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Farmer's Assurance Provision Sec. 735

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A rider inserted into the Budget Resolution, hilariously titled the "Farmer's Assurance Provision", grants food-giant and small farm killer Monsanto federal immunity from planting GMO crop -- even if said crop is proven to be dangerous to our health or the environment.


I know I have a lot of fun on this board posting about conspiracy stuff, but this is absolutely outrageous and terrifying. This won't make the news, it will be quickly forgotten, and tomorrow another small farmer will be crushed by the jackboot of Monsanto and their Capital Hill lackeys. I know there are many posters here who have been quick to defend Monsanto in the past, I urge them to read the Farmer's Assurance Provision and comment.



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Daily Caller reports on Obama fans NOT happy about Obama getting bought by Monsanto.




Nearly a dozen protesters gathered today in front of the White House to protest what they say is President Barack Obama’s lax stance on genetically modified food, which they believe poses serious health risks to consumers.


The protesters held banners, unfurled security tape reading “Monsanto Genetic Biohazard” and symbolically threw packets of Doritos on the ground.


-- snip --


Speaking to tourists and members of the press, Food Democracy Now! co-founders Lisa Stokke and Dave Murphy said they feel bitterly betrayed by President Obama. Both worked as precinct captains for Obama in 2007 and 2008. “We worked our ass off to put this president in the White House,” Murphy said. “Monsanto didn’t do anything to put him in the White House, but they bought and paid for him the minute that he won the election.”


The organization was protesting President Obama’s signature of what it derisively calls the “Monsanto Protection Act,” a rider attached to HR933 Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act of 2013, the continuing resolution to keep funding the federal government.


Food Democracy Now! claims that the rider will provide “a blank check” to biotech seed companies such as Monsanto, DuPont and Dow Chemical by limiting consumers’ ability to take them to court.

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A rider inserted into the Budget Resolution, hilariously titled the "Farmer's Assurance Provision", grants food-giant and small farm killer Monsanto federal immunity from planting GMO crop -- even if said crop is proven to be dangerous to our health or the environment.


I know I have a lot of fun on this board posting about conspiracy stuff, but this is absolutely outrageous and terrifying. This won't make the news, it will be quickly forgotten, and tomorrow another small farmer will be crushed by the jackboot of Monsanto and their Capital Hill lackeys. I know there are many posters here who have been quick to defend Monsanto in the past, I urge them to read the Farmer's Assurance Provision and comment.




Wake me when they propose to do it for State Farm.

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A rider inserted into the Budget Resolution, hilariously titled the "Farmer's Assurance Provision", grants food-giant and small farm killer Monsanto federal immunity from planting GMO crop -- even if said crop is proven to be dangerous to our health or the environment.


I know I have a lot of fun on this board posting about conspiracy stuff, but this is absolutely outrageous and terrifying. This won't make the news, it will be quickly forgotten, and tomorrow another small farmer will be crushed by the jackboot of Monsanto and their Capital Hill lackeys. I know there are many posters here who have been quick to defend Monsanto in the past, I urge them to read the Farmer's Assurance Provision and comment.




That's completely wrong. The amendment says that, when a court voids the non-regulation of a plant, and a grower or producer petitions the Department of Agriculture to examine the court's finding, the Secretary of Agriculture is granted the authority to stay the implementation of the court's decision for such time as it takes the Department of Agriculture to "complete any required analysis or consultations related to the petition for non-regulated status."


THIS IS WHY WE DON'T USE INFOWARS AS A SOURCE. Why, when you read a BS story from Infowars like this one, is it so God damned difficult for you idiots to take five minutes to actually look up the text of the legislation and see what it really says?

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Wake me when they propose to do it for State Farm.

You're more worried about insurance companies being given federal immunity than you are about a company that is very quickly gaining proprietary control of our entire food supply?


That's completely wrong. The amendment says that, when a court voids the non-regulation of a plant, and a grower or producer petitions the Department of Agriculture to examine the court's finding, the Secretary of Agriculture is granted the authority to stay the implementation of the court's decision for such time as it takes the Department of Agriculture to "complete any required analysis or consultations related to the petition for non-regulated status."


THIS IS WHY WE DON'T USE INFOWARS AS A SOURCE. Why, when you read a BS story from Infowars like this one, is it so God damned difficult for you idiots to take five minutes to actually look up the text of the legislation and see what it really says?

In other words, a federal judge is no longer allowed to enforce any decision regarding seeds until the Secretary of Agriculture permits it.

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You're more worried about insurance companies being given federal immunity than you are about a company that is very quickly gaining proprietary control of our entire food supply?



In other words, a federal judge is no longer allowed to enforce any decision regarding seeds until the Secretary of Agriculture permits it.

SOOOOOOOOO many people do not realize how powerful the Secretary of Agriculture is on a national level. In NC many people over look how powerful Steve Troxler is, but that guy is over a TON of stuff. From what you get in the grocery store, to the fuel pump, to the vehicles you can and cannot drive in certain locations. On a national level the Sec Ag... well, I hope we get a better one next time, because it's just a hard ass job.


But, you are right to say that, because if the Sec of Ag says seed "z" is bad it must be pulled immediately. It could take years to get it out of the labs and maybe even court rooms, but in most cases those patents do not last forever. Once the RoundUp ready seeds are up - Feb 2014, iirc, you will see some interesting changes. That is when we will know how corrupt our food system is and how corrupt our government is - because Monsanto should lose that would mean that they no longer own 85-90% of the soybeans in this country.


GTS 40-3-2


You will not be missed.

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SOOOOOOOOO many people do not realize how powerful the Secretary of Agriculture is on a national level. In NC many people over look how powerful Steve Troxler is, but that guy is over a TON of stuff. From what you get in the grocery store, to the fuel pump, to the vehicles you can and cannot drive in certain locations. On a national level the Sec Ag... well, I hope we get a better one next time, because it's just a hard ass job.


But, you are right to say that, because if the Sec of Ag says seed "z" is bad it must be pulled immediately. It could take years to get it out of the labs and maybe even court rooms, but in most cases those patents do not last forever. Once the RoundUp ready seeds are up - Feb 2014, iirc, you will see some interesting changes. That is when we will know how corrupt our food system is and how corrupt our government is - because Monsanto should lose that would mean that they no longer own 85-90% of the soybeans in this country.


GTS 40-3-2


You will not be missed.

And well over 75% of the corn crop. Do not think that the passage of this rider and the timing of the upcoming patent issues are a coincidence. There's way too much money at stake.


No story on who slipped it in? Right or wrong if it gets people riled up some of those who got it in should speak on it.

Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) worked with Monsanto to craft the language.

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No story on who slipped it in? Right or wrong if it gets people riled up some of those who got it in should speak on it.

Why? The average American is too stupid to realize how important issues like this are. The average American cannot point out Washington DC on a map, cares more about Kim Kardashian and would rather read about the next iPhone.


America doesn't care about its food.

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You're more worried about insurance companies being given federal immunity than you are about a company that is very quickly gaining proprietary control of our entire food supply?



In other words, a federal judge is no longer allowed to enforce any decision regarding seeds until the Secretary of Agriculture permits it.


I was Crayonzing you.

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In other words, a federal judge is no longer allowed to enforce any decision regarding seeds until the Secretary of Agriculture permits it.


No, in other words: a federal judge can no longer make up regulations from the bench; the authority to do that is returned to the Secretary of Agriculture, where it rightfully belongs. (The overbearing regulatory power of DofA that jboyst mentions being entirely beside the point - but it's funny how no one has a problem granting Treasury, HUD, HHS, or Commerce draconian regulatory authority. But when it's granted to Agriculture, the sky is falling.)


Really, your statement is evidence of one seriously ignorant and !@#$ed-up world-view.

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No, in other words: a federal judge can no longer make up regulations from the bench; the authority to do that is returned to the Secretary of Agriculture, where it rightfully belongs. (The overbearing regulatory power of DofA that jboyst mentions being entirely beside the point - but it's funny how no one has a problem granting Treasury, HUD, HHS, or Commerce draconian regulatory authority. But when it's granted to Agriculture, the sky is falling.)


Really, your statement is evidence of one seriously ignorant and !@#$ed-up world-view.

No, not really. It is the common Uhmerikan view. That power should not come from an office, especially when you can't elect them. Let the Supremes decide. Then, after a few moments those people fuss that this is an over-litigious country hell bent on taking the smallest actions to court. The same thoughts then parlay in to the idea that if a Secretary has that much power it is too much and we need to have a thousand smaller offices to control each little bit because no one should have that much power. We need a Car Czar, a Forrestry Czar, a Candy Bar Czar, etc, etc, etc.


If we get on my beside the point issue it comes full circle. The over regulation in all the other aspects of our life means nothing - we do not need to worry about the gas stations gouging us because we won't blame the state - just the big government caving to big oil. We do not look at the price of food going up and think what is the Dept of Ag doing for us - we think how dare Kraft raise their prices on us! When the gallon of milk goes up we do not look at the farmer, the Dept of Ag, or anyone and blame them - but we B word that it is too high. We do not put fault where it belongs, we do not fault the Gov. for Monsanto we fault Monsanto for trying to maximize its profits - until issues like this come to light and the small minority sees it again as a major issue.


It is so easy to blame the the big banks for the "economic collapse" and then cry out that the Treasury, President, anyone and their mother must fix it. Looking back on it now and in years to come it will become more and more clear where the blame was to begin with...

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No, in other words: a federal judge can no longer make up regulations from the bench; the authority to do that is returned to the Secretary of Agriculture, where it rightfully belongs. (The overbearing regulatory power of DofA that jboyst mentions being entirely beside the point - but it's funny how no one has a problem granting Treasury, HUD, HHS, or Commerce draconian regulatory authority. But when it's granted to Agriculture, the sky is falling.)


Really, your statement is evidence of one seriously ignorant and !@#$ed-up world-view.

That's not what the language is saying. It's not preventing the judicial branch from making up regulations, it prevents them from enforcing decisions. It's an audacious power grab that strips the courts of their constitutional power without so much as a public hearing on the issue. What the language allows is a backdoor immunity clause for Monsanto. Essentially, if any court case against them or their crop -- be it for health reasons, proprietary reasons or environmental -- goes AGAINST Monsanto, now they can delay the enforcement by petitioning the Sec Ag who now has the authority to delay action for as long as they see fit. During that time, the seed in question can continue to be planted/grown/sold/spread with complete legal impunity.


This should outrage people. Especially someone who's way smarter than I am in many areas. The reality of the rider is that it has a life span of only 6 months. But it sets a dangerous precedent, especially when you consider the deafening silence on the issue in the public debate.

Edited by We Come In Peace
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This thread is so boring... Here I thought it was gonna be about a Mellencougar song:


"...The crops we grew last summer weren't enough to pay the loans

Couldn't buy the seed to plant this spring and the Farmers Bank foreclosed

Called my old friend Schepman up to auction off the land

He said John it's just my job and I hope you understand

Hey calling it your job ol' hoss sure don't make it right

But if you want me to I'll say a prayer for your soul tonight

And grandma's on the front porch swing with a Bible in her hand

Sometimes I hear her singing "Take me to the Promised Land"

When you take away a man's dignity he can't work his fields and cows


There'll be blood on the scarecrow Blood on the plow

Blood on the scarecrow Blood on the plow..."


~Signed, Your American Food Eater

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