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Those who won't be excited no matter what the Bills do this off se

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I can predict the reaction to any move the Bills make. Gee...is this it?


A move by any other team?...why can't our front office be proactive?


Anyone recall the love for the Cards when they boldly traded for that stud QB Kevin Kolb? And how if the Bills were serious we should have beat them to it?


Here it is: If the Bills sign X player they suck. If another team signs X player our FO sucks and we lost out on an all world/ probowl player that would have made the difference.


The term 'B word if hung with a new rope' describes Bills fans

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What a delightfully rude and obnoxious person you are.



Statistically stupid? I don't understand that comment. I've actually done a whole lot of research on the chances of landing an elite QB and apart from having a top 4 draft pick QB.....statistically speaking the best chance you have is by drafting one in the 5-36 bracket. You may think they are all going to be of Trent Edwards calibre(and you may be right) but I'm happy to allow the NFL scouts determine if a player is worthy of selecting in that range.......and let the progress of time tell me how they pan out as NFL pro's.



I actually wanted to cut Fitz for cap reasons. I don't see much difference between having a bad, poor, average or decent QB as it is only the great QBs who will give you a decent chance of winning the SB(as you agree with)......and paying a lot of money to a QB who is not considered by the rest of the league to be of starter quality(as proven in FA after we cut him), is bad usage of cap money.



.....and as for your comment of 6-7 wins Vs 2 wins.....

You seem to have set your sights firmly into mediocrity there. I'd personally prefer the chance of winning more than 6-7 games in a season than going into the season feeling that that was the best we can achieve. If your rookie is crap and only wins 2 games......draft another one. It is defeatist to settle for mediocrity.


I'm getting the feeling that this is some sort of Fitz defense. If so, please shut up and go away. My comments were made after he was cut & my thoughts on whether he should or shouldn't have been cut are irrelevant to the points I made.



How am I deluding myself? My initial point......which relates to the premise of the actual thread(unlike your strange divergence).....was that we have several star players which is not only good for future team building(elite QB or not)......but are fun to watch. I want us to be a good team. You stated that we need an elite QB to achieve that......so what is delusional about wanting us to look for one?


It seems to me that you are doing a fair amount of self-deluding by stating that even though you expect we could only win 6-7 games.......that you could somehow maintain interest in the season. Perhaps you were meaning that as long as the play isn't disgusting(2 wins), then you can enjoy watching the individual games(ignoring the season as a whole). If so......star players are fun to watch. We have 3......which was my initial point.



Anyway......it was fun chatting.

Please feel free to misread what I wrote, divert it to your own personal agendas, incorrectly assume hidden motives, make wrong assumptions about my thoughts or attack and insult me. :thumbsup:


You asked me why I watched football, which kinda opened up the rudeness. I construed you were a person who thinks we have a reasonable shot to draft a top 5 QB. Your original post of us being a winning team with a top 5 QB is kinda self evident. But my statistically stupid premise was that in the last 13 years how many QB's have been in the draft vs the top 5? That's a low percentage. Not to mention our 8th pick with 7 other teams in need of a QB as much as we are.


If you think it's reasonable to believe this is our year and we'll find our guy, go ahead, but you're setting yourself up for disappointment. We have a horrible scout team at OBD, a bum GM who everyone can agree has made only 3 good picks in 3 years, and you think we'll find the guy at number 8?


I hope we do too, but c'mon man, be a little realistic.


Apologies for the rudeness, I wrongly assumed you were the "cut everyone til we find the next Tom Brady" kind of guy here. I'm all for trying to find the next good QB but I don't want to see us let go of decent enough players on a very low chance of finding the guy. Like I said, I'd rather compete than be a completely dud team.

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I'm all for trying to find the next good QB but I don't want to see us let go of decent enough players on a very low chance of finding the guy. Like I said, I'd rather compete than be a completely dud team.


What decent players have the Bills cut this offseason bother you? The front office is culling the roster. Nothing dramatic or unexpected has been done.


My problem with the cleansing process is that the person who built the roster is also involved in cleaning up the mess he created. The same person who is assessing this year's qb prospects is the same person who over-rated Fitz as a player and gave him an outsized contract that unduly saddled the team from a cap standpoint.

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thanks for checking in ` skies are always very gray here.


What would you propose they do, if you don't like what they could have done and won't like what they will do?


I believe he did say what would have excited him.


I'm the opposite.

I understand that years of ineptitude can get you down.....but I see us in quite a positive light at the moment.


At the moment we have 3 players who are generally considered to be top 3 at their positions(Spiller, Mario, Byrd).....plus another top 3 guy on special teams(McKelvin).

When was the last time we had even one player who was generally considered to be top 3 at their position on this team(not including STers)?


I remember several years where the only player on our team that was considered to be amongst the best at his position was the friggin Punter.


If we get lucky in the draft and land a top 5 level QB.......our team has the foundation in place. QB, DE & OT(Glenn having the best potential IMO of becoming a top rated player).

It's far easier to find decent and good players to fill the holes than it is to find the handful of star players needed to become a great team.


How can you not be enthused?


I liked your post, but the last part where you ask how can you not be enthused is a bit silly. Thirteen years of ineptitute with every year bringing false hope. They have done almost nothing in free agency and don't hav ea franchise quarterback. Their defense has been awful.

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From what I've seen so far, I think this season will be more of the same... BUT, hopefully, with a decent foundation to build into next season and improve. We'll see.


This re-building process every 3-5 years is getting tiresome.

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The time to get excited is when you see a clear indication that they've turned the corner. "W"s = excitement. All of the offseason crap is, well, just crap. It doesn't translate to "W"s on the field until they show it.

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The Bills have a strange way of taking your enthusiasm and slowly drowning it in Lake Erie as each week progresses. We start pre-season as 9 or 10 and by the time week one rolls around were down to 8, week 2= 7. If we get lucky like the Fitz Blitz of 2011 we may stay high until week 7 or 8, then comes a bigger crash.

This year I start at a 3 and hopefully see a team with heart, enthusiasm and character that never quits and fights for their coach and each other. If they grow into a winner quicker than expected YES! If they suck, they better do it scrapping and pissed off. As mad about losing as WE THE FANS ARE, then turn that **** around and WIN!!!

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I'm very excited that Chris Kelsay is finally gone! :thumbsup: And I'm very interested in seeing how this team will look on the field under Marrone. But I won't be happy until new ownership takes over and all the front-office trash is gone.

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I'm the opposite.

At the moment we have 3 players who are generally considered to be top 3 at their positions(Spiller, Mario, Byrd).....plus another top 3 guy on special teams(McKelvin).

Not yet for Spiller, he needs at least a full season of carries to be regarded as that. Mario definitely isn't now, he's probably not even a top 10 pass rusher. Byrd, maybe, but he's a ball hawk safety. Not high value. And who cares about a returner, notice the teams that actually pay top dollar for them...


I understand that a lot of you guys are homers. I am also to be a point. But, to be excited about this year is just setting yourself up for disappointment. I could understand it last year, but this year? What is there to be excited about?

Edited by Leelee Phoenix
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The first best thing to happen was the owner stepping down from a presidents job he had virtually no ability to handle in a football sense.



Now, if Wilson had then hired an actual football man in Bill Polian or Thomas Dimitroff as president instead of a money man the chain of results might have been much different so far.


Buddy Nix would be napping at someplace other then OBD. The Bills would have hired a very experienced GM, and HC like Cowher, Reid, Lovie Smith. You can bet your last dollar he would find a suitable franchise QB this year or next year. He would be drafting to build that O line first and the later picks in the draft would actually be useful instead of useless.



As it stands now I see no reason at all to be excited about the draft or the upcoming season, sad to say.

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It's not unreasonable to question the premise that we may find a "top 5 calibre QB" in this draft, despite your...research.

I totally agree.....but that wasn't the point the poster was making.


.....and if you were to ask me.....the absolute best percentage one could juggle based upon any reasonable research would be a 1 in 5 shot.....certainly not very good odds.


You asked me why I watched football, which kinda opened up the rudeness......


Apologies for the rudeness, I wrongly assumed you were the "cut everyone til we find the next Tom Brady" kind of guy here. I'm all for trying to find the next good QB but I don't want to see us let go of decent enough players on a very low chance of finding the guy. Like I said, I'd rather compete than be a completely dud team.


Actually it was when you first made an assumption on me and then stated it was "obvious and idiotic" that kinda opened up the rudeness.....

....but who cares, yes? We'll start afresh.....no harm done but a few words(which can't break bones). :beer:


I believe he did say what would have excited him.


I liked your post, but the last part where you ask how can you not be enthused is a bit silly......


Well.....yes it is.

Between you and me(don't tell anybody else).....I was trying to generate a little enthusiasm to counter the overtly negative outlook of the OP.

Mind you, my point on how we compare to the last decade of Bills teams still stands......as in we have some legitiamte(or close to legitimate) exciting stars and are likely in a better building position than previously.


But I fully take your point in that even considering that.....the position we are in is not very exciting. :(

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