.


Suddenly, an old man appeared at the front of the crowd and said "Why

your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine." The crowd and the young

man looked at the old man's heart. It was beating strongly, but full of

scars, it had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put

in, but they didn't fit quite right and there were several jagged edges.

In fact, in some places there were deep gouges where whole pieces were



The people stared - how can he say his heart is more beautiful, they

thought? The young man looked at the old man's heart and saw its state

and laughed. "You must be joking," he said. "Compare your heart with

mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars and tears."


"Yes," said the old man, "Yours is perfect looking but I would never

trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have

given my love - I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and

often they give me a piece of their heart which fits into the empty

place in my heart, but because the pieces aren't exact, I have some

rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we

shared. Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other

person hasn't returned a piece of his heart to me. These are the empty

gouges -- giving love is taking a chance.


Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the

love I have for these people too, and I hope someday they may return and

fill the space I have waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?"


The young man stood silently with tears running down his cheeks. He

walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect young and beautiful

heart, and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man with

trembling hands. The old man took his offering, placed it in his heart

and then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the

wound in the young man's heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were

some jagged edges. The young man looked at his heart, not perfect

anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's

heart flowed into his. They embraced and walked away side by side.


How sad it must be to go through life with a whole untouched heart.



Author Unknown


One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming

that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd

gathered and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was

not a mark or a flaw in it. Yes, they all agreed it truly was the most

beautiful heart they had ever seen. The young man was very proud and

boasted more loudly about his beautiful heart.


Suddenly, an old man appeared at the front of the crowd and said "Why

your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine." The crowd and the young

man looked at the old man's heart. It was beating strongly, but full of

scars, it had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put

in, but they didn't fit quite right and there were several jagged edges.

In fact, in some places there were deep gouges where whole pieces were



The people stared - how can he say his heart is more beautiful, they

thought? The young man looked at the old man's heart and saw its state

and laughed. "You must be joking," he said. "Compare your heart with

mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars and tears."


"Yes," said the old man, "Yours is perfect looking but I would never

trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have

given my love - I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and

often they give me a piece of their heart which fits into the empty

place in my heart, but because the pieces aren't exact, I have some

rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we

shared. Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other

person hasn't returned a piece of his heart to me. These are the empty

gouges -- giving love is taking a chance.


Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the

love I have for these people too, and I hope someday they may return and

fill the space I have waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?"


The young man stood silently with tears running down his cheeks. He

walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect young and beautiful

heart, and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man with

trembling hands. The old man took his offering, placed it in his heart

and then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the

wound in the young man's heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were

some jagged edges. The young man looked at his heart, not perfect

anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's

heart flowed into his. They embraced and walked away side by side.


How sad it must be to go through life with a whole untouched heart.



Author Unknown

Remembering Paul , remembering Kelly.


( for those not aware of either both special people of the Wall and Bills community of friends, who very much so why there is such a place as The Stadium Wall to frequent. Each of us by our actions or lack of action does have a effect. Today I remember Paul who around this date a number of years ago now, I believe in my heart he always with us.



Beautiful words!!!! :worthy: :worthy: millbank!!

Edited by Beerball
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Days pass by and I remember personal conversations, some fun , some serious, some me having privilege of gaining information , incite. all in composite strengthening attributes that our relationships bring to us. Aspects that endure even when the precious people of our lives are not with us be it because of proximity or duty elsewhere or because of being deceased. In this way those no longer here, still do endure and it be on us being blessed with these relationships and the qualities they bring, it on us to continue on , to do better as we carry in us a special strength. You are not forgotten,

The Perfect Heart.....

One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming

that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd

gathered and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was

not a mark or a flaw in it. Yes, they all agreed it truly was the most

beautiful heart they had ever seen. The young man was very proud and

boasted more loudly about his beautiful heart.


Suddenly, an old man appeared at the front of the crowd and said "Why

your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine." The crowd and the young

man looked at the old man's heart. It was beating strongly, but full of

scars, it had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put

in, but they didn't fit quite right and there were several jagged edges.

In fact, in some places there were deep gouges where whole pieces were



The people stared - how can he say his heart is more beautiful, they

thought? The young man looked at the old man's heart and saw its state

and laughed. "You must be joking," he said. "Compare your heart with

mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars and tears."


"Yes," said the old man, "Yours is perfect looking but I would never

trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have

given my love - I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and

often they give me a piece of their heart which fits into the empty

place in my heart, but because the pieces aren't exact, I have some

rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we

shared. Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other

person hasn't returned a piece of his heart to me. These are the empty

gouges -- giving love is taking a chance.


Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the

love I have for these people too, and I hope someday they may return and

fill the space I have waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?"


The young man stood silently with tears running down his cheeks. He

walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect young and beautiful

heart, and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man with

trembling hands. The old man took his offering, placed it in his heart

and then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the

wound in the young man's heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were

some jagged edges. The young man looked at his heart, not perfect

anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's

heart flowed into his. They embraced and walked away side by side.


How sad it must be to go through life with a whole untouched heart.



Author Unknown


One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming

that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd

gathered and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was

not a mark or a flaw in it. Yes, they all agreed it truly was the most

beautiful heart they had ever seen. The young man was very proud and

boasted more loudly about his beautiful heart.


Suddenly, an old man appeared at the front of the crowd and said "Why

your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine." The crowd and the young

man looked at the old man's heart. It was beating strongly, but full of

scars, it had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put

in, but they didn't fit quite right and there were several jagged edges.

In fact, in some places there were deep gouges where whole pieces were



The people stared - how can he say his heart is more beautiful, they

thought? The young man looked at the old man's heart and saw its state

and laughed. "You must be joking," he said. "Compare your heart with

mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars and tears."


"Yes," said the old man, "Yours is perfect looking but I would never

trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have

given my love - I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and

often they give me a piece of their heart which fits into the empty

place in my heart, but because the pieces aren't exact, I have some

rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we

shared. Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other

person hasn't returned a piece of his heart to me. These are the empty

gouges -- giving love is taking a chance.


Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the

love I have for these people too, and I hope someday they may return and

fill the space I have waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?"


The young man stood silently with tears running down his cheeks. He

walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect young and beautiful

heart, and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man with

trembling hands. The old man took his offering, placed it in his heart

and then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the

wound in the young man's heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were

some jagged edges. The young man looked at his heart, not perfect

anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's

heart flowed into his. They embraced and walked away side by side.


How sad it must be to go through life with a whole untouched heart.



Author Unknown

Remembering Paul , remembering Kelly.


( for those not aware of either both special people of the Wall and Bills community of friends, who very much so why there is such a place as The Stadium Wall to frequent. Each of us by our actions or lack of action does have a effect. Today I remember Paul who around this date a number of years ago now, I believe in my heart he always with us.


Thank You Grant for the words of wisdom and remembering Paul. The many strands of our interactions here make up a part of the fabric of our lives. Paul added many strands to this humble life and so do You. For that IM eternally grateful

Edited by LancasterSteve
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How did his wife die?


Official cause of death was mitral valve prolapse.


But it's REALLY hard to die of a mitral valve prolapse - possible, but you practically have to work at it. I've always suspected it was more like a stroke, for a variety of reasons (that I don't want to get in to).

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Official cause of death was mitral valve prolapse.


But it's REALLY hard to die of a mitral valve prolapse - possible, but you practically have to work at it. I've always suspected it was more like a stroke, for a variety of reasons (that I don't want to get in to).


I hope so, because I've been diagnosed and then undiagnosed (so I'm not really sure if I have it) with MVP.


Actually, I think I have it, but it turns out it's not the kind with reflux or whatever, so now I don't need to take antibiotics when going to the dentist.

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Seeing he loved to cook he and I talked a lot. It broke my heart after she died and he said they used to cook and dance around the kitchen just as my wife and I do.


I'm not sure if I could ever overcome coming home and finding my wife dead.


And the scary thing I wonder what secrets he took to the grave with him? Very interesting guy.

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Official cause of death was mitral valve prolapse.


But it's REALLY hard to die of a mitral valve prolapse - possible, but you practically have to work at it. I've always suspected it was more like a stroke, for a variety of reasons (that I don't want to get in to).


How does stroke even remotely resemble complications from a mitral valve prolapse?



Have Rheumatic fever myself, but I've been lucky so far.



touching thoughts/words mill :thumbsup:

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It is not the end of the physical body that should worry us.

Rather, our concern must be to live while we're alive -

to release our inner selves from the spiritual death

that comes with living behind a facade designed to conform to external definitions of who and what we are.

Elisabeth Kubler- Ross


(thank you those who choose to post, i believe in remembering showing love for others heartening and strengthening for each of us, )

Edited by millbank
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