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Steve Johnson's interesting tweet.

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Finally after 14 pages!!! WTF cares?


And to all y'all...keep this on football. Leave the world politics lessons for PPP.

sorry BB. You should have shut me down a long time ago on this one.
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You guys are absolutely crazy if you think your arguing for any reason whatsoever. Dog and the Stevie haters will NEVER give in. They hate him because he's fun and they are stick up their ass grumpy bastards. Just concede that you will never change their minds.


I think you've portrayed the counter-argument unfairly here, and I've already said several times that mind is open to change, once Stevie does something to change it.




















(I'm hoping this thread makes it to 20 pages) :devil:

















But seriously, I understand both sides of the argument, and don't wish to discredit your points, but that's not the position taken by the "pro-Stevie" group (as if there's a breathing Bills fan who's anti-Stevie <_< )

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Yeah but the chances of this were so small. Still, really really awful luck.


Totally. And truly, it was - minus geography- as unrelated as it comes but the fact that it popped into anyone's head is I'm sure embarassing for him. Not even worth discussion really though.... Lesson learned about joking about harm on a group of people. Heaven forbid it happens....

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The bombing MA idea doesn't seem as funny now, time to grow up Stevie.


Regardless, wishing harm on anyone / anywhere especially in the continental US is crazy. People forgot that we were attacked by people that hate us, that can happen anywhere at anytime. Stevie's comments show his immaturity & his complete lack of what can happen, I just as soon trade him now because he's just clueless & will never get it. The joker stunt thingy he pulled was just a sign of his inability to have good taste, he lost me as a fan.

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The bombing MA idea doesn't seem as funny now, time to grow up Stevie.


Regardless, wishing harm on anyone / anywhere especially in the continental US is crazy. People forgot that we were attacked by people that hate us, that can happen anywhere at anytime. Stevie's comments show his immaturity & his complete lack of what can happen, I just as soon trade him now because he's just clueless & will never get it. The joker stunt thingy he pulled was just a sign of his inability to have good taste, he lost me as a fan.


Every rape joke is tastless when someone was raped. Every race joke is tasteless when someone is discriminated against, or hated because of their skin color. Every fat joke is tasteless when someone fat dies of diabetes or atherosclerosis. Etc. Etc.


Words shouldn't hurt anyone unless the speaker has the intention of hurting someone. If anyone takes this as Stevie trying to be mean, or cruel, they're absolutely nuts. I don't care if someone "could" be offended by something I say, as long as there is no threat of me being harmed in anyway or it's not in a place where it is inappropriate, like work or church. Obviously I don't make black jokes in the ghetto or Jew jokes in a synagogue. Harmless jokes on twitter are made in a non-serious and non-threatening way.


If you were offended or disgusted by what Stevie said, even after this tragedy, you must not make it out your door without boiling over in rage. Not unless you're a hypocrite who laughs at Muslim jokes, but is up in arms when someone makes fun of your religion. You don't get to pick and choose what's funny, the world doesn't revolve around you. You don't have to like it, but you can't get seriously upset about it. There isn't a person in the world who hasn't laughed at something someone else could be offended by.


The Joker thing wasn't funny? It was in bad taste? What was in bad taste about it? The Joker foiling Batman all those years?


Stevie's tweet was fine. Hate it or laugh, doesn't matter; it's still fine.


****Just a disclaimer @mitchmurry and everyone. When I say "you" and "you're" I don't mean anyone in particular. I mean people in general. Don't take this as an attack in anyway, that goes against my intention to bring some understanding to the world of humor.

Edited by FireChan
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Every rape joke is tastless when someone was raped. Every race joke is tasteless when someone is discriminated against, or hated because of their skin color. Every fat joke is tasteless when someone fat dies of diabetes or atherosclerosis. Etc. Etc.


Words shouldn't hurt anyone unless the speaker has the intention of hurting someone. If anyone takes this as Stevie trying to be mean, or cruel, they're absolutely nuts. I don't care if someone "could" be offended by something I say, as long as there is no threat of me being harmed in anyway or it's not in a place where it is inappropriate, like work or church. Obviously I don't make black jokes in the ghetto or Jew jokes in a synagogue. Harmless jokes on twitter are made in a non-serious and non-threatening way.


If you were offended or disgusted by what Stevie said, even after this tragedy, you must not make it out your door without boiling over in rage. Not unless you're a hypocrite who laughs at Muslim jokes, but is up in arms when someone makes fun of your religion. You don't get to pick and choose what's funny, the world doesn't revolve around you. You don't have to like it, but you can't get seriously upset about it. There isn't a person in the world who hasn't laughed at something someone else could be offended by.


The Joker thing wasn't funny? It was in bad taste? What was in bad taste about it? The Joker foiling Batman all those years?


Stevie's tweet was fine. Hate it or laugh, doesn't matter; it's still fine.


****Just a disclaimer @mitchmurry and everyone. When I say "you" and "you're" I don't mean anyone in particular. I mean people in general. Don't take this as an attack in anyway, that goes against my intention to bring some understanding to the world of humor.


This type of mentality is why I left the Buffalo area, clueless humps permeate WNY. Call over to Boston & see if this was cute or funny. What if the Pats players wished harm on Buffalo & then a bomb went off downtown? Would you still consider it funny before or after people died or were injured ? It's not innocent fun, it's vulgar & classless.


You obviously have no children, that shows up real quick. Right past your inability to write past a 7th grade level.

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Not to disagree with you now, but regardless of humans first, I care more about American soldiers than their enemies lives. Although innocents are innocents no matter the nation, thus an attack like this is pretty much as sad to me as it would be in any other country. I think it makes life easier to handle when you build up a division and hierarchy in who you are more attached/related to. Not that it's right, but if we could empathize with every other human like we do with family/close friends, there wouldn't be any violence except for the insane.


Again, not saying it's right, but if I was honest about myself, I'd say I find a US/Canada/UK attack slightly more abhorrent than an attack in "insert foreign country here" based on the people and experiences I know of in those countries. Maybe not more abhorrent, but it would resonate with me more. Sad, but true.


Would it make you feel differently if this were an attack on Americans by Americans as opposed to an attack on Americans by foreigners?

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Would it make you feel differently if this were an attack on Americans by Americans as opposed to an attack on Americans by foreigners?


Of course. Don't get me wrong here SJBF, I'm not one of those "nuke em all" guys, I'm just being honest rather than sitting on a high horse. I'm not perfect morally, but I try to be, except when I start riling people up on TBD by defending RF, bashing SJ and Spiller, and clamoring for Tebow.


Like I said, it's easier to draw lines in the sand, make it us vs. them, good vs. evil. We grow up with fairy tales and stories about black and white morality, then the real world comes out with a million shades of gray. If it was a white supremacist, I would instantly think all those guy's are scumbags, or IRA, or Iraqi nationals, or anyone really. Grouping people is instinctual and biological, it's not easy to override human nature.


I only stand on my high horse when it comes to humor because the lunatic fringe and PC police constantly call for the heads of people who are not in any position of power besides their own popularity with other people. They try to make decisions based on the few, and not the many, which goes directly against democracy and freedom. For example, I read a site with some "off-color" jokes that has millions of unique visitors each month. And they made a stupid, clearly satirical joke about rape and had 100s (note I said hundreds) of feminist protestors set up a site to try to shut them down and starting protesting their events (it's Boston based, coincidentally). They have the right to protest to no end, they aren't in the wrong at that part, but when they claim that it's the "will of the people" and they "speak for everyone" when the site's demographics are millions of young men and women who find no fault in it, and then try to stifle their right to free speech based on what the "few" think is downright ridiculous.


And what's worse is, if I was in Stevie's position, I wouldn't have made that joke. Not because I knew a minority of people would take offense to it, but because I knew they'd cause such a fuss about it, that it wouldn't be worth the thousands who laughed. And that's absolutely wrong. The fringe and minority shouldn't get to dictate others actions, and I find it the worst pseudo-freedom we have in this country. But because the rational majority aren't insane, and the media loves controversy, a simple joke like this gets put in the newspaper, obviously taking the "anti" view to drum up viewings, and someone takes backlash for a non-issue that 99% of people didn't care about. The media always takes the "PC" approach and blows things completely out of proportion and basically condemn someone who did nothing wrong. There's no solution, but it is a problem and one that irks me to no end.


And there's some TBD philosophy and sociopolitical commentary, I might have just written a thesis.

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